Anime Heroine Who Travels Through the Blackened Way

Chapter 682

And this is no other area, but a small town inhabited by the Drum Kingdom. This was originally Kosha’s plan to parade the captured pirates to the public in order to appease the citizens who had been disturbed before. But…considering all the scenarios of victory or defeat and loss, the only thing Kossa and Dalton didn’t expect was the current situation.

The strength of the enemy is indeed far beyond them, and it is not impossible for everyone, including Dalton and Kosha, to splatter the snow. However, they chose to capture their own companions obediently. This cannot be denied. Noble, let Kosha and Dalton take this victory for granted anyway.

“His Majesty the King has caught a new pirate!”

“What?! Those hateful pirates were caught?”

“Those **** beasts! Punish these **** severely!”

However, at some point, the advancement of things obviously cannot be stopped by human beings. No matter what Kosha and Dalton have in mind, those citizens who do not know the truth have naturally made the most reasonable behavior, and the noisy crowd spontaneously gathers in On both sides of the road, not only to praise and pay tribute to this young and promising new king, but also to cast the most angry and vicious curses on the captured pirate.

“Kill these two plundering pirates!”

“It’s because of them that my youngest daughter starved to death because of food shortages!”

“That’s right! In order to escape, my father contracted the cold and died in the snow!”

There are more and more residents on both sides of the road, and more and more anger and curses are thrown into the cage. After a rotten tomato first flew into the cage, a large pile of humiliating and angry garbage seemed to be poured out. The heavy rain usually hits the cage, which should be one of the punishments for the real murderer, but Luffy and Zoro, who are here now, have experienced this.

Luffy and Zoro are still quietly in the cage, and it is obviously impossible for the images of the two to remain intact under this humiliation. They took off a rotten vegetable leaf on their straw hat and hung two on their shoulders. Luffy of Rotten Eggs and Rotten Tomatoes suddenly opened his mouth, and his tone was also crisp: “Sorry.”

“Oh, it doesn’t hurt or itches, it’s nothing, Captain.”

And also picking off an egg shell from his head, Zoro’s still quiet and indifferent answer clearly showed his awareness and loyalty as a co-captain.

In order to treat Kebi, I need to find a doctor, so I can’t face these people with swords, so I have to keep this low-pitched, so I have to suffer this kind of humiliation. That’s it, it’s not a challenge.

Noble always has to pay a price, not only Luffy and Zoro in the prison van kept quiet at the moment, but Kosha and Dalton, who were walking at the front of the parade, also kept quiet at the moment.

According to the original plan, at this time, the king will start the usual speeches and incentives as a way to appease and relieve the people. However, Kosha, who has had countless speech experiences and did prepare a reasonable line before coming here, is completely unable to say these words at this moment. The two pirates did not do any evil at all, nor did they even resist. Under the circumstances, he was captured because of his obsession with seeking a doctor for his companions. Such a victory, any praise and praise prepared for him, became an undoubted shame and despicableness.

[What should I do? 】

Silently, Kosha gritted his teeth. When he was in the rebel army, despite the hard times, he had never suffered such a torture of conscience, even if he always wondered whether King Kobra was really related to dancing fans. But that contradictory feeling, compared with the current feeling, has also become a feeling that cannot be compared.

“Your Majesty! The execution rack for the pirates is ready!”

However, the reality is unavoidable and hesitant, the street is not too far away, and the militia captain who reported with a sense of fanaticism did not see his Majesty’s inner suffering at the moment, just glanced at him with hatred and pleasure. The cage, and then pointed to a small wooden platform at the end of the street, with a total of six cold wooden crosses on it. Obviously, out of resentment against the pirates, this time there was no simple gallows or guillotine, but a hanger that hangs people on it and waits for them to die.

“…I see…”

Closing his eyes in pain, Kosha left the mount with heavy steps. Even though he had experienced countless battles, this time he felt helpless again. He was very clear about the purpose of the previous battles, all of which were to fight against the sand thieves or other bandits who looted the civilians, so he had a clear conscience. However, this time, he rarely felt a heavy weight that could not be relieved, and even his feet were struggling.

“Your Majesty… Otherwise, let’s put these two pirates in jail first, after all…”

Dalton on the side couldn’t bear to open his mouth and suggested that the equally noble captain of the guard certainly saw the struggle and pain in Kosha’s heart, and they harmed other innocent people for the sake of some innocent people. They couldn’t convince themselves. . Moreover, it is impossible to use these two pirates’ “sins of the past” as an excuse, and their nobility will not let them ignore the fact that these two pirates have not done evil in this country.

“Your Excellency Dalton is too kind! How can these pirates be interrogated! These wooden stakes are their best home!”

However, Dalton’s words undoubtedly reached the ears of the people on one side, and almost without waiting for Kosha to speak, there was such a roar from the angry crowd next to him, and then countless people agreed. This made Kosha and Dalton’s faces sank uncontrollably.

Obviously, they have no power to change the public opinion. Even if they are the king and the captain of the bodyguard, their sense of responsibility and kindness at this moment has become a guillotine that drags them to the so-called “public opinion”.

Walking hard to the side of the prison car, Kosha forced himself to look at the two pirates in the cage. Only then did he realize that they were just two very young people, and until this moment, there was nothing in their eyes. Any resentment or anger, there is only a calm that makes Kosha more and more tormented.

Almost trying his best to maintain his apparent calm, Kosha also took a long breath, and then asked his own lines.

“You…do you have anything else to say? The one who claims to be the future One Piece…and the one who wants to be a great swordsman…Pirates!”

Cherry Blossoms in the Drum Kingdom (4)

Whether it will be insulted and hypocritical, or even more vicious ridicule, these Kosha don’t care at all, and even at this moment, he really hopes that these two pirates can scold like this, because this way he can slightly expel some of his heart. of torment.

Furthermore, Kosha, as a king, is undoubtedly too close to the cage at this moment. This was the final determination of the king. Although Zoro’s weapon had been confiscated, Kosha showed a general push of the saber on his waist in the direction of the green-haired swordsman. No doubt hinted.

[Abduct me, and then the two of you escape. 】

This is what Kosha decided to do. After all, he still couldn’t kill two people who didn’t do evil, even if they just didn’t do evil in this country. This is essentially an exchange. After all, these two powerful pirates could clearly destroy Kosha and his party, but they still chose not to resist, not even after being humiliated like that. This kind of behavior can be regarded as avoiding a large number of soldiers and civilians casualties. At this time, if some of his dignity can repay the other party’s kindness, Kosha does not mind.

“Hey, I said, as long as we hang on that shelf for a few days, you’ll find a doctor for my buddy, right?”

However, the words that entered Kosha’s ears made the young king’s eyes widen in shock. When it was clear that their own lives could not be saved, these two pirates were still thinking of their companions?

In the cage, Luffy was holding the railing with both hands, and his eyes were watching Kosha without flinching. Although he was covered in mess at the moment, the perseverance and firmness in the eyes of the straw hat boy still had nothing to do with it. Change, which even made Kosha lose the ability to think and answer for a short period of time.

“They…no, what we do is to tie the evil pirates to these wooden shelves, let the harshest wind and snow here turn them into human beings, and then be eaten by the crows of Winter Island. Exhausted.”

Because he didn’t know how to answer, Kosha just instinctively narrated the content of this cruel punishment, which is also the most in line with the current meaning of the people of the Drum Kingdom: because of the last group of pirates who looted, many people here The shortage of supplies has paid the highest price in the ice and snow, so the pirates have to suffer the same damage.

“Cut, that’s it~ Let’s say, we’ll stay there for a few days, can you find a doctor for our partner?”

Sauron, who was still leaning against the railing of the prison car with the back of his head in his arms, also opened his mouth nonchalantly, this green-haired swordsman who usually seemed to be just a reckless man deliberately lowered his voice, and his tone also brought a bit of playfulness: “Just When it’s a deal, your new king needs some pirates to stabilize people’s hearts, and we need you, the king, to help us find a doctor, it can be regarded as what we need.”

Even though he had personally experienced battles of different sizes, Kosha was still shocked by the actions of the two pirates in front of him. After confirming the seriousness and firmness in the eyes of the two, he nodded solemnly, and then said a word. He answered the question in a firm tone: “For three days, we will tie you two pirates here for three days. If you are not dead by then, it means that you may have been forgiven by this country. We’ll let you go.”

This time, Kosha’s tone was not deliberately lowered, and when they heard the king’s words, most of the people around showed schadenfreude. The climate of the Drum Kingdom as a winter island is not a casual one. The temperature is kept below zero all year round. It will be directly frozen into a popsicle, so Kosha’s words did not make these civilians think that they were letting go of these pirates. On the contrary, this was a vicious hope in their eyes.

So soon the riots on the streets subsided, and the people whose desire for revenge was fully satisfied returned to their lives again. After Luffy and Zoro were tied to those wooden shelves as promised, the two pirates were In the minds of the people, it has undoubtedly been equivalent to being sentenced to death.

In this world, everything needs to pay a price, and love is even more so.

Chopper hid in confusion in the streets and alleys where he could see this scene. His superhuman strength also gave him superhuman hearing, so he could clearly hear what Luffy and Zoro said to Kosha. The words that came out, and the intuition of the beast made Chopper feel it, even if you count the combined combat power of himself and the surrounding villagers, I am afraid that it may not be able to stop these two pirates, but these two sea pirates The thief was still willing to be tied to the cross for the sake of his companions.

As the adopted son of the quack doctor Shiruluk, Chopper is definitely not a bystander who has no intention of defending the drum kingdom. On the contrary, after accidentally encountering Sanji and his party, this head is usually timid but at a critical moment. The little reindeer, who never flinched, secretly followed him all the way. What he wanted to determine was whether the group of pirates would pose a threat to the Drum Kingdom, but he saw such a perplexing scene.

[There is no impossibility for a man who injects his soul into the skull flag. 】

This sentence is exactly what Shiruluk, the adoptive father who saved Chopper, once said, but the pirates who looted this country recklessly before, and these two seas who can even risk their lives for the sake of their companions. Thief, which of the two groups of people like this is the one who is referring to in the words of the righteous father?

Sighing slightly, the little reindeer turned around in the wind and snow, and then walked towards the distant coastline. At present, it is still the field practice time given to him by Kleiha, although Chopper only used this time to collect herbs and Communicate with small animals. But this time, Chopper felt that he needed to find the ship of these pirates, because there were patients on it who could let the two pirates die, because Chopper himself was a doctor.

If you are really familiar with the nature of human beings, you will find that under the aura of the so-called ‘group’, there is only an almost cruel fact, that is: [the mutual attraction of the same kind of people].

This world is still too huge, like a great route with countless routes. People who adopt a life attitude seem to choose one of the routes. Naturally, those who travel with him on this route are natural companions and friends, and those who choose other routes are natural competitors and opponents.

Everyone wants to instinctively prove that the route they choose is the best one, whether it is ‘relationship’ or ‘reality’.

Guardian (1)

Because Robin left Alabasta and went to the Drum Kingdom to recruit MR3 with Candle Fruit, the only person who can control the progress of the Hades excavation is Nami.

The deterrent power of ancient weapons is so great that if it leaks, there will definitely be a navy admiral coming to the door in person, so Nami naturally needs to put aside all the other things and come to the greatest extent possible to ensure that there will be no mistakes.

“How’s the progress today?”

Because the tunnel has gone deep into the area of ​​several kilometers underground, and because of the long distance, the downward passage has been equipped with a simple rail pulley, although the material turnover capacity of the Baroque Works has already occupied Alabasta after the integration of Nami. The strongest one at present, but it still needs to be taken seriously enough to supply power for this vast project, which is why Nami wants to cultivate Weiwei as soon as possible. The rest are really unbelievable, after all, not everyone can resist the temptation of rich materials.

“According to your instructions, continue to reinforce the passage and expand the excavation surface, but…”

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