Apocalyptic Black Technology System

v4 Chapter 105 - go ahead!

Chapter 105: Advance!

Perhaps the Proximity Star civilization did not think that this strangely shaped activated biological warship turned into a difficult solution at this time.

Numerous dodecahedron-shaped spaceships converged in mid-air to form a new battle array, beam energy rays focused into a huge “laser blade” across the starry sky, glide over, and surprisingly activate spore life into a huge battleship The tentacles fell off.

However, in the next moment, more tentacles came violently, directly smashing the battle array formed by the adjacent star dodecahedron conical spaceship. The other tentacle slightly stirred, and then the broken shot was rolled and followed by those who were The wreckage of the crushed dodecahedron spaceship was swallowed into its “mouth”, swallowed directly, in operation, quickly digested and fed back, and grew.

The tens of thousands of Proximity Star dodecahedron conical spacecraft still can’t stop its progress.

Although it is slow, it is still moving forward steadily. Slowly, there is an unstoppable terror.

Proximity’s dodecahedron-shaped conical spacecraft is slowly expanding, expanding, and dispersing. It seems that they are preparing to take a new battleship to destroy this huge “hob meat” before their planetary fortress.

In the battlefield of the triple star system, it is in a state of multi-point blooming.

Su Ran did not pay much attention to the movements of living warships. A special project team in the homeland directly communicated with the spore life representatives such as “Liu Tingting” in the ship, and followed up the situation there in real time. What happens outside the plan will not disturb Su Ran.

Su Ran is now focusing on the frontal battlefield.

The technical department under the bridge is rapidly deconstructing the weak points and the minimum breakthrough threshold of the neighboring planetary fortress, while Su Ran is staring at the neighboring star-class battleship constructed in the holographic model.

The home electron gun of Yang Electronics has just completed energy storage.

The burst mode means that this main gun fires only a short positron beam each time it fires, like a “bullet”.

Now, the bullet is being filled.

The separated positrons deviated from the orbit during acceleration, and in the holographic analog image, the impact of this “bullet” penetrated the space instantly, and the golden lotus flower in the center was next to the star-class battleship.

At this moment, if Su Ran pulled his vision into a real scene, he could clearly see that the center of the golden lotus, which is composed of thousands of neighbouring star dodecahedron cone-shaped spacecrafts in the frontal direction, several kilometers in length and length, began to brighten a little. In less than a second, it reached the flaming fixed point, and immediately spread to the entire structure. All the neighboring Star-shaped dodecahedrons exploded under this grand scene.

The homeland is being promoted.

Seven Rhino shield ships lined up in front of him, and the rising shield flickered frequently, defending against all attacks from the front, and showing signs of decline. According to the latest calculation results, there are still 70 In six seconds, the energy of these seven rhinoceros shield ships will be exhausted and must withdraw from the battlefield.

This means that Su Ran must solve this Proximity Star class battleship within at least 70 seconds. The main defense of the Homeland is not strong, and he has lost the protection of the external shield system and cannot be under the Proximity Star’s massive artillery. Support for too long. This is the same as Proximity’s planetary fortress and star-level fortress. Under the huge volume, although it also has heavy armor, its defense is still not much stronger than small and medium-sized battleships.

And Su Ran is not worried about this.

Directly above the Homestead, a group of Yuncheng-class battleships are escorting them at the same time.

Su Ran’s tactics were the same as they were in the outer space against the first neighboring star-class battleship.

Go forward, go forward, go forward, and then destroy.

In World War I, Su Ran has confirmed that although Proximity Star Civilization has the means to deal with this annihilation weapon, it is not strong enough, and they are fully capable of directly destroying the star-class warships.

Even if it had those dodecahedron-shaped spaceships blocked in front, I ran over, as long as it was close enough, no one could stand in front of my main gun.

With the data of the previous destruction of the neighboring star-class battleship as a reference, Su Ran is confident that he will be able to make a fortune!

This kind of near-fighting tactics is also uncommon in such a macro-scale war, and it is not even the war mode that such a fortress-level behemoth should have.

However, Su Ran understands his strengths and weaknesses, and understands the strengths and weaknesses of Proximity civilization. He is probably far away from Proximity civilization. Although Proximity civilization does not adopt the main gun model of Yang electron gun, It is a powerful main gun with strong penetration and focus on amplification. That is precisely to cope with star-fighting warfare and real macro-scale space warfare.

This is a true star-level civilization, and it has a deep heritage. If you really open the battle, relying on Suran, the hundred warships may not be able to compete with it. If you want to win, you must jump out of this circle. Su Ran does not have so many main guns and heavy artillery~www.mtlnovel .com~ The warships under the seven-level manufacturing list. He only built this home, and almost exhausted all the resources after him. Therefore, he will be closer. When the Proximity Star’s volume advantage, distance advantage, and weapon advantage are all minimized, his own advantage is greater.

For his tactics, Su Ran made no secrets.

Homeland is just ahead.

The huge hull of the neighboring star class is condensing light. Each of its twelve faces flashes light. These lights spread along its corners like a stream of water, and then converge on a point.

Then it broke out.

A beam of light sufficient to destroy and melt a comet head-on hits the shield layer of a rhinoceros shield ship, and the impact is stirred up in a circle with the appearance of light waves. From a distance, this scene looks like someone is on the side. The heavy shield hit the enemy with a split light blow.

The blazing flash is enough to burn blind eyes.

Seven Rhino Shield Ships are in front, and five Rhino Shield Ships are on each side, with the Homeland centered and heading forward.

There are not so many shining scenes in the bridge. The homestead’s computer constructs the entire airspace in real time according to the various detectors throughout the homestead. After the computer screening and stripping out the most intuitive and effective picture, the holographic The situation is presented.

In Su Ran’s eyes, what he could see was whether the shield layer of the rhinoceros shield ship flickered violently in the blow, what he saw was the parameter change of each shield ship, and it was not the neighboring star-class warship in front. The dazzling dazzles like stars, but they are getting closer and closer to the target.

Getting closer.

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