Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 48 - Moment of the sky

Chapter 48

It was a shock like “comet hitting the earth”. Su Ran’s fighter dived down in the sky like a lightning, accelerated instantly, and smashed through the front of the flying locust swarm. In the dense swarm of flying locusts, a line of skylight was torn apart, and the fighter aircraft “chopped” into the body of the digging worm with missiles and flames, and then exploded into a night sky The brightest ball of fireworks.

Xun Fei’s firebird missiles and machine guns had already torn the digger’s body, and the last strike of the fighter was the last straw that crushed the giant beast.

At this moment, countless panicked people looked up on the ground.

At this moment, Xie Anzhi was standing on his step chariot and looking up at the sky.

At this moment, Li Shuncheng was walking through the chaotic battlefield, stepping on the worms and human corpses all over the ground, and approaching their last bruised tank with smoke.

At this moment, Li Yilan was bringing a large number of survivors closer to Ye Qijun’s army, avoiding the black beetles that came from each direction.

At this moment, Ye Qijun was returning with the help of Li Shuncheng …

Whether they are puppet soldiers or survivors, they have deeply imprinted this scene on their eyes.

Xie Anzhi watched this tragic and magnificent scene, and he was also enthusiastic, his hand holding his gun was tightened, and he even wanted to follow the kill and black beetle desperately.

The ground digger was already scarred. Under such a blow, there was no possibility of surviving.

The half of the digging worm’s body was blown up instantly, and the blood of the puff was bursting out of the digging worm’s body instantly.

Su Ran’s nightingale aircraft is just like a scalpel. Half of the head of the ground digger was cut off and flung out. A lot of blood was thrown out like crazy money, and that ground worm Under the immense inertia of the impact, in the eyes of countless people, they suddenly fell to the right, and the loud noise took the building and collapsed.

The nightingale aircraft completely disintegrated at the moment of the impact, turning into fragments thrown in the air, falling to the ground with blood.

Immediately after this, all were swallowed up by the dust waves set off by the collapse of the building.

The overwhelming dust waves instantly engulfed half of the long street, drowning humans and monsters.

This is Su Ran’s method of breaking the game.

不是 Aren’t you staring at my fighter?

Well, since I ca n’t run, then I wo n’t run anymore, just use this nightingale aircraft to forcibly tear the locust battle array, and kill the groundworm!

With this nightingale aircraft, he killed the ground-digging worm, brought down a building, and in the smoke, there was a chaos. Not only could he evade a path for escape for Ye Qijun and others, but also create the most advantageous for Su Ran himself. Great chaos, let yourself disappear directly from the most eye-catching position, disappear into the tide of fleeing, see how these monsters find him!

Get a nightingale aircraft with a hundred resource points and break through the whole predicament-anyway, at this pace, his fighter will be shot down too. In that case, it is better to make the most of it!

But Ye Qijun’s hoarse voice was ringing across the battlefield: “Everyone has it, and the nearby organization of the survivors withdrew from the collapsed building!”

He pulled Li Shuncheng, who was close at hand, and said, “What about Lao Liu’s tank? Let them rush the building and make a way out, and tell everyone that when they rush out, look for …” Su Ran. “

顺 Li Shuncheng nodded strongly, turned his head and ran into the dust.

An army of black beetles and slaughtermen is being killed from behind, and a large number of survivors and soldiers fleeing are hanged by the soldiers. In the smoke, there is a chaos. Young survivors are looking for Su Ran’s figure.

No matter who brought these monsters, but Su Ran did open up a life for them again, many people hope that under the crash, Su Ran will be alive, not to mention that their convoys can reach Here, also Su Ran shot.

At this moment, countless survivors are boiling.

“Run! Run!”

“How about a car, how do we run without a car?”

“Don’t worry about the car, let’s go-the black beetle is about to kill!”

“Is Su Ran alive? Is he alive?”

“Su Ran? !!!”

依 Li Yilan did not know where to find a motorcycle, and aggressively penetrated the ruins, and was also looking for Su Ran’s figure.

In the billowing smoke, the howls of monsters and the misery of human beings, many people shouted Su Ran’s name in a voice, in the boiling dust waves, as if from another generation.

But no one dares to stay with this for long.

The black beetle chased after each other, and more locusts came roaring in the sky. For a moment, it might be surrounded and strangled. By then, Su Ran’s collision would be meaningless.

With a loud shout, wounded military and civilian vehicles were being killed from the smoke and line and were withdrawn in the direction of Linxing Street.

Ye Qijun sat in his car and slowly made a military salute to the smoke-filled street behind.

Whether Su Ran is alive or not, this is his respect.

的 The courage and determination of this blow cannot be achieved by anyone.

At this time, Su Ran was actually on the other side of the street and the ruins. At the moment of the collision, he popped out of the escape capsule, and the escape capsule ejected and hit the ruins, and he used the dark energy armor to unload and land on On the other side of the street, despite this, he was dizzy and buzzing in his head under the impact, as if there were 10,000 flies flying around his head, and tinnitus was very serious, UU reading books www.uukanshu. The external sound of com seems blurry and distant

From the gap cleared by him, a large number of cars and people are rushing outward. In the rolling dust waves, everyone is like a headless fly. When they find the right direction, they rush outward crazy, and the black beetle swarm. Already strangled with the survivor team. Among the surviving survivors, even a large number of black beetles and slaughterers were killing people in the dust waves.

There are still migratory locusts left, and they are killing the survivors everywhere.

The soldiers of the puppet army opened fire scatteredly. Through the dust waves, they could see the bright light when the firearms fired.

Su Suran even heard that in the dust, someone seemed to be calling his name.

He shook his head, trying to clear himself up.

战士 A soldier found him, shouted in excitement, looking at his mouth, it seemed to be saying “Thank squad leader, I found him! I found him!”

But the soldier blinked into the sky with a roaring locust in the blink of an eye.

This scene made Su Ran instantly awake. He chased out two steps in dismay, trying to save the soldier, but in the dust waves, the soldier and the locust who had taken him away disappeared in a blink of an eye.

站在 He stood in the overwhelming smoke, hissing with monsters and gale echoing in his ears, watching this tragic battlefield, and suddenly remembered a word before the last days.


——Will you fail today or win a world?

Su Ran squeezed her fist in her sleeve tightly.

Today his nightingale aircraft crashed here, but it won’t be long before he will fly to the top of the ice in a more powerful battleship.

Uh …

Uh …

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