Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 30 - Infected

Looking at the planetary sky destroyer under the secondary manufacturing list, Su Ran was really excited.

But unfortunately, he now only has more than 600 resource points, which is nearly 400 resource points away from the 1,000 resource points required to build such a behemoth.

And these six hundred resource points were also made by Su Ran in hunting black beetles day and night in the past ten days.

During this time, he was like a machine that revolved around the shaft, exhausted and exhausted, only this accumulation.

Suddenly thinking about the nearly four hundred resource points that are still poor, Su Ran really has a feeling that he can’t kill.

The black beetle is a very dangerous creature. Even if Su Ran is hunting with a nightingale aircraft, he must avoid the large swarm of troops and find and stab small black beetles. It often takes some trouble to recover the resource point.

But this discouraged thought only flashed in Su Ran’s mind.

There is no way to kill if there is no resource point or weapon.

Now in this case, there is no choice.

Wu Suran regretted a lot of resource points spent on building ammunition. He spent nearly a hundred resource points before and after.

Alas, Su Ran only thought about it.

虽然 Although he thinks so, he knows very well that the manufacture and hoarding of ammunition is extremely important. Without those ammunitions, he would not have these resource points now.

This is the same as making money.

If you want to make more money, you must spend it first, and in the last days, if he is reluctant to spend resources, he saved money from the beginning of the last days, he may have died at that time, and he ca n’t live today. Resource points are also meaningless.

I have the life to accumulate resource points, but also have the life to spend.

It’s the same now. Although Su Ran thought that a thousand resource points still seemed out of reach, but after a while, he began to spend resources to make things.

A planetary sky destroyer with a thousand resource points can’t make it, can I always afford it?

The first thing that Su Suran built was a laser sword.

Su Ran created this thing is purely novel.

One energy point can create twenty, because the laser sword under the second-level list is not high in strength, although the temperature is high, but it is more difficult to cut people, and can only be used to achieve accurate killing.

After the system was built, Su Ran couldn’t wait to come up with a gesture.

Anyway, he doesn’t worry about others seeing a room of his own.

Although this laser sword made by Su Ran is cheap and inferior in function, it is still very interesting. The shape is similar to the lightsaber used by the Jedi Warrior in Star Wars. It is a handle. Of course, the Star Wars used the Force However, Su Ran is a pure laser generator, but the effect is similar. After starting, it emits a lightsaber from the handle, waving it in the room, pulling the wind to the extreme, the light flashes, there is really a bit of Jedi Look like.

Su Suran could not help but smirked.

Who hasn’t had a fantasy dream with a lightsaber?

Fortunately, Su Ran still knows the priority.

In addition to this laser sword, Su Ran also purposely built a traction beam tower that was also unlocked after it was upgraded to the second level.

He was going to mount this thing directly on his nightingale aircraft. After killing the black beetle outside, he would pull the black beetle corpse directly with the traction beam tower, so he would not have to run down the nightingale aircraft to absorb it. There is no doubt that it can greatly reduce its own risk factor and also improve its efficiency in hunting and killing black beetles and collecting resource points.

除此之外 In addition, with the promotion to the second level, the manufacture of many special ammunition and high-precision weapons has also been unlocked.

Wu Suran said nothing, and immediately began to invest in building a large number of white phosphorus bombs to improve the lethality of his cannon.

After this, Su Ran already spent fifty or sixty resource points.

But these are all necessary expenses, and Su Ran is not distressed.

When the system started to work, Su Ran fell asleep with his head covered, and slept for several hours. Su Ran woke up under the alarm clock set by himself, got up, and went out to hunt the black beetle again. .

However, after a few hours, the number of black beetles outside the ice city has decreased sharply.

The streets were messy and seemingly deserted. During this time, there were actually few survivors outside. They either died early under the black beetles, or gathered early on the military side. Generally, only black beetles and slaughter came. Walk around the streets.

Today, even the black beetle and the slaughter are missing, but in a distant direction, the heart-like beating frequency and sound of the worm nest are becoming larger and larger, and the number of flying locusts swirling around it is increasing. It is huge, covering the sky, as if to engulf the whole world.

The creature born in a mountain-like nest is about to “break out of the shell”.

As a result, the war worms in the whole city retracted after shrinking.

If there is no deviation from Su Ran’s memory, what was born from there should be the “Sky Surveyor”-a giant flying biological weapon that can eject plasma balls. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com

一旦 Once that thing has been “bred” to be born, the tide of insects that have been silent for a long time will come out, and then the real war will erupt.

Su Suran was slightly anxious.

若 If his destroyer can be built, he may have a battle with that thing, but now his nightingale aircraft is not enough to watch.

But now there are not many black beetles wandering outside. Su Ran walked for more than two hours before hunting down five black beetles.

But it is worth mentioning that he met an infected person!

The awakening is the lucky one under the attack of alien virus, but the infected is the real victim.

He is also infected with a virus. As a lucky awakener, not only will he not lose his self, but he will be blessed with all kinds of powerful abilities, but the autonomous personality of the infected person will completely die. However, in fact, it is the walking dead that is controlled by the worm nest, even without self-consciousness, not even the black beetle.

Alas, such people, often mixed with ordinary survivors, are often a huge threat.

Especially in the early days of the last days, the existence of ordinary survivors is not even clear of the awakened, let alone infected people. An infected person hides in a group of survivors and finds a chance to violently kill and kill numerous people.

Wu Suran saw such a situation today.

When he came to the field, the infected had already killed five or six people, and no one had expected that such a seemingly natural person would suddenly open the killing ring.

At this time, the infected was chasing the last woman, looking cold, holding a **** boning knife, and ruthlessly chasing the last woman who stumbled and fled!

Uh …

Uh …

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