Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 26 - I don\\\'t deserve a friend like you

Chapter 26 I’m Not Deserving To Have A Friend Like You

Yuan Xiaozhu and other survivors stumbled back and ran back, followed closely by a slaughter man, madly rolling the knife and foot, breaking each of the survivors into pieces.

依 Li Yilan shot.

Given her ability, it is difficult to freeze a large black beetle, but it is more than enough to deal with a slaughterer.

The temperature in the air suddenly dropped. Li Yilan directly turned the monster in the high-speed slaughter into an ice sculpture and froze in the field.

The survivors who were pursued by the slaughter then appeared as if they were pardoned, sitting on the ground with a slump, pale.

Yuan Xiaozhu faced the ecstasy of the rest of the life after the disaster, and he would hold Li Yilan’s hand when he came up and said, “My good sister! My good girlfriend! Really, you saved me again!”

However, this time, the expression on Li Yilan’s gentle face was almost indifferent.

She is willing to find a way to help Yuan Xiaozhu survive, even if she is in danger.

But this and Yuan Xiaozhu’s initiative to push her to monsters are two concepts.

I seem to be aware of Li Yilan’s indifference, Yuan Xiaozhu said, “I know, I did something wrong just now, but I was also scared. Our sisters should die together, you can’t be angry with me.”

Yuan Xiaozhu was a little anxious. Her family fled on the first day of the end of the last days and died. Now such a awakened friend is the capital of her survival in this last days. If Li Yilan is gone, she I just don’t know how to survive.

Looking at Yuan Xiaozhu like this, Li Yilan’s heart was soft for a moment.

They are almost friends from young to old, but …

依 Li Yilan gritted his teeth.

And just then, a voice sounded from one side: “She can push you to death this time of crisis, and I don’t think she will hesitate next time, and in my opinion, you take her in the same time Life and death friend, but she obviously just wants to take advantage of you. “

Everyone looked around and saw Su Ran separated from the crowd and walked in.

Someone has been paying attention to Su Ran, and also knows that Su Ran is the pilot of the aircraft that just came from the thunder. At this time, he said, everyone was silent.

Yuan Xiaozhu heard a look of aggrieved and pitiful expression, and said, “How is this possible? I was too scared this time, I really didn’t mean it …”

Su Suran glanced at Li Yilan and said, “I’ve done all that.”

依 Li Yilan fell into silence. She is a kind-hearted and soft-hearted person. Her character has always been excellent. She did hesitate just now, but Su Ran’s words woke her up.

The “sisterhood” between her and Yuan Xiaozhu also ended at this moment.

Everything she has done can be considered benevolent, and I’m not sorry.

When Li Yilan looked at Yuan Xiaozhu again, he already had a clear sense of distance in his eyes.

Wu Suran realized this by looking at this, she figured it out.

这 At this time, a survivor asked: “Are you a soldier? Can you take us out of here?”

Su Ran shook her head and said, “I’m not the military, and I can’t take you there, but I can show you a way. The two temporary survivors gathered closest to you are the Third Hospital and the Ice City Thirteen. There are military forces over there that regularly take the survivors out of Bingcheng in batches. You can go by yourself and find there and you will be safe. “

I heard that Su Ran was not a soldier, and he was even more unwilling to help them find the army. Many people showed a disappointed expression, but others nodded to Su Ran gratefully, “Thank you for your help.”

Su Suran nodded his head and said, “Either before the end of the world, or now, if you want to survive, the greatest dependence will always be yourself-good luck to you!”

He said, Su Ran turned directly.

He has just recovered the bodies of four black beetles. At this time, he directly boarded the nightingale aircraft and whistled away from the field.

However, the survivors here are all talking about which survivor base to go to.

But in the crowd, Li Yilan’s eyes gradually returned to the clear from the previous chaos.

She didn’t even know Su Ran’s name, but just a few words from this man who appeared like a meteor just woke her up.

There are always things that will change in the last days, but the only constant truth in the world is that you have to be a powerful person.

And in such an era, you can continue to keep your heart and be a good person you want to be, but only if you have a pair of eyes to see others, otherwise your kindness will only turn into Kill yourself.

In this era, people who used to have hungry wolves can easily become a purely bad person, but you must know that in this world, the vast majority of people are really just ordinary people. The world has changed tremendously. For them, no matter It is not so easy to become a good person or a so-called “evil person”.

What’s more, there is no absolute good and bad in this world, and there is no difference between good and bad.

The so-called good, bad, and evil are always relative.

依 Li Yilan said: “Xiao Zhu, as a friend, I have done my best, just now you pushed me out, I can ignore it, but let’s stop here, I don’t deserve a friend like you.”

He said these words, but Li Yilan felt relaxed and extremely refreshing.

However, Yuan Xiaozhu was pale, and completely stayed in place, and half a moment was beautiful to say a word.

Li Yilan said that although she was not worthy of having Yuan Xiaozhu as a friend, everyone knew that it was Li Yilan who had voluntarily abandoned Yuan Xiaozhu, a vicious hearted parasite. UU reading book www.uukanshu.com

Uh …

At this time, Su Ran is on his way back.

The stalemate with the swarm has provided the military with the opportunity to gather survivors. Now several military temporary survivor bases in the city are basically gathering a large number of survivors and transporting them in batches from various node locations. During this time, the swarm was shrinking on a large scale. From here, you can see that the swarm’s nest is over, and dense migratory locusts are flying around the nest like black clouds.

What is weird is that these flying locusts just fly around the nest like a star ring. Instead, they clear the space above the nest, and the sunlight above Ren Gaotian descents into it. Divine breath.

At this moment, the worm nest is like a heart, shrinking regularly, as if it is the pulse of the heart. Through half of the ice city, you can hear the heart beat like a heartbeat. Loud noise.

Su Ran knew that the mother nest was training a “troll”.

The invasion steps of these cosmic zerg are very simple. Wherever they come, they first attack the world with general-purpose war bugs, and bring back human corpses on a large scale as “nutrients”. In this process, the top zerg of genetic creatures will Began to systematically analyze the biological model of the earth, and then began to create a top-level destroyer warfare, a targeted “weapon” for the earth and humanity.

Obviously, the brood of Bingcheng has begun operation, so the large-scale swarms return to prevent the brood, so that the human side has a chance to breathe.

Suddenly, the military has also noticed the storm brewing behind this calm. While orderly and continuously retreating the survivors, it is trying to destroy the huge alien nest lying on the banks of the Songhua River.

Uh …

Uh …

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