Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 7

Chapter 6 Brothers Who Meet At Last!

In the council hall, it was about to turn around and leave Lothar, but it stopped.

“Tell me! What happened to the garrison?”

Ryan was a little impatient to see the griffin knight hesitating.

“They don’t look right, they have golden inscriptions all over their bodies”

“It looks like you’re being held hostage by civilians behind!”

“The marching target is suspected to be Stormwind City!”

Seeing the King’s anger, the Griffin Knight didn’t hesitate to tell everything he saw.

“Golden inscription?”

“What does he want to do? Bring troops to Stormwind?”

“Having a large number of civilians?”

Lane, Bolvar, and Lothar have different concerns.

Only Jeremy took a sip, the Legion is still there! That’s good!

“Lothar, wait for the matter of going to Karazhan! Let’s meet my reckless brother!”

“Bolvar went to inform the garrison to transfer to the Northshire Abbey and let Raphael come to Stormwind City first!”

“I really want to see my brother I haven’t seen in a long time, and see what he’s up to?”

Ryan’s good temper was also worn away. He killed his boss first, then lied about the invasion of unknown creatures, and then took the legion and carried civilians into Elwynn Forest.

If it wasn’t for his own brother, he would have killed him long ago.

Even so, Ryan still sent the garrison to the Northshire Abbey to guard against Raphael.

“Yes, I’m going right now!”

Bolvar was not a fool either. Naturally, he saw Ryan’s intention and immediately turned and left the council room.

Elwyn Forest, Eastern Lumber Mill, Raphael and his garrison are facing off against the Griffin Knights.

“Lord Raphael! Before the king’s order comes! You must stay here!”

Henry, the captain of the Griffin Knight Brigade, said to Raphael.

The Griffin Knight can be said to be the most elite force in the Stormwind Kingdom at present, directly under the king.

Henry is naturally Ryan’s confidant, and he naturally knows Raphael’s identity.

It is absolutely impossible for him to let Raphael bring the legion into the hinterland of Elwynn Forest.

What if Raphael rebels?

“Henry! Don’t force me!”

“I have already explained it to you, and now the time is very urgent!”

“Let your soldiers go to Duskwood to investigate, they should have arrived in Duskwood!”

“I’m not interested in Ryan’s throne!”

“This is the last warning!”

Time was of the essence for Rafael, and there was so much preparation to do.

“I warn you too!”

“Don’t step over the bridge of the Eastern Lumber Mill!”

“Otherwise I will definitely attack!”

Henry oil and salt do not enter.

“Prepare to attack!”

Raphael was not talking nonsense, and gave the order directly.

The soldiers who received the order to garrison the regiment began to assume an assault formation.

“Prepare to burn down the bridge, if the opponent attacks, you immediately notify Stormwind City!”

“Dark Swamp Garrison Rebellion!”

Henry said to the guard beside him without giving in at all.

The bridge in the eastern lumberyard is not the small bridge in the game, you have to zoom in 100 times, if it really burns down.

Then Raphael wants to cross the river, and the time it takes will be greatly elongated.

“Lancelot, once attacked, kill the bridge destroyer for me as soon as possible”

Raphael commanded, and then raised his right hand.

The assault formation of the garrisoned legion has been laid out, waiting for Raphael’s order.


Just as Raphael was about to wave his hand to attack, Bolvar arrived.

“The king’s order!”

“Garrisoned the legion and transferred to the North County Monastery, and the civilians temporarily resettled the town of Shining Gold!”

“Captain Raphael will return to Stormwind City to report immediately!”

Bolvar, who got off the Griffin, ignored the tense atmosphere on the scene and read out the order directly.

Although there are thousands of questions in his heart that he wants to ask Raphael, he knows that now is not the time, so he can only hide them in his heart.

“Bovar! Long time no see!”

Raphael first let the garrison off the attack state and then gave Bolvar a bear hug.

“What the hell are you doing? Raphael!”

After Bolvar was hugged by a bear from Raphael, he couldn’t help but ask about his old friend’s mood.

“Go back to Stormwind City first!”

“Go back and talk about it! Time is urgent! Our big trouble is coming!”

Raphael’s face was serious when he heard Bolvar’s question.

Bolvar naturally couldn’t ask for it, as long as Raphael was willing to return to Stormwind City alone.

Then Raphael’s rebellion is naturally impossible, which makes the biggest stone in his heart fall.

“Give me your griffin!”

Raphael pointed to Henry and said.

You must know that no matter what kind of knight, the mount is their second life, and Raphael’s actions are purely revenge on Henry.

“What! Your king’s orders have not been obeyed?”

Seeing Henry’s hesitation, Raphael teased.

“Okay! Stop teasing people! Follow me with the griffins!”

Seeing Raphael’s appearance, Bolvar was even more happy when he remembered the way he had been sneaking around together back then.

This shows that Raphael is even less likely to have a rebellion, and whoever wants to rebel can still have a joking mood.

Stormwind City Chamber.

Raphael and Bolvar entered the hall side by side, Ryan sitting on the throne and Lothar standing beside him.

“Long time no see! My brother!”

Ryan stepped down from the throne.

“Long time no see! My big brother!”

Raphael also smiled..

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