Are You Addicted?

Chapter 22 - Happiness is trivial

After a long day of rain, it finally fell.

What’s more, it was torrential rain. Standing at the bottom of the teaching building and watching the rain that was going to pass the steps, Bai Luoyin was still happy. The stick that was so thirsty for a long time finally drank water, which saved hundreds of dollars in irrigation costs.

Most of the students were resident students, and went directly to the dormitory with umbrellas. The remaining dozens of running schools were almost picked up by parents. Bai Luoyin looked at the clocks on the wall and looked at this situation. It is estimated that he couldn’t stop before dark, so let’s go.

As soon as Gu Haigang stepped out of the building, he saw his driver standing outside waiting for him.

“It’s raining so much today, don’t take a taxi yourself.”

The driver’s gaze begged a little. But Gu Hai can see that it was forced and helpless, completely different from the pleadings in the eyes of the parents. There was no slight concern in it, only the unpredictable consequences.

In the end he got in the car.

“Xiao Hai, the chief said that it was his wife’s birthday today and would like to invite you back to have a reunion dinner together.”

Gu Hai’s head was leaning on the cushion. My mother had no birthday, she only had a death date.

“Back to my place.”

“Little sea……”

“I’m back to my …” Gu Hai saw the person outside the window and suddenly stopped his mouth. He reached out and gestured at the driver. “Slowly.”

The white **** outside the rain curtain was walking barefoot on the road, and the clothes all over his body were soaked, stuck to his body, and outlined a good-looking figure. His pace was stable, without the haste and embarrassment of walking in the torrential rain. The vest with more than N holes was still wearing, and was soaked, exposing a little wheat-colored skin.

The car slowly approached Bai Luoyin. He didn’t notice it. His hand was holding the rain on his face. From Gu Hai’s point of view, his lips were a little pale.

There is no such thing as a living tiger in the daytime.

But think about it, I stayed up all night and tossed with him for another day. Can I write well?

“Xiao Hai, follow him?”


“Why not call him into the car?”

Gu Hai’s gaze shot coldly, and the driver snorted immediately.

All the way back to the water, I hit Baiyuan and saw Bai Hanqi standing in the rain, helping Zou Jun to clean up the unremoved tables and chairs. This place is relatively concave. Usually it doesn’t rain. It will flood the entire early stalls. So no one is setting up a stall here, only Zou Yan, she just plans to stop.

Bai Luoyin accelerated his pace and used to pull the plastic sheet with Bai Hanqi.

Bai Hanqi shouted, “You go in, don’t need you.”

“Stop talking nonsense, hurry up.”

Gu Hai ’s car stopped quietly at the entrance of Hutong. He sat in the car, watching Bai Luoyin’s busy figure in the rain, watching the father and son quarreled because of who took the heaviest end There was a touch of warmth in my heart. Maybe, life should be like this, small and trivial, you can’t find it with a meal.

“Back to my place.”

The driver sighed and still turned around.

Bai Hanqi handed Bai Luoyin 20 yuan, “Buy something early and eat early on the road tomorrow, I look at the rain outside, probably the stall will not open tomorrow.”

Bai Luoyin wiped his wet hair and handed the money back to Bai Hanqi.

“It’s okay to be hungry.”

“Hold it up if you hold it!” Bai Hanqi was anxious. “Our family isn’t so full of it, we can’t even afford breakfast.”

“Then don’t you give me a little more? The 20 dollars will be enough for Zou Ye.”

Bai Hanqi patted Beloin’s head, “Your boy.”

Just talking and smiling, Bai Hanqi threw 50 yuan to Bai Luoyin.

Early the next morning, Bai Luoyin got up and packed up and went directly to school. He didn’t take the money, not because he didn’t want to take it, but he really forgot. I came to Zou Yong’s stall and remembered it. I didn’t eat it earlier today, but Bai Luoyin hated going back, so he went to school hungry.

In the classroom, as soon as the bag was lowered, Beroin was calmed by a large bag of breakfast on the table. It has everything in it. There are western-style pastries that he doesn’t like, such as bread, sandwiches, and tarts. There are also his favorite pancake sandwiches, large stuffed buns, millet pancakes, and eight treasure porridge …

So much earlier, who put it here?

Isn’t this a stab at me?

Beloin looked around for a few moments. No one noticed him. He took the bag away and saw a note below.

“It’s for you.”

Beloin habitually looked at the special place, especially sleeping, but Beloin guessed that it should be him, no one except him knew he could eat so much.

Then I’m welcome!

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