Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 24

Chapter 23 Looking Forward To Your Performance!

Wild West.

A city is rising up against the dock.

It has been half a month since the fall of Stormwind City.

Nearly 300,000 people poured into the Wild West, and the population exploded.

Westfall is overwhelmed, and a plan to attack Stranglethorn is imminent.

After Anthony got the news he wanted and asked Raphael for the casting materials, he hurriedly returned to Dalaran with the battle mage troops.

The orcs repaired in Stormwind City for nearly 10 days, took everything they could take away, and also marched toward the Burning Steppes through the Redridge Mountains.

The first orc war is officially over, and the second orc war is brewing.

The northern nations will soon tremble under the iron hoofs of the orcs.

As with the Kingdom of Stormwind, the formation of the Alliance is about to begin.

Inside Sentinel Hill lobby.

“It’s time to find a reliable consul!”

Raphael burrowed into the pile of files working on the file.

Today’s Westfall affairs are all handled by Raphael alone. Fortunately, there are no low-level sheriffs among the civilians evacuated from Stormwind City.

Otherwise, Raphael is expected to be even more distressed.

“Who are you looking for?”

Raphael stretched his waist, his mind turned rapidly, thinking about the famous people of Stormwind Kingdom.

“There don’t seem to be any famous people these days! Except for one Edwin Van Cleef!”

“But it seems that he is now repairing the city for me!”

“He who has never experienced anything, can he complete the management?”

Raphael scratched his hair irritably.

“Never mind! Go and see!”

Raphael walked into the portal and appeared at the construction site in the next second.

The first thing Raphael did the day after the Stormwind refugees arrived in Westfall was to register the refugees.

So when I saw Van Cleef, I paid special attention to this foreman, who dared to rebel with his subordinates because of the official arrears of wages.

Raphael’s nature attracted a lot of attention in the hot construction site, but he didn’t make a fuss.

Whether it was the first civilians who arrived in the Westfall or the refugees from Stormwind City later, they all knew that Raphael often wandered around various construction sites.

Raphael likes to watch the workers constructing, looking full of vigor.

Prove that Raphael didn’t come to Azeroth for nothing.

Finally found this target in a corner of the construction site.

“Everyone, work harder! This is building a house for us!”

“Although there is no salary, the great lord promised that all the workers who participated in the construction would be given a place to live!”

“Although it’s not big, it’s also our new home!”

“Also, we have food every day!”

Van Cleef encouraged his men as he worked.

“It’s not necessarily possible to live in Shangle, have you forgotten how the nobles in Stormwind City treat us?”

“Maybe I’ll send you a dormitory when the time comes!”

A lazy refugee on the side held back his mouth and retorted, it seems that there will be no shortage of gangsters in that world.

“Peel, do you see the sheriff over there with the book in his hand?”

“That’s scoring our performance!”

“There will be scores every day, and then assigned according to the final record!”

“I don’t know about the others, you must have no house to live in!”

“You’re not here to work! You’re just here to eat! It’s like you’re in Stormwind!”

VanCleef wasn’t angry either, just pointed to the sheriff next to him.

Peel has always been a hooligan in Stormwind City, and now he hangs out on the construction site just to provide free food for construction workers every day.

“Haha! This relief bought you off?”

“The big lord is also the royal family of Stormwind City, and it was also the royal family who abandoned us in the first place!”

“A dog is still a dog! Even if I wag my tail hard! I won’t wag my tail for pity!”

Peel was even more angry when he saw Van Cleef’s appearance. A typical person who doesn’t work hard can’t see other people’s efforts.

“What does the lord look like, those civilians who first came to the western wilderness have proved it with facts!”

“And don’t forget, it was the high lord who saved you from the orcs! Otherwise you would have died in Stormwind City!”

“A wolf-hearted thing!”

“Bah! Go away! Go somewhere else!”

“At least you’re not welcome in my area of ​​Van Cleef!”

Van Cleef finished talking and ignored him.

Seeing that Van Cleef was ignoring him, Peel went to the other civilians.

As a result, no one paid any attention to him, and everyone had their own steelyard in their hearts. They saw what happened to Raphael, the great lord, with their eyes.

Witnessing everything Raphael nodded.

“It’s justified, not bad! Use it as a backup! Let’s train it first!”

Raphael thought for a moment, then dodged back to Sentinel Hill.

Van Cleef didn’t know that because of what he just said, the trajectory of his destiny began to change.


“Big lord! What are your orders!”

Jeremy heard Raphael’s voice and walked into the hall, completely unaware that Raphael had gone out and wandered around.

“This man! Let him manage the progress of building the city!”

“Also, how are the materials prepared for the expedition?”

Raphael threw the Van Cleef profile to Jeremy.

“Yes! Great lord!”

“Everything is ready! The garrison legion is ready to go out at any time!”

Jeremy’s eyes lit up, and he tapped his breastplate with a raised hand as he spoke of the expedition.


“Looking forward to your performance!!”

PS! One more update, go back to the book review boss to which server….you can! Get the hell out of you in the Jasper Mine Cave in District 1 of the classic server, but because there are very few code words, it’s only level 16 now! In addition, thanks to the big guy who voted for the monthly vote! Thanks guys!

Celebrating the 7-day National Day holiday and reading books! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediately rush to recharge (event time: October 1st to October 7th)

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