As a Captain, You Must Be Cold

Chapter 11

Chapter 10

Yu Zhaohan’s taunt did not stop Shi Du from using his money ability. Shi Du said something to the proprietress at the cash register. The proprietress’s expression ranged from suspicion to shock, and finally to ecstasy. She rushed into the back kitchen to discuss with the boss.

Yu Zhaohan sat on the small bench and asked Xu: “Has he always been like this?”

“I guess so?” Xu enviously said, “Anyway, Timeless has been doing whatever he wants. In IPL, managers and coaches privately call him the young master of the evil capitalist.”

The title “Little Young Master” is quite compelling, which made Yu Zhaohan a little unhappy. He has acted according to the male protagonist’s pretentious rules for so long, and no one has ever called him the young master. Except for his face and background, Shi Du obviously has nothing to do with the hero of the novel. It is said that the male lead uses money ability for the female lead, buying diamonds for the female lead, buying a company, etc., but Shi Du is for his own pig’s trotter noodles.

Laughing to death, not Su at all.

Shi Du sat down again, smiling nicely: “It’s done, but it seems to take a long time. Do you want to eat?”

I wanted to have a bowl of pork trotter noodles for a long time, and I readily agreed: “Eat, I want to eat two big bowls!”

Yu Zhaohan said coldly: “I won’t eat. I’ll go back first.”

Xu: “Team Nayu, go to the base after I finish eating?” Xu discussed with Lao Tan on WeChat, and will live in R.H’s base for the past two days, and go to worship Wanfeng with them the day after tomorrow.

Yu Zhaohan nodded: “Okay.”

Thinking of where the young master will stay at night, Xu asked, “Timeless, are you booking a hotel?”

Shi Du said casually: “My parents have a house in Shanghai, I’ll just pick one that’s close by, and you don’t have to worry about me.”

Yu Zhaohan: “…”

Laughing, laughing to death, not Su at all, the house is not his own. You can’t drive or drink in the car, just an underage little brother.

Just as Yu Zhaohan was about to stand up, his cell phone rang suddenly, it was Lao Tan’s call: “Shine, are you done dating?”

Yu Zhaohan was taken aback, and said sharply, “What nonsense are you talking about?”

“Didn’t you say ‘a walk alone is a date with the earth’? Have you finished your walk yet?”


“Then hurry up, New York ppz temporarily arranged a training match with us.” Lao Tan said helplessly, “Wings is not here, we have few people, I didn’t want to agree. But ppz is now in Hawaii for special training, Lao Lu Said that it was a rare opportunity to play a training match with a team in the Western Division, put a knife on my neck and forced me to agree…”

The Eastern Division and the Western Division are separated by the Pacific Ocean. Players who usually arrange online training matches must face high network delays, which is quite uncomfortable. Hawaii is the closest to Asia and has a $1 billion cable link to Japan. ppz played training games with Asian teams in Hawaii, and the delay can be relatively low.

Yu Zhaohan asked: “Who will replace the wings?”

Old Tan said: “I’m going to Guangzhou ZC to borrow a short gun.”

“Don’t bother,” Yu Zhaohan’s eyes fell on Shi Du, “I have this ready.” After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

Shi Du met Yu Zhaohan’s gaze: “What’s wrong, Captain Yu, why are you looking at me?”

“Don’t you want to double row with me?” Yu Zhaohan wanted to “speak condescendingly”, but he didn’t have time to stand up, and it was too stupid to stand up on purpose, so he could only say in a condescending tone as much as possible, “I can give You have a chance.”

Shi Du said with great face: “I’m so honored, you continue.”

Yu Zhaohan said: “ppz is in Hawaii for special training, and temporarily asked R.H to play a training match. Wings is not here, you can try.”

All the members of ppz are European and American, and there is a kind of arrogance in the bones of the teams in the Eastern Division. Shi Du has been unhappy with them for a long time, but it’s a pity that they don’t usually have the chance to play games. He agreed without much consideration: “Okay, when.”

Yu Zhaohan said: “Right now, so I don’t have time to eat noodles for you.”

“It should be possible for the boss to deliver the noodles to the R.H base.” Shi Du called the boss lady, “Do you have delivery service here?”

The proprietress: “We have takeaways, but we usually don’t deliver them ourselves.”

Shi Du asked again: “Then how about adding money?”


Xu offered to help Yu Zhaohan carry snail noodles and candied haws, and Yu Zhaohan took them back to the base.

Lao Tan never thought that the ready-made short gun that Yu Zhaohan mentioned was Timeless: “A rare customer! Why is Timeless in Shanghai?”

After listening to Shi Du’s explanation, Qi Xian said with a smile: “The pig’s trotter noodles are really delicious, except for the captain, we all love it—Okay, Coach Lu, put away your wolf-like eyes, don’t be scared. Bad brother.”

Lu Youshan stared at Shi Du, and asked with low EQ: “Timeless, how long do you have left in your contract with IPL?”

Just as Shi Du was about to answer, he heard Yu Zhaohan say, “Now is not the time to talk nonsense, go online when you are ready.”

As soon as Yu Zhaohan opened his mouth, everyone in R.H. closed their mouths and were nervously and orderly preparing for the match.

Shi Du looked fresh. Every club has a captain, but no club captain has such great prestige like Yu Zhaohan. It can be seen that R.H’s managers and coaches respect Yu Zhaohan very much, and often rely on Yu Zhaohan’s wishes.

R.H does not have a dedicated training room. Five or six computers and gaming chairs are placed in the living room. It looks a bit crowded, but it is neatly organized.

“This is Wings’ computer, you can use his first.” Lao Tan said, “If you are not used to the keyboard and mouse, I still have some, but it is definitely not as good as you usually use.”

Shi Du tried the mouse and keyboard, and he was indeed not used to it, but it was not a big problem: “I don’t choose, just use this.”

Lu Youshan looked at the four people sitting together: Qixian the tank, Yu Zhaohan Shine with the spear, Timeless with the short spear, and Chesse as the assistant—these were the four starters in his dream.

Seeing Shi Du’s ID, the ppz side deducted a few rows of question marks and said a lot in English.

Cheese, who often failed English at school, asked, “What are they talking about?”

Yu Zhaohan said coldly: “ppz asked why we called Timeless here, can we afford to lose?”

“Wow, their faces are really big. Then I said that Timeless was brought here temporarily, and we didn’t have a tacit understanding or cooperation.” Seeing Shi Du’s reply, the other party suddenly became anxious, and sent a [fk 】Come here, he understands this. “Captain, what did Timeless say again?”

“He said, if ppz thinks this lineup is bullying, he can switch positions with me and play—huh.”

Shi Du glanced at Yu Zhaohan’s profile, and said with a smile, “Captain Yu seems to want to comment on my speech.”

“I just think it’s pointless to argue with each other.” Yu Zhaohan put on the earphones calmly, this time the earphones didn’t hit his nose, “but it’s understandable, after all, you are young.”

What else did Shi Du want to say, the game has already started. The four of them became serious and stopped communicating about things other than the game.

An old castle is randomly found on the map. The target points to be occupied by the two sides are point a of the library of the castle, point b of the restaurant, and point c of the highest viewing platform.

[Countdown 3, 2, 1—unlock target point a, occupy target point a]

The four of them set off together, with Shi Du walking in the front, walking in the direction of the path.

Yu Zhaohan’s voice sounded in the earphones: “Timeless?”

Shi Du: “I’ll go back.” It’s his usual style of play to go around and cut the C position and support.

Yu Zhaohan: “There is a high probability that the map of ppz will not be divided up. You can’t find anyone who is alone. You follow the group, and I will go around.”

Shi Du paused: “The library and restaurant are both indoors, with many obstacles and limited vision, it’s not easy for you to perform well.”

Qi Xian said with a smile: “We can just listen to the captain, trust him.”

Shi Du’s concerns have not been dispelled, but it is a big taboo not to trust the conductor during the game. The three of them met ppz at the entrance of the library, where all four of them were present, and the first wave of team battles started instantly.

ppz likes to target nannies and cut off the enemy’s supplies. As soon as they saw Cheese, they rushed over like hungry wolves.

Cheese screamed: “Protect me, protect me! Offer!”

Qi Xian held up his shield in front of Cheese to block bullets, Shi Du attracted the firepower of the assassin on the opposite side, and cut ppz’s nurse to the brim in the hail of bullets. But in the frontal team battle, they were three against four, and they soon lost the wind.

Cheese asked urgently, “Captain? Where are you, Captain?”

Yu Zhaohan: “Here we come.”

A graceful female sniper quietly appeared behind the enemy. She stood on the flat ground, pulled down the eyepiece on her forehead, and set up a sniper on the spot—

Ding—this is the pleasant sound effect of the system judging a headshot, and ppz’s full-blood spear dies instantly.

ppz’s tank immediately turned the direction of the energy shield, trying to block the sniper’s bullet, but thus exposed its back to Shi Du. Without any hesitation, Shi Du moved forward in the third stage, accepting the assistance of residual blood.

Point a was successfully won, and both parties came to the restaurant to grab point b. At the critical moment, ppz’s assassin squatted down to Cheese and sent Cheese back to the resurrection point.

Cheese wants to cry but has no tears: “May there be no assassins in heaven…”

ppz took advantage of the difference in the resurrection time of Cheese, so that they are always in a state of fewer people. Seeing that the occupation progress of ppz has reached 90, Yu Zhaohan said decisively: “Give up point b and go to point c—Timeless.”

Shi Du: “Yes.”

Yu Zhaohan: “Go around the back.”

Shi Du raised the corners of his lips: “Okay.”

Point c has a wide field of view, and the available cover is limited, so it is easy to be seen by the opposite side after going around. Shi Du found the enemy nanny on the stairs leading to the highest point of the castle: “I found him.”

Yu Zhaohan: “Be careful, the nanny’s anesthesia gun still has bullets.”

Nanny’s life-saving skill Anesthesia Gun, after hitting an enemy, the enemy will enter an inoperable sleep state for five seconds.

As soon as Yu Zhaohan finished speaking, ppz nurse turned around and took out an anesthesia gun, and then Shi Du saw his hero lying on the ground and sleeping soundly.

Shi Du “tsk”: “It’s late, this wave is mine.”

Soon, a masked assassin jumped in through the window. It was the ppz assassin who got the news from the nanny and came to take the head.

Yu Zhaohan’s mouth unconsciously burst into a small smile: “It may not be too late.”

There was a ding, and the headshot sounded. Shi Du was still alive when he was sleeping, but the assassin standing in front of him let out a scream and fell to the ground.

The kill information appears on the upper right of the screen: [R.HShine killed ppzbrown]

After five seconds passed, the anesthesia expired, Shi Du stood up again, caught up with the fleeing assistant, and successfully killed him.

Shi Du jumped to the window of the tower and saw Yu Zhaohan on another tower.

Yu Zhaohan was located far away from them, and his vision was blocked by a tall tower. The only flaw was the window on the stairs. And Yu Zhaohan’s bullet passed through that window, killing the ppz assassin with one shot.

Shi Du couldn’t help chuckling.

The bking in the game does not need to pretend at all, his every move, every aim, every trigger pull is a visual feast.

They played two BO5 games and defeated ppz 3:0 and 3:1 respectively.

Seeing the big [victory] on the screen, Cheese took off the headset and threw himself into Qi Xian’s arms: “It’s so cool, it’s been so cool since I haven’t played it for a long time…”

Qi Xian rubbed Cheese’s mushroom head, smiled and said, “That’s not what you said when you were targeted just now.”

Yu Zhaohan looked eagerly at the two teammates who were hugging each other, and Shi Du’s playful voice sounded beside him: “What are you looking at, brother Zhaohan, do you want to hug too?”

Both sides of Yu Zhaohan’s cheeks became hot, the left side was because of “brother”, and the right side was because of “hug”. He took a sip of water calmly, and said coldly, “Boring.”

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