Back to the Peak

Chapter 152

Chapter 151 Play against

Among the alien beasts, there are a lot of them that can fly, ranging from moth beasts as small as the size of a human fist to bird-wing butterfly beasts with wings spreading several tens of meters.

Because once saw a mysterious person riding on a butterfly beast, Cheng Ran paid more attention to the butterfly beast, and finally found the problem-there were a few butterfly beasts that came from a distance, and they seemed to be It’s not like rushing towards Central City like other monsters, but flying towards this piece! The direction of advancement is completely different from other strange beasts.

“Is that the mysterious person?” Shi Qingyang also saw this scene and immediately looked over, with a telescope device on one of his eyes, and from a distance, he saw a person sitting on top of a certain butterfly beast. , No different from what he saw last time.

They saw that person, and of course that person saw them too, but before they waited for them to speak, the person immediately shook his hand and threw something out.

Shi Qingyang used his radiation energy to monitor everything around him, and he was very wary of the mysterious person. At this moment, he was subconsciously surprised and immediately pulled Cheng Ran back quickly, but he retreated quickly. , The thing thrown by the mysterious man still followed him like a shadow!

The fingers moved quickly, and the eighth-level protective shields were layered in front of Shi Qingyang, and the thing that was chasing him, after hitting the protective shield, suddenly exploded, exploding a large area around him. All of the strange beasts were completely blown up, and the protective shields that Shi Qingyang released naturally shattered one by one.

Fortunately, Shi Qingyang’s current radiation energy has almost reached the ninth level peak, and finally two ninth level protective shields are connected, so that he and Cheng Ran are safe and sound, but they are blown out by the shock wave.

Such an attack could not be stopped by radiation fighters below level nine. Even at level nine, if Fan Jia was in the state before, there would be only a dead end.

That person will kill them if he doesn’t say a word! For a while, Shi Qingyang only felt angry from his heart, but now, he must consider for the entire Central City: “Your Excellency, is the existence of these strange beasts related to you? If there is a misunderstanding between us, can we discuss it carefully? ?”

According to Wang’s plan, it is hoped that the current problem can be resolved peacefully, and the Chinese government is willing to give full compensation and live with each other in peace.

“Level 9?” The mysterious person drove the butterfly beast under him closer to Shi Qingyang, and at the same time, a mechanical voice rang.

When I saw the mysterious person last time, because he was too far away, even if he used the telescope equipment, Shi Qingyang didn’t see the other person’s appearance, but now, he finally saw this person clearly, and his heart “cocked”— —Wang Lao’s guess may be correct.

Although the mysterious person in front of me is similar in appearance to human beings, it is different. The nose and ears are a bit weird, and the eyes are flashing with different colors. At the same time, he is also full of high-tech that has never been seen before in China. Equipment, the bomb that could kill the eighth-level strong just now, I don’t know how many more.

More importantly, the two words “level nine” were made by a machine, and that person actually said a strange language, that kind of sound, it should be difficult for people on earth to make it.

Although after the catastrophe, the people of China lost contact with the people on the other side of the ocean, but even so, Shi Qingyang didn’t think that those people would have such powerful weapons, which would have completely different genes from humans. Even if this mysterious person is really those people, facing China, they should also want to conquer, rather than completely destroy.

“Your Excellency, what do you want? As long as you make a request, we can all be satisfied. I only hope you can let these strange beasts retreat.” Shi Qingyang said again, putting a protective cover on himself as he said.

“I’m going to destroy Central City.” The machine’s cold voice sounded again, and at the same time, the mysterious man sitting on the back of the butterfly beast looked at Shi Qingyang with a deadly look.

After Shi Qingyang was reborn, he had the experience of the original eighth level. Even if he faced the pressure of someone higher than himself, he would not find it difficult to match, but it was this look that made him feel uncomfortable with the opponent. The feeling of rivalry.

However, he didn’t feel scared. In fact, it was this look that made his whole person excited-he wanted to surpass each other!

Shi Qingyang’s feeling like this has just risen, the person opposite him has already continued to attack very quickly. This time, the same streamers are heading towards Shi Qingyang. The speed of these streamers is very fast, in the blink of an eye. He had already arrived in front of Shi Qingyang. Shi Qingyang was already on guard now, attacking in advance to stop these streamers, and then the explosion sounded one after another.

Within a few thousand meters, he was almost completely blown up. Even though Shi Qingyang had prepared and stepped back, he was still shocked, and the radiant energy in his body was instantly chaotic.

Fortunately, Cheng Ran has been following him, closely behind him, seeing this scene, immediately helped him sort out the radiation energy.

And at this moment, many of the alien beasts rushing towards the central city actually came here, and rushed into the deep pit that was blown out by the bomb.

These strange beasts naturally rushed towards Shi Qingyang. Fortunately, Shi Qingyang reacted extremely quickly, and the radiant energy was floated in the air, which made it easier to bear, and only needed to face the flying strange beasts.

He had to face alien beasts when fighting against people, which undoubtedly added a lot of trouble to him, and at the same time, for some reason, those alien beasts avoided that person completely.

“You are very strong.” The mechanical voice remembered again, and the mysterious man sitting on the back of the butterfly beast moved forward for a while, and at the same time took a round stick from his body.

Shi Qingyang was on the alert for an instant, but the person had already pressed a button on the round stick, and then, a violent beam shot from the round stick. The person held the round stick with a strong wave, and the ground was cut open. A hole several thousand meters long and several hundred meters deep was formed. The way of this cut was a cut cut on the ground, which was scorched and black, and many of the alien beasts running towards the deep pit turned into dust. .

A very long caterpillar beast was even cut into two pieces from the middle.

The outer shell of the alien beast is very hard, but under this beam of light, it is nothing at all. Such a weapon can easily obliterate advanced radiation fighters.

There are a lot of powerful weapons in the city, but with such a small size and so much damage, they are completely American and European.

Shi Qingyang swallowed, and the fighting spirit became stronger, but the mysterious man just pulled the corners of his mouth open and showed a smile that didn’t know if it was a smile: “All communications in Central City are broken, and I don’t have to hide. It’s…” He said as he directly used the round stick in his hand towards Shi Qingyang.

Shi Qingyang was taken aback, and then realized that there were still communication optical fibers buried in the ground, but it had obviously been cut off now. He was a little annoyed, but then completely let go of this emotion-he couldn’t stop the person in front of him because of his ability.

“Your name is Shi Qingyang? It turns out to be a ninth level… If you are willing to follow me, you don’t have to die today.” I don’t know if it is because of mechanical translation. There is no ups and downs in this sentence, but the coldness in it But everyone can hear it.

Follow this mysterious man? If I really did this, I am afraid that the ending will be the same as in the previous life, and it will become an experiment. How can Shi Qingyang agree to such a condition?

“I won’t go with you, and I won’t die today!”

“It’s a pity.” When the mysterious man sitting on the back of the butterfly beast spoke, there was no fluctuation at all, but the attack on his hand became extremely sharp. Not only that, he was attacking with that lightsaber, but also Will throw bombs.

When Shi Qingyang arrived, he was only able to dodge, and he didn’t have the strength to fight at all, and he was injured in a short while.

However, he is not a vegetarian either. Although Cheng Ran cannot induce the radiant energy in the air, he can use the radiant energy in his own body, and he can naturally follow him closely. If there is a problem with his radiant energy, he can still be He was treated for a while, all of which allowed him to completely escape a part of the attack after pulling the distance between the two of them.

Even if he was at a disadvantage, that person couldn’t take Shi Qingyang for a while, and all of this was related to that person.

When that person threw a bomb at him before, he also threw a bottle of potion that could attract alien beasts. His original intention should be to cause trouble to them, but he contacted the concealed exercises developed by Shang Yan. The fire was so good that he even made some improvements, so these strange beasts not only couldn’t fail to cause him trouble, but instead gave him a place to hide.

Shi Qingyang condensed the breath of the whole body, and hid under the belly of a beetle with Cheng Ran. He was already injured at this time. He was healed through a short rest period while observing the situation of the person outside. What they saw undoubtedly made their hearts sink faster and faster.

Shi Qingyang tried hard to restore his strength, but the person outside was already impatient, and the indifferent mechanical voice sounded again: “If you don’t come out, I will destroy the central city first and then clean up you.” The voice just fell, that person He also said a few words in a strange voice, took out a remote control and pressed it twice, and headed towards the central city.

Nowadays, there are more and more alien beasts heading towards the central city. There are countless alien beasts running towards here continuously, forming a huge encircling circle. At this time, even if someone wants to escape from the central city The city will also be torn to pieces by alien beasts.

The encirclement of the alien beast completely cut off the possibility of the departure of Central City. Even if the person showed up, news about him would not be spread, and if he used the magical weapons in his hand against Central City…

Shi Qingyang could completely imagine the scene where the protective shield of Central City shattered in an instant.

But unfortunately, he is not that person’s opponent at all!

Shi Qingyang gritted his teeth and showed up, and his face changed drastically-he actually saw an object similar to an ancient plane flying towards here in the distance!

This mysterious man rides on the butterfly beast, it should be convenient to hide and unobtrusive, and that flying machine is his real transportation!

Will there be more weapons in the aircraft? What are they here for? Is there anyone else besides this person?

Countless thoughts flashed in Shi Qingyang’s mind. After seeing him, that person had already begun to attack. This time, this person even used radiation energy.

Like Cheng Ran, the radiation energy is completely different from ordinary people, and even the method of using it is completely different.

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