Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 220

Chapter 221 Alliance Under The City! Warriors Of The Lich King!


Sylvanas raised his head and glanced at the sky, and said worriedly.

“We are divided into two groups.”

“Caught you!”

Then Zakaf attacked Sylvanas like a storm! But his fighting skills were really lackluster, and soon the scene was dominated by Sylvanas.

Seeing this, Zakaf threw the goblin grenade that was about to explode to his side at will, and saw several undead soldiers who were originally carrying the black barrels rushed towards the goblin grenade at this moment!

“Otherwise they will get half a step closer and your head will bloom.

Before Sylvanas could see the situation in the warehouse, a fist hit Sylvanas in the head!

“Forget the fucking war! You idiot!

“Of course I know that.”

“We have to go to Naxxramas! All my men have been taken to Naxxramas!

“The future of the Lich King alone! 35


No matter where this guy goes, he always has a group of men who are willing to go through fire and water for her…

Zakaf looked at Sylvanas with a fierce expression on his face.

Sylvanas heard this, and there was a glint in his eyes.

“What matters is the Lich King’s cargo! Understand? That’s all that matters! I can’t put the Lich King’s cargo at risk!””

“We can’t wait for the people of the Cursed Legion to react, otherwise we will be in trouble.

“No problem, no problem! 27

Sylvanas straightened her nose and said proudly.

Zakaf struggled to get up from the ground and looked at Sylvanas with a sinister look.

Sylvanas looked at Zakaf, moved his fingers, and mocked.

After blocking another kick from Zakaf, Sylvanas grabbed his arms and kicked Zakaf’s chest. Zakaf took off instantly and fell on the cargo. Next to the barrels in the warehouse.

Farina gestured to her soldiers with a relaxed expression.

“How do we get to Naxxramas? Naxxramas flies in the sky! 99

This Vault of Heaven bow was transformed into a powerful weapon in Sylvanas’ hands.

“Hehe, Blood Elf Queen Sylvanas!

Sylvanas looked at Kael’thas and said.

It turned out that Lady Deathrattle had made the right choice, but Sylvanas and the others came to the door much faster than she expected.

“Hehe, don’t you think I really came to you all by myself?”

“What exactly is this?”

Almost subconsciously, Sylvanas tilted his head slightly and avoided his first attack.

That person is Farina, and she is directing the soldiers to carry some black vats!

Sylvanas said confidently.

“Falina, you shouldn’t mess with me.

“Have you forgotten magic? Damn it! This is where our blood elves live!

“You’re still smart.”

After Zakaf finished speaking, he opened a tin jar beside him, took out some liquid from the jar, and poured it into his mouth!

“2.9 The world has changed! Sylvanas! I will show you a whole new future! 39


“That gang of people from the Argent Dawn??

Sylvanas had a puzzled look on his face.

Zakaf’s face changed, and he didn’t know how many people Sylvanas had brought.

Lady Deathrattle looked at Farina with a dark, angry light in her eyes.

Just as Sylvanas and Kael’thas were plotting how to attack Naxxramas.

I saw that Zakaf’s changes continued, and soon, his physique swelled more than twice as much, and his skin changed from the original white to a strange green, just like a movie. The Hulk in general!

Therefore, choosing to retreat at this time may be the most sensible approach for Lady Deathrattle.

Her bows and arrows are specially modified bows and arrows, and there is no need to carry anything like bows and arrows, plus the unparalleled power and stability of bows and arrows!

The soldiers carrying the black barrels picked up their weapons and slowly leaned towards Sylvanas!

I saw that some soldiers were dragging some huge yellow barrels into the truck one by one, and a person familiar to Sylvanas was standing next to them, directing the movements of those soldiers!

The sharp arrow hit the giant Zakaf’s body, but Zakaf’s body actually bounced all the arrows away!

The corpses of Sylvanas cross-border two came to the side of the black van and looked inside.

“It looks like they’re going to take something away.

Sylvanas called out to Zakaf.

Sylvanas said in a deep voice that he completely overlapped his body with the dead Farina, so that even if a sniper wanted to snipe him, he would not dare to shoot easily!

Kael’thas nodded, although he is very weak now, after all, as a magician, he knows very well what this opponent means this time.

The truck was strapped to a frost dragon, and if the dragon took to the sky, Sylvanas would be a complete failure!


Lady Deathrattle finally scolded.

“Well, this time I lost, you won, I didn’t expect you to come so fast! 35

“What the hell happened?”

“Don’t know what, maybe we can’t let them just move things away.

Sylvanas took the bow and arrow and ran towards the group of people from the cursed sect!

Sylvanas didn’t dare to take it lightly, she raised her bow and arrow, bang bang!

“That’s it? I haven’t warmed up yet!

Bang! The goblin grenade exploded instantly! Zakaf’s personal soldiers blocked the fragments of the goblin grenade with their bodies and saved Zakaf’s life!

“However, it’s still a little late.

Sylvanas said:

The giant Zakaf said in a hoarse voice.

Sylvanas jumped over the obstacle in front of him and ran quickly behind Farina!

Zakaf roared and got up from the ground, the blue veins on his muscles burst out, and the whole person swelled up like an inflatable inflatable doll.

“After all, under my leadership, the face of the elves has changed a lot. 35

Kael’thas nodded.

As he spoke, Zakaf rushed towards Sylvanas, waving his huge hands, looking like a god of war!

So Sylvanas followed and jumped, and the whole person jumped into the warehouse.

Zakaf hurriedly hid himself behind a huge stone pillar and said loudly to Sylvanas.

Sylvanas glanced at the big jar, only to feel familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere. And Zakaf, who drank the liquid in the jar, showed a perverted smile on his face.

“Huh! Want my life? Today is not a good opportunity!

“It seems that you really don’t know anything! But it doesn’t matter! Now I! No one can stop me!

Farina had seen the man and knew that his name was Zakaf, but she didn’t know much about him.

“Hehe. 35

Seeing this, Kael’thas nodded to Sylvanas, signaling to reassure him, and then hurriedly followed.

Kael’thas sneered and pointed to the sky above his head.

Sylvanas’ voice came from the back of the Deathrattle Lady.

“General Ranger’s strength is really extraordinary!, But I have prepared a secret weapon specially for you! 35

In the deep castle of Naxxramas, the dark sorceress Farina stood in front of Lady Deathrattle and shivered “Zero Qiqi”, while beside Lady Deathrattle stood a thin man.

“Your men? Those high elves?

“A new type of witchcraft concoction?”

It only took 0.001 seconds for Sylvanas to respond, her legs were hard, and a refreshing back jump flew into the air, and then landed steadily.

As soon as Zakaf’s voice fell, an explosion sounded from the base! In an instant, the whole situation turned into a pot of porridge!

“No! We can’t go yet! Sylvanas!”

“But war…”

“I don’t know what they’re trying to do, anyway… Sylvanas, we can’t just leave them alone!

The two members of the Cursed Sect found Sylvanas’ figure, and the two raised their weapons and were about to attack Sylvanas.


“It’s over! You just didn’t kill me! It’s even more impossible now! This is Naxxramas! The best soldiers are here, even you, how many people can you beat alone? ?39

Farina said truthfully.

I have to say that as a magic book, Zakaf’s most powerful skill is not fighting!

“Don’t come here yet, I’ll have a word with an old friend. 55

Lady Deathrattle is a crazy conspirator, she has always been able to see the truth better than ordinary people.

Although her speed is already fast!

“We’re on the same run again! Aren’t we? 39

Although the significance of Sylvanas’ attack this time is not immediately obvious, Lady Deathrattle feels that Sylvanas’s target is more likely to be the Black Barrel!

“And you?”

When the Scourge followers of the Cult of the Damned were carrying their goods in Naxxramas, the Sylvanas Germans were squatting in a hidden place to watch all this happen.


“You enter the interior of Naxxramas and find a way to find the captured high elves.

“Hehe, magic potion?”

“Not the Argent Dawn, but the Argent Dawn… Sylvanas.

It wasn’t anyone else who punched, it was the man named Zakaf


“This is……”


However, it was discovered by the soldiers who were carrying the black vat. A soldier was about to remind Farina, but Sylvanas had already come behind Farina, with the bow and arrow in his hand on his head.

In fact, Sylvanas is not very worried about their safety, because there is no doubt that the focus of Lady Deathrattle has undoubtedly planned to give up Naxus, and his focus has now shifted to on those goods.

But Kael’thas stood up and was about to run away, but he seemed to suddenly remember something and stretched out his hand to grab Sylvanas’s arm.

However, they only heard two sounds, and two star arrows passed through their eyebrows incomparably!

Lady Deathrattle laughed.

Based on what Sylvanas knew about Lady Deathrattle, she should have guessed that her target wasn’t actually him, but the cargo!

“Also, Kael’thas, trouble you to take care of my people, I don’t want you to lead them to a dead end.


Only the head still maintains its original appearance, but with such a large body and such a small head, it looks a bit deformed.

Although Sylvanas has experienced countless battles, this kind of battle is really the first time she has experienced it.

After saying this, Zakaf turned around and ran quickly to the van!

Seeing that Sylvanas’ most threatening attack has been blocked by his own men.

Kael’thas’s eyes were fixed on the people of the Damned Sect.

Kael’thas asked Sylvanas.

After hearing the name, Lady Deathrattle was stunned and said angrily.

When the remaining soldiers at the airport saw this, they hurriedly blocked in front of Zakaf and blocked Sylvanas’ arrows.

Hearing this, Kael’s expression changed slightly, but he still nodded.

“I’m here to stare at them to see what the hell they’re trying to get out of Naxxramas!.

“Uh, your ranger troops are actually very good fighters, they don’t necessarily need my care. 35

Sylvanas didn’t hesitate, raised the bow and arrow in his hand and shot at Zakaf!

“Damn, get ready to retreat. 35

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