As Soon As He Became The Leader Of The Decepticons, Iron Man Came To Him

Chapter 17

17. Black Widow Is Here! S.H.I.E.L.D Is Out!


A white car drove into the villa where Wang Quan temporarily lived…

“Electronic surveillance” controlled by sound waves, instantly locks it…

Natasha Romanoff, who was wearing a small black suit, adjusted the rearview mirror, and after looking around, he took his briefcase and walked out of the car.

Small black high heels, sticking out from the compartment…

As soon as she stepped on the ground, she hesitated…

Wet ground, apparently just cleaned…

The air was filled with the pungent smell of disinfectant, which gave her a very strange feeling.

The owner who lives here seems to be covering up something terrible!

As a seasoned Aegis agent, Natasha Romanoff immediately sensed something was wrong!

This is the common method used by local black organizations when dealing with crime scenes!

before she comes!

There must have been a murder here!

Natasha Romanoff, I have a very bad feeling!

Get in touch with Nick Fury today!

“Here is Natasha Romanoff, I have reached the coordinates.”

“But the site has just been “cleaned”, is this mission cancelled? ”

Natasha Romanoff whispered through a Bluetooth headset, Nick Fury behind the scenes.

“Natasha Romanoff, on your upper left, there is an electronic eye.”

“I’ve been staring at you since just now, you’ve been locked.”

“Avoid exposure, please continue with the mission.”

Nick Fury’s order sounded from the earphones.

In view of Wang Quan, the strength shown last night, and the brutal crime committed!

He has been listed as a “dangerous person” by “S.H.I.E.L.D”, and a secret investigation is launched!

Through an overnight tracking!

The intelligence department of S.H.I.E.L.D locked Wang Quan’s residence through the address provided by “Sonic” on the Internet!

After much deliberation, Nick Fury made the decision!

Send out the most elite agents, get close contact, and conduct more in-depth investigations!

This is also…

One of the future “Avengers alliance six”, Black widow—Natasha Romanoff, why is here!


Natasha Romanoff sighed and replied softly.

As an agent, she has no freedom at all.

Completing the tasks assigned by S.H.I.E.L.D is the meaning of her existence!

After receiving the order…

Natasha Romanoff took out the perfume from her handbag and sprayed it all around, just like an ordinary urban beauty.

After making sure that there was no pungent odor on his body, he stepped forward and walked to the front of the villa.

The crisp doorbell rang, then…

“Hello, I’m “Rushman Natalie Rushman” from the firm. ”

“I hope you will formally sign the document on Mr. Jin’s “Inheritance Agreement”. ”

Natasha Romanoff’s voice was transmitted into the villa through the intercom.

but did not receive any response…

In the kitchen, Thalia, who was preparing lunch, stopped her work.

As a professional assassin…

She took out a kitchen knife, hid it behind her, and walked towards the door alertly.

The door opens a crack…

Thalia watched the woman outside the house through the crack of the door warily.

“The master is on a lunch break and doesn’t want to be disturbed by anyone.”

“Miss Roshman, I hope you understand…”

“The master will contact you if needed…”

Thalia’s voice fell, and she was about to close the door.

But the sharp-eyed Natasha Romanoff quickly stuck out a foot and pressed it against the crack of the door, preventing Thalia from closing the door!


From the briefcase, take out a thick document.

“I’m sorry, ma’am…”

“I must meet Mr. Wang as soon as possible…”

“It is about “Mr. Jin”, the inheritance of the 30 billion assets cannot tolerate a moment’s delay! ”

Natasha Romanoff said forcefully.

Last night, Sonic modified the network data.

Try to transfer all the assets related to Jin Bing to the name of “Wang Quan”!

The transfer of assets involving 30 billion US dollars naturally attracted the attention of “S.H.I.E.L.D”!

When you see “Wang Quan”, this familiar name!

They linked this incident with the explosion of “Hell’s Kitchen” and the death of “Jin Bing”!

Nick Fury, it’s up to you to decide!

In the name of “law firm”, I took over this entrustment.

And from “Sound Wave”, I learned the coordinate position of Wang Quan!

This is…

everything went through…

“I said, the master is inconvenient now…”

Thalia reminded again, and pushed the door hard.

Trying to hurt Natasha Romanoff, which is the foot of the house door, let this beautiful woman of unknown origin retreat!

As the nominal “maid”, the actual bodyguard!

Even with strong guards like “Sonic” and “Black Widow”, she still performs her job dutifully!

Because she believes that there will be a sparseness in every hundred secrets!

And she is the last defense!


A lazy voice came from the direction of the bedroom, stopping Talita’s actions.

The quarrel outside the door awakened Wang Quan, who was taking a nap on the sofa in the living room.

“It’s very uneducated behavior to turn guests away…”


“Give this lady some tea…”

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