Apocalyptic Black Technology System

v4 Chapter 104 - Fire cloud

Chapter 104 Fire Cloud

The wave of destruction swayed in the air.

The light band formed by the adjacent star dodecahedron conical spacecraft gathered at the gap of the Antarctic began to break.

A large number of dodecahedral spaceships are pulled up vertically in the “egg shell” of the shield.

The devastation devoured nearly 10,000 Proximity Star dodecahedron-shaped spaceships. The wreckage debris floated in space like seawater, and some hit the shield, sliding out along the huge arc of the shield.

And the Beijing fleet is advancing.

Headed by a leaping warship, a large amount of wreckage and ruins along the way rushed through this tragic ruin and rushed forward at high speed.

But then, it almost hit the shield with one end.

“The target Proximity Planetary Fortress has started spinning.”

This huge planet began to rotate, and the so-called “South Pole” and “North Pole” gap locations began to change.

The dense band of light slowly spread out, and more heavy artillery protruded out of the gruesome muzzle, striking the speed between space.

The Yuncheng-class battleship group led by the first leaping battleship is flying against the shield of the adjacent star planet fortress, and still tirelessly planning to drill in from the gap.

At this moment, a large piece of “invisible” machinery is being “thrown” from the Proximity Planetary Fortress. On the radar display, it is like a dense ocean quickly rushing towards the leaping battleship that is striving forward.

The leaping warship could not be evaded and was wrapped in it almost instantaneously. Its shield gradually dimmed in the flicker. The internal warship was covered with dense nano-devices like locusts.

These nano-devices landed on the battleship, and they penetrated into it. They did not destroy the spaceship, but invaded the system like a virus, eroded and replaced the original lines and machinery in the battleship, trying to break the new fleet. The leaping warship directly becomes a ghost ship controlled by Proximity Star civilization!

In less than five seconds, at almost lightning speed, the light on the leaping warship suddenly extinguished one by one, and some of the guns even suddenly turned and started firing at the surrounding Yuncheng-class warships.

In the Homeland, Su Ran even received the intrusion warning for the first time. However, it was just the reverse electronic invasion of Proximity Star through the leaping warship. It was quickly recognized by the Homeland’s computer and automatically resisted outside the firewall.

In the field, a large number of nanomachines were thrusting out, and the Yuncheng-class warships flying against the shield had to evacuate backwards, re-raise the height, and then quickly took countermeasures.

That is a high-temperature melting nano-cloud.

Directly smashed into the dark starry sky, the nanomachines that began to operate at high temperatures quickly countered the “ghost ship” nanoclouds to Proximity Star.

The bright ring of fire spread in the starry sky, and the leaping warship that had been fully invaded and controlled was also engulfed in flames, and soon became a group of burning fires, which were then exploded in space. The cloud of fire injected brighter colors.

The Homeland is being forced to leave this war zone.

Because the threat from the neighboring star-class battleship is too great.

Although the twelve Rhino Shield Shields have been refilled with energy during the short-term repair, and returned to about 80% of the normal state, it is still impossible to just stand next to the star-class battleship and the dense The attack of the dodecahedron cone-shaped spaceship was too long.

These twelve shield ships have limited volume and energy, and they are not the same size as Proxima Planetary Fortress.

Therefore, Jiayuan had to take the lead with two battle groups to raise the height, attracting the attention of a large number of Proxima star dodecahedron conical ships and star class warships, and even destroy this Proxima star class warship first.

And at this moment, the huge dodecahedron flash star was in front of Su Ran’s eyes, as if it was so large within reach.

And a lot of golden “Lotus” bloomed on its side, it is a huge array of attacks formed by a large number of adjacent star dodecahedron cone-shaped spaceships, which is bombarding the Beijing fleet continuously. .

Two Yuncheng-class battleship groups, led by deflection-type battleships, flew from both sides and obliquely outflanked the neighboring Xingchen-class battleships, while the sun electron gun in the middle of Su Ran was recharging.

Su Randao: “The output power is increased to 60%, and the fire is still in the directional burst mode.”

As the front of the homestead contrasted with the neighboring star-class battleship, the image of the holographic screen in front of Su Ran was once again transformed from a real scene into a simulated electronic picture.

In the real scene, a burst of bright stars spreading brightly on the shield’s energy shield like a burst of planets was replaced by quantized and mimicized data.

The parameters of this neighboring star-class warship have all fallen under the control of the Xinjing Fleet-because the Xinjing Fleet has just destroyed a similar warship in outer space.

As long as they want, it is only a matter of time to destroy this Proximity Star dodecahedral star class battleship.

But the only trouble now is time.

Behind the homestead, on the huge darkened planetary fortress, hundreds of thousands of heavy artillery had detected “fangs”, and along with the slow rotation of its astral structure, it almost opened fire in the Xinjing fleet almost instantaneously.

Among the warship groups attacking the “Arctic” gap~www.mtlnovel.com~ One battleship group has been completely destroyed, and under the chaos, it has become a group of the most gorgeous fireworks in space.

The dense heavy artillery matrix is ​​bringing an unimaginable threat to the Xinjing fleet.

Compared with this, those dodecahedral cone-shaped spaceships did not show how brilliant, except for the large number of dodecahedral cone-shaped spaceships thrown by the dodecahedral star-class battleships, which came from the dodecahedron of the planetary fortress body. The spaceship is still under the shrunken shield, flying around the huge hull, like a colorful strip of light, lying across the planet.

In the center position, the spore life activated warship is still advancing at a steady speed.

At this moment, the number of adjacent star dodecahedron cone-shaped spaceships has reached 20,000. The dense spaceship surrounded it and five Yuncheng-class battleship regiments, like a huge light cocoon. During the process, they fired dense blows at this huge living spaceship. Even the Yuncheng class warships have been destroyed three, but it seems that it has not been affected, but the frequency of the giant tentacle waving has increased. And, in several places of this living warship, there are huge “mouths”. Whenever a twelve-sided cone-shaped spaceship in the tentacle roll is crushed, it is directly stuffed into these huge They seem to be quickly digested by them!

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