Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 46: Death Town: Entry Only

Chu Han carefully observed Shang Jiuti through the rearview mirror. The woman was leaning on the seat with narrowed eyes. She was lazy and charming yet she was also bossy and very calm. Chu Han suddenly thought she looked like a cat.

No wonder!

No wonder the woman`s loyalty has been falling. She should be Lou Xiaoxiao big sister. The extensive brain washing made her loyal to only her country. It was really difficult for this kind of woman to exhibit emotion to others. It was already hard to solicit a good feeling from her, let alone loyalty.

So Chu Han who have managed to elicit a 50% loyalty from Shang Jiuti was already so brilliant.

After glancing at Shang Jiuti, Chu Kan then looked at Luo Xiaoxiao who was sleeping right from the beginning of their ride. She was having good sleep and she was sleep talking, which would elicit warmness from people during these troubled times, just like the sunshine.

Chu Han did not expect that he would accidently meet Luo Xiaoxiao and he only thought the girl was interested at him at the very beginning. She was loyal to him and he could train her as his right-hand person.

While the girl`s real identity and whose loyalty to Chu Han was at 60% was an absolute surprise!

It should be known that they could be worry free with their lives when they would go with Lou Xiaoxiao to any military base with her status.

The two women who had died in his previous incarnation had their lives completely changed during this life. Their appearance put Chu Han into deep thought.

Chu Han thought he was a prophet, especially when he knew that the value of what he knew had exceeded the value that he was expecting it to be. It was not only for his existence.

"You said—" Chu Han’s voice sounded entranced as he peeked at Shang Jiuti in the rear seat, "You said you have to go to Tong City to pick someone up?"

"Weren`t you asleep?" Shang Jiuti strangely looked at him and answered, "Yes, we are going to find an acquaintance."

An acquaintance?

Chu Han was excited. The so-called acquaintance could even make Shang Jiuti ignore the safety of Luo Xiaoxiao to pick him/her up. Was he/she someone who was Lou Xiaoxiao`s senior?

Chu Han curved his mouth as he thought of how he should increase the loyalty of these people no matter their identities!

He could be all powerful in all of the military bases with the support of these people.


They had a lot of necessary materials here. There were a total 4 rifles and a pistol. There would still be a spare gun even if each of them took one. Three of them were equipped with silencers. Bullets were not that abundant but it could last till they find the next airdrop bag. As to food, it should be known that Chen Shaoye still ate ceaselessly. Their life was so good.

Three days later.

The G55 was parked at the entrance of Tong City. There was road that seemed to be endless. The withered trees in both sides were tall and bleak. The strange scene seemed to be like they are entering hell. They clearly conveyed a message. Welcome to hell and welcome to death`s abode.

There was an advertisement board that said "Welcome to Tong City". The actress in the photo was very pretty and had white teeth that made them ask if people were still able to brush their teeth.

Chu Han stood beside the G55 and there was seriousness in his face. He was not able to visit this city during his previous life but he had heard some rumors. Although they were quite exaggerated, they were correct to some extent.

It was heard that the people that entered Tong City would be either eaten or become zombies.

It was a city of death in which you can only enter.

In his previous incarnation, Chu Han did not confirm whether it was the appropriate time for a long memory, but he did remember that the survivors from Mingqiu University were separated into two parties. One party rushed to Shi City and Chu Han was one of them and the other party was in a better condition. They were not that worried with the apocalypse so they chose to stay here and rob some food.

However, Chu Han haven`t meet them since as they just disappeared in those ten years.

Did they die?

What happened to them in his previous incarnation?

"Check your equipment." Chu Han hid his confusion as he calmly instructed his group.

They needed to be prepared before entering into the city since Tong City was unlike Ange Town, it was a city with a population of three million people!

Three million people meant that more or less 80% of it or 2.4 million people had already turned into zombies. It would be dangerous if a zombie tide would unexpectedly arrive.

No one knew what the city hid. Were the zombies scattered or did they group together? How many survivors were there?

It was a mystery. A City was always the most dangerous place in apocalypse.

Although Chu Han felt more compelled to call it an ancient town rather than a city.

They took responsibilities for their own lives. Chen Shaoye packed the food in the car`s trunk while Shang Jiuti checked the guns and the bullets. Eighteen was eating jelly and looking around.

Chu Han checked the meltdown system and his credit had already reached 400. He could choose a talent to study soon but he could still not choose during such critical times.

Credit was limited but talents were many. The amount of Credits every talent required greatly differed.

You could not have it both ways.

Glancing at Chen Shaoye who was armed and had been scolded by Shang Jiuti for his irregular gestures, Chu Han deeply frowned. The Chen Shaoye did not know how to use a gun and he was a noob. It was far different from the sniper god in Chu Han`s memory. There was a sniper in his team but it was still not obvious this early, but the importance of a good sniper would become obvious in the later parts when zombies began to have their second or third evolutions!

Chu Han refocused his eyes on the system as looked at one of the talents, Accuracy. However, the credits it needed were much more than other talents. You need to have 800 credits to learn it and it was still unknown how much credit it would need for it to be upgraded.

Accuracy talent was not only applicable to gun aiming; it works with any weapon you used, which was the primary reason why Chu Han loved it. It would save so much energy if each of his shots would be fatal.

He could not put all of his hopes to Chen Shaoye as it was always good to have a plan B.

The 800 credit points greatly annoyed him!

"Boss." Chen Shaoye came as his fat face could clearly be seen quivering, "Are we going inside the city?"

Chu Han looked at the entrance of the city filled with a depressive feeling, quickly replying in a determined voice, "Let’s go."

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