Apocalyptic Black Technology System

v4 Chapter 102 - Hedge

   Chapter 102 Hedging

   The glittering stars are jumping into the battlefield.

   A neighboring star-class battleship is appearing behind the homestead, and its hull-shaped structure with a dodecahedron is shining brilliantly.

   The homestead is accelerating to sink, giving way to the front and back of the pinch.

  On the frontal battlefield, the fleet from the Xinjing Fleet is attacking the massive planetary fortress of Proximity Star. Under the dark starry sky background, various flashes flew silently in space.

  Home number.

   According to the analysis results of the giant planet fortress of Proximity Star finally appeared.

  Homeland found the “holes” in the shields of their huge warships.

  As judged at the beginning, such a behemoth is difficult to achieve full coverage of the shield.

   That is not so much a loophole as a natural gap that must exist.

   This star-shaped fortress has multiple giant shield generators buried under its heavy navy armor, and the shields it generates are combined like blocks to form a huge shield iron screen.

From the current conclusion, this planetary fortress has a total of two natural gaps, which are located in its current state of the Antarctic and Arctic defenses. The diameter of the gap is about 300 meters. This may sound huge enough. , But compared to the overall volume of this Proximity Planetary Fortress, it looks a little insignificant.

In the Homeland, after confirming the positions of these two natural gaps, Su Ran immediately mobilized his troops. Six battle groups headed by leaping warships were quickly mobilized and approached in these two directions, while the centered spore life activated the warship. And five Yuncheng-class battleships were still sliding towards enemy ships in the middle.

  On the other side, the neighboring star-class warship that had just arrived at the battlefield was chasing the homeland of Su Ran, and countless heavy artillery projected a large number of particles in space, directly chasing the evasive homeland.

  The Rhino Shield Battleship propped up a giant umbrella directly above the Homestead, and the huge shields were spliced ​​with each other. They were slightly oscillated under the impact of the particle cannon of the neighboring star-class battleship.

  ’S huge homeland is also flying toward the “South Pole” notch of Proxima Planetary Fortress.

   It seems that the Xinjing Fleet wants to use this as a breakthrough to tear a gap in this huge planetary fortress.

At this moment, many Proximity Star dodecahedron-shaped spacecrafts circling around this planetary fortress began to roar, they dispersed from the central equatorial position into a strip of light, along the huge arc ship Flying across, he greeted the positions of the South Pole and the North Pole, blocked the gap, and exchanged fire with many warships forced by the two directions of the Xinjing Fleet.

   Moreover, on these two defenses, the armor layer of the planetary fortress adjacent to the star rose, and more heavy artillery coldly probed out of the muzzle and began to bombard continuously.

   In space, another Proximity Star Dodecahedral Planetary Fortress also began to release a large number of Proximity Star Dodecahedron cone-shaped spaceships. These spacecrafts bypassed the rhinoceros shield that blocked the front of the Homeland and slammed into the Homeland from the flanks.

  Jianyuan’s naval guns at all levels fired themselves, intensively shattering a neighboring star dodecahedron conical spaceship.

  Some dodecahedrons were directly blasted into space. The wreckage turned into a huge fireball and smashed on the shield of the Homeland, pulling out an obvious light trail.

   And more dodecahedron cone-shaped spaceships flooded from all directions like tide.

   “Attack aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles form an immediate battle.”

In a battleship of the Xinjing Fleet, the colliding UAV combat group and the new space fighter formation also quickly separated from the battleship and pulled out a trajectory in mid-air to face the dodecahedron conical spaceship towards Proximity Star. .

However, the number of drones and attack aircraft of the Xinjing Fleet is very limited, and it can’t be compared with Proximity’s dodecahedron conical spacecraft. However, their mission is not to compete with Proximity’s ten. The dihedral cone-shaped spaceship competes for a higher and lower victory, as long as the opponent’s attack rhythm is enough.

  In the Antarctic azimuth of Proxima Planetary Fortress, the battle group led by the first warship of the Beijing fleet was already “countercurrent”, rushing towards the 300-meter-diameter shield gap.

   The triangle-shaped fold-type battleship is leading, a large number of ship-borne heavy laser guns and torpedo launchers simultaneously adjust the direction, and the fold-type battleship hull with straight recoil violently fires directly above.

   And behind it, ten Yuncheng-class battleships also merged into a staggered line with each other, and the laser main gun opened the way, following the leaping battleship all the way back.

   The whistling blow was so dense that it even became a light beam. From a distance, it looked like a light belt, connecting a small fleet and a huge planetary fortress.

But in the face of the crazy impact of the human fleet, the dodecahedron cone-shaped spaceship that guards the main body of the planetary fortress is also invulnerable to death. These drones are not afraid of death at all. Their scale reaches hundreds of thousands, like a strip The band of light is densely wrapped around the outer ring of the neighboring planetary fortress. At this time, it is even more desperate to swarm up ~www.mtlnovel.com~ to block this gap position, without evasion, completely blocked by the hull.

  The Xinjing Fleet reversed the charge, and they reversed the attack of the Xinjing Fleet to launch the charge.

A splendid and glittering dodecahedron cone-shaped spaceship destroyed the fire and was exploded into a group of gorgeous fire, but the back still rushed in fearlessly, just like an iron curtain shield, blocking the new The advancement of the Beijing Fleet.

  The beams of countless blows converging and almost lined up in sight only propelled to the inside of the neighboring planetary fortress at most, and then were pushed back hard and blocked outside the shield.

   Even the faint, dense dodecahedron-shaped spaceship seems to be killed all the way!

   “There are too many. The number of Proximity Star-shaped cone-shaped spaceships plugged in the Antarctic gap has reached 70,000, and there are a steady stream of warships moving closer to the two gaps.”

  Li Yilan’s complexion became quite ugly.

   Today, they really realized that these Proximity Star dodecahedron cone-shaped spaceships are not really space fighters in the conventional sense of Proximity Civilization, but only a part of their warship system.

In this airspace, in addition to the dodecahedron cone-shaped spacecraft defending the adjacent star planet fortress, the number of dodecahedron cone-shaped spacecrafts flying in space is also very large, just over 80,000 The entire space is full of small spaceships that shine brightly like fireflies.

  And there are thousands of Proxima dodecahedron-shaped spaceships that have already reversed their direction and rushed straight to the center of the spore life-activated warship that is slowly advancing.





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