Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 15 - The Last Leak King

Chapter 15: The First Leak King

1919: 13 on June 27.

The sky was being illuminated by fire, and the black locust swarms circled in the sky of the city under the dark red sky, like ghosts hovering on the cloud tops of the world.

About two hours ago, the military carried out the last big bombing on the river bank of Bingcheng. Then, the great defeat began.

The army withdrew from the front line on a large scale, gathered the survivors, and was about to give up the ice city.

However, beyond the fall of Bingcheng, the bigger situation is the defeat on a global scale.

The worm nest’s civilization level is not necessarily higher than that of human beings. Their purpose is to occupy this planet, and the living force that destroys human beings is the first priority, and then the earth is transformed into a world that belongs to them.

With the full retreat of the military front, the insect wave has appeared in all corners of the ice city for half an hour, standing in the huge insect nest of Beicheng District, like a **** standing at the end of the city, coldly overlooking the feet city ​​of.

The ice city at this moment has been engulfed by fire and death.

A large number of survivors ran out of the house and embarked on the road of escape.

From this moment, hiding at home does not mean absolute security.

In the previous life, at this stage, according to Su Ran’s knowledge, the military called it a node-based combat phase. The military retreat front will rely on favorable terrain in some ice cities to establish defensive nodes, which is equivalent to a small survivor base. The survivors nearby then retreated.

It is said that the plan at that time was an order issued by the commander of the Longjiang Theater, Yue Yuanshan. Regardless of other people’s obstruction, he would rather pay a huge loss and bring as many survivors as possible out of the ice city.

Night was permeated, and there was a chaos in the ice city. The sound of gunfire came from every direction. Panic-stricken people ran on the street.

Su Ran is also mixed in the crowd.

To be honest, he hasn’t seen so many living people in a long time.

He went out about an hour ago. At this time, he was rushing through the crowd and moving forward.

That is a frontal battlefield where the military and the insect tide crossfire.

The two 96-type tanks of the puppet army are crossing the front of the street, using a large number of infantry and heavy machine guns as land cover to protect the survivors in the back and quickly evacuate here.

The front of them is a swarm of insects.

The black beetle swept along the dark red sky like a tide, and hit a front tank, and the Type 96 weighing 42 tons also moved half an inch backward. The 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun and The 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine gun is spitting flames wildly, handling the short range black beetles with the infantry around the tank, and each time the 125 mm smoothbore gun fires, it can set off a towering “blood wave” in the black beetle swarm. !!

As a land warlord, puppet tanks are playing a thrilling combat capability in the city.

The tanks and military forces are slowly retreating along the streets, the tracks run over the ground, the asphalt road cracks open inch by inch, and the strong acidic corrosive liquid sprayed by the black beetle is fatal to the tank’s armor. Killing, the two tanks were full of strong acid slime, smelling heavy smoke, but still fighting.

If a living person is sprayed by this strong acid, half a person can be melted through in an instant, and no bones will be left!

There are a large number of slaughterers mixed with the black beetle tide, and they are rolling forward, dancing with their swords and feet, making a sharp howling, and walking through the rain of gunfire.

This is still a situation of local combat. If it was on the main battlefield of the Bingcheng Riverbank of the human army one day ago, the situation would be even worse. This is why Su Ranming knew that there would be a large number of worms there but was afraid to approach.

On a battlefield of this scale, he rashly ran away, and he probably did not even know how to die.

Of course, now that the battle on the main battlefield of the river bank has ended, there is no need for Su Ran to go-the successful tide of insects will fully recover the corpses and human corpses and bring them back to the tide as a nutrient. Create war bugs.

For the swarm, it takes a few days to create a combat worm, but for humans, it can take decades to train a soldier.

As the battle continued, Su Ran was quietly touching the edge of the street.

He came to such a place, but he did not come to rely on the military, he came to pick up the leaks.

Like a ghost, this guy leaned towards the edge of the human army and hid in a tattered coffee house on the edge of the street. When he saw the black beetle killed, he raised his watch and a light shot out. , Instantly put it into your own system, transform resource points.

If it is far away, and his watch is not enough to collect, he ventures out a few meters and closes it again.

The puppet army and the swarm fought fiercely, and Su Ran hid under the fire of the fire, but it was a joy to pick up.

Resource points are rising steadily.

Su Suran’s mood at this moment was like picking up money.

No one can imagine that on this battlefield of artillery, there was a person who did not escape and did not hide. Instead, he voluntarily ran to the battlefield, picked up worms, followed the army’s ass, and killed Close one end.

Wu Suran was not greedy, so he collected the black beetle corpses nearby, sneaking and sneaking, to the extreme.

Of course, Su Ran also speaks of morality. In this situation of fighting, he shoots one person, but if he sees some crisis military battles, Su Ran will secretly fire to help, one shot, one can be released instantly. Pour a black beetle.

In the battlefield of the army, a soldier in the infantry also discovered this, and asked the platoon leader next to him in amazement: “The platoon leader, you found no, the black beetle we killed was inexplicably missing. How much? “

The battle was chaotic and the sound of cannons was loud, and the platoon leader yelled: “Don’t be distracted! Fire!”

And at this moment, a ground-breaking loud noise, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, the ground was suddenly torn open, the ground just below a 96-type tank suddenly exploded, and a row of snakes burst out of the ground. Directly overturning the above tank on the spot, the military’s firepower suddenly weakened, and the black beetle swarmed up, and instantly overwhelmed the overturned Type 96.

The snake on the ground was making a howling shout.

But at this moment, there were two torn air bursts in mid-air. Two missiles dragged a long tail flame across the mid-air, and one flew directly from the open mouth of the snake that was there. When he went in, it blew up his entire head, and the other one was roaring beside the leaping snake that leaped from the ground, and fell into the swarm behind!

武装 A gunship is coming at low altitude!

The flames soared into the sky, the sound of the explosion was deafening, the smoke and dust were rolling up, and both the swarm and the military temporarily suspended the fire and retreated.

But what they don’t know is that at this moment, before the billowing soot, a wretched figure rushed out of the corner and ran around in the billowing explosion.

As soon as the smoke cleared, the military’s people were stunned.

Because for a while, the black beetle corpse on the ground was almost half missing, and the huge ground snake just blasted to death just disappeared!

The row was stunned, and said, “When did our missiles become so powerful? After two rounds, the **** on the earth that blew up all the bugs was gone? Here’s what happened when he bought Grandma Wang Bajiao, who can explain to me? a bit?!”

At this time, Su Ran, who was full of money, was once again in hiding in a wretched manner, unable to shrink back.

I pick up any leaks, and I run after picking up.

Who are you asking me?

The first leaking king in the last days!

Uh …

Uh …

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