Back to the Peak

Chapter 149

Chapter 148 prepare

The status of Cheng Xuze and Fan Jia is indeed lofty, but these people in front of them are all on Xia Junliang’s side.

Of course, this is not to say that they will confront Cheng Xuze and Fan Jia because of Xia Junliang, but that they decided to save Xia Junliang, and they don’t understand why Cheng Xuze and Fan Jia want to prevent such research.

The various experimental data Xia Junliang brought out are very tempting. If you don’t know the existence of mysterious people and mysterious animals, if you don’t know that Xia Junliang killed Feng Linqiu in the first place, you can get such a gene. Shi Qingyang also I will certainly not feel that such an experiment is wrong.

On the surface, this is clearly a good thing to benefit the country and the people!

“Xia Junliang, you should know that this experiment was originally done by the Feng family. Why did you think that the Feng family chose not to make the experiment public?” Shi Qingyang asked suddenly.

However, Xia Junliang has been embarrassed by all kinds of compliments: “Isn’t the Feng family just like you, wanting to swallow the fruits of victory? You have obtained the technology that can make mankind go further, but you only want to hide it and don’t want to use it. It benefits the people!”

“Do you want to use him to benefit the people? Are you sure you can do it?” Cheng Xuze’s eyes widened. They spent so much effort, and they didn’t have the opportunity to benefit all the people.

In Xia Junliang’s case, relying on Feng Linqiu’s genetically defective genes will only cause more people with genetic defects.

“This is a long process. What I did was just the beginning. Isn’t this normal?” The more Xia Junliang said, the more he felt that he was reasonable.

Now, people in the entire Chinese nation already know about his research. If what Cheng Xuze and Fan Jia did to him at this time… the two ninth-level masters murdered at will in order to ensure their status, I’m afraid everyone would know. .

Even if they are ninth-level masters, when they become everyone’s enemies, they can’t please, they will become martyrs instead.

“Master Cheng, Dean Xia is right. Even if it is to be effective, it will take decades, but it is not too late from now. Master Cheng, I think you will definitely hope that mankind will become stronger and stronger.” Those politicians also Dao, in their opinion, Cheng Xuze and Fan Jia were a bit selfish in opposing this matter.

They are at level 9 and they are already very, very strong, but in this world, many people are ordinary people, and which of these ordinary people doesn’t want to become stronger?

With the approval of these people, Xia Junliang immediately became proud, and Shi Qingyang finally said, “Do you still remember the animal tide?”

“Animal tide?” Those people are a little puzzled. They are all high-ranking officials in China. They basically knew everything about Feng Jia’s encounter with the animal tide at the base outside the city, and the fact that a foreign city was impacted by the animal tide.

After they exchanged some data with the messenger of that country to send people away, they even set up a special investigation team to investigate the matter.

But they found everything in the end, and they temporarily put it down after a long time. How could Shi Qingyang mention it now?

“When there are a lot of masters, how can you still need to be afraid of those strange beasts?” Xia Junliang said immediately.

“They have a beast tide because they have studied things that shouldn’t be studied, and the base where the family was sealed is also the same.” Shi Qingyang said directly.

Those leaders were still a little puzzled, but Xia Junliang’s expression suddenly changed dramatically-he thought of the video in the chip that Feng Linqiu had given him.

He also doubted the identity of the mysterious person who appeared in the video, but always felt that Fengjia’s research was okay, so he should also be okay… Isn’t that the case? Who is that mysterious man?

“Do you know what?” Shi Qingyang looked at Xia Junliang directly. He never knew how Cheng Ran and Feng Linqiu’s genetic seal came from.

Xia Junliang has adjusted his expression and turned into aggrieved: “What does the animal tide have to do with this kind of research? You can’t just say that you are framing me!” What if the mysterious person is strong? Could it be that people who are stronger than the entire country of China can’t be made?

Shi Qingyang didn’t care about him anymore. Instead, he looked at the other people: “Now it’s better to hurry up and prepare the surrounding troops without going through the Internet. In addition, all missile equipment should be fully prepared. Debugged, disconnected from the network.”

Most of the leaders hesitated, but one of them suddenly remembered what those people had said and frowned: “What you said is true, why do we believe you?”

“What reason do we have to lie to you?” Cheng Xuze asked rhetorically.

“Central City is the safest city in the entire country. Could something happen again?” Xia Junliang said again. Cheng Xuze’s expression made him a little worried, but now, he is already riding a tiger.

Many people reacted like Xia Junliang. They didn’t believe that there would be beast tides. The two previous beast tides seemed to them to be accidental.

Those people might have researched out some medicine that made the alien beasts violent, that would attract the alien beasts, but does Central City need to worry about such things? The protective shield here can’t be broken at all by the alien beasts, and there are also the strongest group of people in the whole China gathered here!

“Precautions early is to waste a little manpower and material resources at most. Is it really too late for something to happen?” Fan Jiadao, who has not said anything.

Those people were taken aback, Cheng Xuze said again: “That’s it. Also, these things must not be poked into the public anymore! No one here can leak the news!” He said, while staring fiercely. Xia Junliang glanced.

“This is really inappropriate. The movement of the army requires a lot of procedures, and the adjustment of weapons also requires various permissions…” One of the leaders stood up.

Shi Qingyang took a look and recognized that this man was Xia Junliang’s brother Xia Junzhi. Unlike Xia Junliang, Xia Junzhi is not only extremely high, he is also an eighth-level strong. Although the ninth-level strong is highly respected in China, his status is not bad at all.

Shi Qingyang didn’t say anything, the radiation energy on his body was directly suppressed.

Xia Junzhi staggered back a few steps, with a horrified expression on his face: “Level 9? You turned out to be Level 9!”

“I have already reached level nine, and the reason why I dare not publish it is because I am worried that someone will target humans for this!” Shi Qingyang said directly.

Today is Shi Qingyang’s thirtieth birthday. Everyone present knows that Xia Junliang chose this time to announce his research results, and he also meant to have a bite of the evil that the Cheng family had been staring at before.

But now, this person who is only 30 years old is already at the ninth level? Haven’t the slightest sign of a radiant riot?

Everyone thought of Xia Junliang’s research results, and also thought of Xia Junliang’s accusation that the Cheng family did research on his own but not let him study it.

Xia Junliang brought out only a two or three-year-old nanny, but the Cheng family had a ninth-level teacher, Qingyang, who was strong and weak at a glance.

Xia Junliang had the idea of ​​a resounding slap in the Cheng family, but now it was obvious that he had been slapped in the face… His research has been done by the Feng family, and has the Cheng family done it? They all succeeded?

“Our research results are much better than Xia Junliang’s clone Feng Linqiu, who has made a so-called genius with genetic defects. It has not been announced before. I am worried that the animal tide will come. Now I will leave the words here. As long as you are now Build the defense of the central city and send troops outside the city to retrieve the people who leave the city. We will announce the results of these experiments soon!” Shi Qingyang said again.

The leaders’ eyes were on the somewhat ignorant child. Xia Junliang said that he had acquired a kind of magical gene. Could it be Feng Linqiu’s? This child really resembles Feng Linqiu, who was very famous at the time.

Thinking of this, they also thought of Feng Linqiu being killed in public before, but the Cheng family investigation murderer was very strict, and Feng Linqiu’s corpses were all recruited…Could it be that Feng Linqiu would have an accident at that time, it was Xia Junliang made?

There was also Feng family standing here. Hearing this, they immediately looked at Xia Junliang. Even Xia Junzhi was one step away from Xia Junliang.

Although Feng Yunhong is dead, the Feng family is still there. If Xia Junliang really kills Feng Linqiu to clone, then it means that all his so-called experimental results have been stolen from others…

“Shi Qingyang, you are spitting blood!” Xia Junliang said angrily.

“We still keep Feng Linqiu’s body. If you don’t believe it, you can make a genetic comparison.” Shi Qingyang said directly.

Xia Junliang finally couldn’t control his expression this time.

“We’re going to do it right away!” An old man who was not young finally made a decision. Although he wasn’t sure if what Shi Qingyang said was true or false, Shi Qingyang really didn’t need to lie to them.

As for Xia Junliang…this matter, they will definitely look into it in the future!

“This matter cannot be leaked for the time being.” Fan Jia reminded that if Xia Junliang’s “research results” did not attract those mysterious people, but their various actions attracted those mysterious people, the matter would have been lost. !

There are many troops stationed near Central City. These troops are not connected to the Internet in the mobile town. Of course it is not difficult to deploy them without connecting to the Internet. The weapon system of Central City, although it requires authority, is not easy to handle. It is not particularly difficult, and it is quickly disconnected from all networks.

For a while, no one paid any attention to Xia Junliang, and Shi Qingyang knew that even if he was killed at this time, it would be useless. At the moment, only two people looked at him.

Time passed by, and soon at night, people hunting outside the city returned to the city one after another, while the mobile town where the army was stationed moved slowly without a trace, surrounding the entire central city.

However, Shi Qingyang and Cheng Xuze talked about the animal tide, but there is no trace. Not only that, there is also a disturbance on the Internet.

The results announced by Xia Junliang were so amazing that no one cared about it. It happened that the news was halfway through and suddenly stopped. The officials stopped talking. People who knew Xia Junliang wanted to contact Xia Junliang, but they couldn’t get in touch anymore. .

Xia Junliang, what’s wrong?

At the beginning, everyone was just wondering, but didn’t want to. Later, a person who claimed to be Xia Junliang’s assistant suddenly announced some news through several private websites, and said that Xia Junliang had suffered two ninth levels at the beginning of the study. The master’s obstruction, before releasing the research record this time, he also specially asked him to hide part of the information with him in case of emergency.

Now, he couldn’t contact Xia Junliang, and learned that Cheng Xuze and Fan Jia had approached him, worrying about Xia Junliang’s accident, so he stood up and announced this.

Cheng Xuze and Fan Jia actually suppressed Xia Junliang in order to keep their ninth-level lofty status?

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