Are You Addicted?

v4 Chapter 22 - Brother to help you overcome!

Yang Meng tossed and tossed for a night, but finally failed to get what he wanted, and he fell asleep unwillingly.

At nine o’clock in the morning, I woke up in particular. I turned my head and looked at him. Yang Meng was lying beside her, her smooth skin, like tofu brain, spread out in front of him. In particular, I couldn’t help but stretched out my hand and rubbed it on Yang Meng’s leg for a while. The movement was very gentle, for fear of waking Yang Meng.

After another half an hour, Yang Meng woke up.

In particular, he looked at Yang Meng with one arm in his eyes, with a strange look in his eyes.

Yang Meng first froze, then slowly calmed down, suggestive gaze stagnated for a while, especially on his face, seeing that he had no response, was annoyed, turned his luck.

In particular, he stepped forward and deliberately asked, “Mengzi, what happened to you?”

Yang Meng lamented slowly and slowly, “So stupid …”

“Who are you stupid?” Asked in particular.

“Who are you saying stupid? You scum!”

Especially resisted laughing, “Why am I stupid?”

“Not saved …” Yang Meng murmured coldly.

In particular, he deliberately remained silent for a while and didn’t speak. Sure enough, Yang Meng couldn’t hold himself back. He turned to look at him, especially.

“Do you know why I came to your room to sleep?”

After asking this question, especially before he could do it, Yang Meng was uncomfortable, and he wished to peel off his own layer of hide and hide it in the bed.

Especially shook his head pretending to be confused.

Yang fiercely, “You are stupid!”

In particular, there was a vocal, two rows of white teeth, narrow eyes, like the man in the picture.

It is a pity that Yang Meng had no intention to watch, and his illness was not gone. Put on your clothes and leave immediately.

Especially when Yang Meng was about to leave, he hurriedly extended his arm and copied Yang Meng back. How could he let him go like this? In case he didn’t give up, he ran into his own house for a while and found that the disease was cured and he had nothing to do.

“Drag me, I want to get out of bed.”

Yang Meng shouted, and stuck her head in the duvet.

Especially smirking, rubbing Yang Meng into his arms.

Yang Meng clearly saw a bulging edge on the edge of his panties, and then the bump slowly moved down, and finally reached the forbidden ground. Like an electric shock, Yang Meng gasped heavily.

Why does he feel so strong every time he snaps?

“Mengzi …” Especially soft voice sounded in my ear.

Yang Meng had a goosebump on his body, but he began to wake up hop by hop.

Suddenly, I felt a wetness around my neck, and Yang Meng’s body was stiff, and I needed to push it with my hands, but unfortunately I hung him too tightly, and my life was held in his hands. Yang Meng did not resist it. force.

“What are you doing? In particular, I told you that the treatment is the treatment, we can’t … 唔 …”

In particular, Yang Meng’s lips were sealed. Although it was not the first time, the previous time was a dragonfly with some water, with a meaning of joking. This time it wasn’t. From the special breath, Yang Meng tasted seriousness and arrogance. His lips were being wetted layer by layer, and the gap in the middle was getting more and more unreliable. It was almost a moment of disappointment, and an inexplicable taste broke in.

The tip of his tongue touched, and Yang trembled suddenly, especially the objects in his hand swelled again.

“Mengzi, since the day you got angry from here, I found that I can’t live without you. There is nowhere to say in my heart, I don’t know who to look at in front of you, even after eating stinky tofu, It ’s better to know who smoked … I have been very depressed a few years ago, I have to pretend in front of everyone, I have to weigh two by one when eating a meal, and I have to smile at the camera if I am insulted. What a picture to live on. I would n’t know who I was without you around me all day. “

Yang Meng moved his lips and said nothing.

In particular, continue to kiss Yang Meng’s face, kiss his eyes first, force Yang Meng to close his eyes, kiss his chin, then slide to the neck, drive straight down to the chest, and lick at the tender two points .

Yang Meng stunned and immediately said, “Give-me-get off.”

“Lick up?”

So the particular tongue started rolling around the bulge.

Yang Meng fisted and wanted to smash, but he was helpless, humming, and suddenly felt like crying. Has he been so accountable in his whole life? The big yellow girl in my dream! Live so big that even the girl’s little hand hasn’t been pulled yet.

“You have to believe in your own body. It is the most honest.”

In particular, he used his fingertips to pinch the turbid mass on Yang Meng’s lower abdomen, with a burr’s line of sight pulling Yang Meng’s skin. Yang Meng’s eyes slowly moved down, seeing the mass of meat in the crotch, he hummed immediately: You do n’t have any illness, let ’s fix it yourself. ”

“okay then.”

Then, dragged Yang Meng’s hand, put it in his pants, and held it up and down.

In the following days, especially using this trick, Yang Meng was tricked into believing in the special hand. At first, Yang Meng was given medicine in particular, which made Yang Meng feel incompetent. Later, it was no longer medicine, Yang Meng was not willing to help himself, and habitually ran to the special room.

It flashed and it was winter.

In particular, I took a new play. The first day of the filming officially started, and the kiss scene in the snow scene was filmed.

Yang Meng was wearing a thick cotton jacket, standing next to it, watching the dialogue, especially under the director’s password, repeating a dialogue, but he could n’t get into the show, and the heroine ’s lips next to it were frozen.

“Does she feel familiar?” The new staff member chatted with Yang Meng.

Yang Meng raised her eyelids lazily, glanced at the heroine, and looked familiar, but she couldn’t remember where she had seen it. In the past, he accompanied especially running around, and was most keen on seeing beautiful women, almost never forgetting it. I don’t know what happened this time, it depends on everyone.

“I was a gossip girlfriend especially a while ago, Zeng Rui, not long after graduating from Beiying, it is also a special sister. It is said that the two knew each other when they were studying, do you not know?

“It’s her …” Yang Meng squinted. “The picture is quite beautiful. I’m really embarrassed by myself !!! No wonder I didn’t recognize it.”

“Come here … you two come here.” The director beckoned. “This won’t work!”

The actress kept stomping her feet, holding her mouth to her hands, complaining, “Director, it’s too cold, my face is frozen.”

The director raised his chin and motioned to warm the hands of the actress in particular.

In particular, I took the hand warmer and wrapped the actress’s hand in it.

Yang Meng suddenly felt the same as stabbing in his heart. This had been sleeping in a bed for a long time. Is it my end? Coupled with the small fierce man to identify such one, he just can’t ignore himself, can’t ignore life and death!

“If it doesn’t work, find a substitute!” Yang Meng suddenly struck between the two.

Especially the quiet eyes finally appeared a wave of waves, hit Yang Meng to go this way, his heart warmed up, warm hand treasure directly to the actress, the freed hand stuffed into someone’s enlarged cotton jacket sleeves Here, pinching the thin layer of small skin on the wrist.

“There is no ready-made stand-in!” In particular, he looked around deliberately.

grass! Yang Meng replied, “Isn’t the ready-made thing right in front of you?”

The actress said, “I’m in trouble. I’ll do it myself. I just graduated and the chance is too rare. No matter what the difficulties are, I will learn to overcome them.”

Yang Meng’s heart was tight, and he immediately replied: “Sister, when you listen to my brother, I don’t particularly feel bad about you, my brother feels bad about you. Let this brother do the hard work for you. Don’t be afraid if you have any difficulties, help me overcome !!! “

Having said that, he dragged him away with a heroic rescue gesture.

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