Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 18 - Upright female researcher

Chapter 18: An Upright Female Researcher

The female researcher is also a human being. At this moment, when he sees this man, he is going to call himself. He is desperately struggling, but his eyes are very fierce.

At this moment, however, there was a voice like a street chatter, which suddenly sounded from behind the violent man, with a little provocation meaning: “Hey!”

男人 The man was getting up, and was interrupted at this time, and he immediately roared angrily and turned his head: “Are you trying to get ahead again?”

However, he turned his head to see the situation behind him, and the look on his face changed.

Because he saw first, it was a muzzle pointing at his black hole.

A 92-type pistol was almost in front of him.

It was Su Ran who held the gun.

He previously spent a unit of resource points to build a type 92 and corresponding ammunition.

It’s not for killing insects, it’s for defending people.

亮 The gun came out, and almost all the scene fell silent.

The burly violent man, looking at the gun and Su Ran holding the gun expressionlessly, could not help but swallow a spit, pretend to be calm, and hissed: “Point me at the gun? Are you a real gun? Young stepping horses are here to bluff Lao Tzu, believe it or not I break your head … “


没有 Before the violent man’s words were finished, Su Ran fired.

下 With such a short distance, there is no possibility of this shot being missed.

Suddenly, a blood flower burst from the violent man’s head, and his body fell down instantly, his face still looked inconceivable.

This is the answer.

Xun Suran’s gun is genuine.

Many survivors in the cricket room shivered with excitement, and looked at Su Ran with a bit of fear.

No one expected that Su Ran shouted hey from beginning to end, and just shot and killed a big living person!

Qi Suran’s expression was very calm.

He retracted the gun in his hand, glanced at the female researcher over there, smiled politely, and turned his head back to his own corner. The survivors on both sides saw him coming and offered him the same without exception. Make way, no one even dares to look at Su Ran’s eyes actively.

Whether it was just those who wanted to violently follow that man, or those who wanted to help, at this time they showed fear of Su Ran.

Those who kill people are often more frightened by the perpetrators.

Su Ran survived for three years in the doomsday. He has never been a kind-hearted person. He has seen many people like that. He has the muscle to dare to do whatever he wants. Tomorrow I do n’t know how many people will be killed. To such people, he will be killed ,It could not be better.

What surprised Su Ran was that he just sat down. The female researcher packed his clothes and walked over.

Wu Suran glanced at his heart, and it was estimated that he had come to thank him, and he was still a conscience.

Even though Su Ran was just a breeze to save people, there was no other idea, but it was good to be thanked by such a big lady.

Su Suran coughed, thinking of the other person to thank him for what he said.

But what he never expected was that the female researcher pulled a stool and sat down directly in front of Su Ran, saying, “Are you a soldier?”

Su Suran’s “It’s okay, trivial matter” is half-exported, only to realize that the other party didn’t come to thank him at all, and his expression was suddenly awkward.

Seeing the expression on Su Ran’s face, the female researcher also smiled slightly, and said, “No, I did come to thank you, but I was a little curious. Although you are holding a gun, it is not a military style of work.”

风格 The style of doing things in her mouth is obviously to kill a living person casually.

And that woman’s smile narrowed, in that very formal tone and expression: “My name is Chen Ling, thank you.”

He said, the girl also bowed to Su Ran.

Ji Suran’s mouth twitched a little.

妹 This girl is just a straight “girl”!

“My name is Su Ran, cough …” Su Ran thought for a while, but couldn’t hold back, and asked, “Do you have a boyfriend?”


Wu Suran nodded this way, and it was so true in his heart.

But the two did not go any further, but both shrank back into the corner. After the incident, the survivors who had been silent became even more silent. The building was quiet and there was almost no sound. The survivors who had been sitting closer to Su Ran even quietly let go.

Su Ran didn’t care. The time passed minute by minute. His special effect tissue regeneration potion was first completed. It took five resource points, but the potion was only 30 ml. Although Su Ran had been mentally prepared, But it also hurts a bit.

He tried it immediately.

Although there was no major injury on his body, there were a lot of small mouths, and there was a small wound on his hand. Su Ran squeezed out a small spot and smeared it on, and he felt only a few refreshing itching. For a moment, his wound had already Healed directly and the skin was as good as ever.

虽 Although the cost of this thing is high, it is also value for money.

Suddenly, at this moment, a commotion erupted suddenly among the peaceful survivors, and the fire outside the building suddenly became a flourish. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

Alas, the building opposite the Shengyuan building where they were suddenly burning.

The maggot swarm found the survivors inside, pouring in like a tide.

The people inside the puppet are almost more ferocious, and even if they are awakened, they have no power to return.

It was okay to burn the fire of the Awakener, but he wanted to burn the black beetle. Without the assistance of the military, he had not killed the black beetle, and the black beetle had already killed his face.

After such a scene, the survivors in Shengyuan Building are even more silent.

Fortunately, the building they were in was tall and quiet, and the dense black beetle swarm didn’t find them. After spending nearly three hours in this area, they finally heard something like a call, and all of them turned suddenly, Hulah. All withdrawn.

At this time, many survivors on the Shengyuan Building were relieved for a long time.

Suddenly seeing the swarm retreating, Su Ran also stood up for the first time and went downstairs.

The swarming black beetle swarm took away most of the corpses on the street.

The corpses of Zerg and humans are also nutrients and resources for Zerg, and of course they will be recovered.

At this time, there are still about two hours before the nightingale aircraft is completed, Su Ran plans to find a place to hide for a while, just because he hasn’t eaten for half a day. Finding a place to eat rice may be a good choice.

But only two steps later, Su Ran turned her head a little alertly, seeing that the researcher named Chen Ling was following her carefully.

Su Ran reacted, and the military here was dead. She didn’t know what to do, and was embarrassed to lick her face to follow Su Ran, so she could only follow Su Ran carefully.

Uh …

Uh …

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