Are You Addicted?

Chapter 15 - That\\\'s why I\\\'m called a cow!

“Teacher, I want to adjust the table.”

Luo Xiaoyu’s crystal-like big eyes blinked twice, and his body turned to the angle where he looked at Gu Hai, his smile was soft as water.

“Do you want to move forward?”


“Then you want to get to the last table?”


Luo Xiaoyu’s curious expression looked like an angel falling on the earth, giving Gu Hai’s heart such a momentary imbalance, but he soon recovered his calmness.

“I want to adjust to the south.”

“That’s it,” Luo Xiaoyu explained patiently. “Our seats are moved every two weeks, which means that in two days, your row will move from the north to the south.”

“I didn’t mean that.” Gu Hai’s expression was firm. “I want to move to the back of the heroin.”

“Transfer to the back of Beroin?” Luo Xiaoyu wondered.

Gu Hai smiled, “Yes, we have a good relationship. Sitting with him, I am motivated to learn.”

Luo Xiaoyu seemed a little embarrassed. According to common sense, it is a troublesome thing for students to adjust the table. Think about the height of the characters, the academic performance, the distribution of boys and girls …

“You go back first. I’ll check the seating situation over there.”

“Just now.” Gu Hai insisted, “I’m changing soon.”

Luo Xiaoyu’s complexion changed slightly, her elegant red lips twitched, and she could see that she was not satisfied with Gu Hai’s attitude. Because in this school, no student has dared to talk to her like this. But how could this tantrum not be able to come out?

“Well, come here in the afternoon and move directly.”

Not long after Gu Hai left, a boy with acne on his face and Luo’s legs came in. As soon as he arrived in front of Luo Xiaoyu, he put on a bitter face.

“Teacher, can you change my seat? Zhang Dawei’s feet always hit my stool, and I fell three times.”

“He can’t remind him when he beats your stool?” Luo Xiaoyu’s voice began to rise, her expression became faster than Bolt, “adjust the table and adjust the table! Do you think it is so easy to adjust the table? Let me save some time? “

I don’t know why, the beautiful teacher was so charming when he started the fire, and he could not help but want to say a few more words.

“Teacher, please, just move me up a table.”

Luo Xiaoyu’s temper is well-known far and near. People are smart, beautiful and capable, and they are married to a rich husband. Naturally, he has a good temper.

“Just one more sentence and get out of this class right away.”

Two seconds later, the man was forced out of the office.

In the afternoon, as soon as Beloin entered the class, he saw his most loathsome man sitting in the back. Scolded in his heart, and returned to his seat coldly.

Seeing that the bell was about to ring, Bai Luoyin had not seen Gu Hai move.

Finally, he couldn’t hold himself up.

“Why don’t you roll back?”

“I adjusted the table, this is my position!” Gu Hai smiled very comfortably.

Beroin’s face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he did not hide his emotions at all. That’s the way he is. He loves and hates clearly. As long as he doesn’t like it, he just points a gun at his head, and don’t want him to say something nice.

The bell rang, and Bai Luoyin turned around, and secretly persuaded himself to ignore him and treat him as a dunghill.

“Students took out the papers sent yesterday, and today we are going to talk.”

“Ahem …” Gu Hai flicked Bai Luoyin with his finger. “I said, you have a hole in this white vest, why do you use black thread to sew it?”

Beloine said indifferently, “This is a cow!”


“Isn’t there a kind of cow, covered with black and white flowers?”


Gu Hai smiled, this boy was very fierce. However, how can a friesian flower be called a cow? It takes so many black and white flowers to call it. So Gu Hai took out a small pair of scissors and cut a lot of holes in his school uniform vest while Bai Luoyin was asleep.

On the way back, Bai Luoyin shrank his neck and wondered, why is this school uniform vest always leaking air today?

“Ocean, are you doing sports?”

Gu Hai plugs in the headset, frees up two hands, holds the needle in one hand, and the black thread end in one hand, and is inserting the thread end into the pinhole.

“I’m threading a needle.”

“Threading the needle?” Jin Lulu grinned two times. “You are running away from home, and you are not even sewing people, and you are suffering.”

Finally went in, and Gu Hai’s righteous face was stained with evil.

“I’m not sewing myself.”

There was a thunderous roar across the phone.

“Who did you sew?”

At the altitude, Gu’s earphones were unhurried, “What are you shouting? I’m not sewing for girls. Don’t ask, you don’t understand.

Jin Lulu thinks about it, too. How can a temperament person like Gu Hai sew clothes for a girl? When he saw boys tying shoelaces to girls on the street, he would yell at him, not to mention such a loss.

“The sea, I miss you, come to Tianjin to see me this weekend.”

Gu Hai lowered the needle and thread, took off her shoes and went to bed.

“to make.”

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