Ancient Vampire in a Modern World

Chapter 35

Ryle decided to greet him warmly and if Keiji started bullying him he can only resign to his fate.

Keiji just stand in front of Ryle who was looking at him while still swiping the table. 

"Tha-thank you~ about yesterday" Ryle initiated talking to him with a thanks while bowing his head. 

"Can I talk to you later?" Keiji said while looking straight into his eyes as if he didn't heard what Ryle just said.

Ryle felt a tinge of comfort when he saw Keiji's eyes who was looking at him with eyes so deep as if it was looking through your everything but it was not the malicious gaze but a very comfortable gaze.


"Yes you"

"but I still have a work to do"

"That is why I said later"

"but… I still have three more work to finish"

"then come to my home then"

"but, what are we going to talk about"

"Don't worry I won't do anything to you"

"but~ it was around midnight before I finish all my work"



"if you don't want to then ok" 

Keiji turned around and walked away from him, Ryle was panicking right now and didn't know what to do as he was thinking if what if he just let Keiji walk away from him and then Keiji get pissed and started bullying him.

"wait, I will go but... I don't know where your house is"

"Just tell me when you are going to finish you work"

"I think it's 2:00 am" 

"ok I'll go back here that time"


"That sh*t i will fucking kill that piece of sh*t" Ron yelled as he keep throwing everything he touch.

Ron was so angry because of Keiji but when the door opened and a man emerged from it, his face instantly changed.

"Father!, It's just…"


Before Ron could continue his fathered appear in front of him almost instantly and slap his face that made a d palm mark on his face.

Ron already expected it and fixed his head again and looked at his father with firm composure but also scared inside. 




This sound continued until Ron's consciousness fade. His father turned around and walk away and so the man beside him who was watching from the very start.

"Find out who did this to him and his background and make sure that we don't offend someone we shouldn't .."

"Yes, sir"

The man looked back at Ron's unconscious body and smiled slightly then closed the door before turning around and continue following his boss.

Klyzer was now sitting in a table as she looked outside the window and thinking so deep while her friends keep eating and talking at each other.

"Hey, Klyze, I heard that there is a madman earlier did you know about it?"

"His not a madman, his my frie.. classmate"

Her friends looked at each other and smiled as they looked at Klyzer

"What? did we hear it right?"

"You finally have a boy friend"

Klyzer blush at their words slightly.

"No, his not my boyfriend"

"We are not saying boyfriend though, we said boy,friend"

Klyzer's fried high five each other as they keep teasing Klyzer.

"So you have a friend now"

"wanna share"

Klyzer blush slightly before saying "I don't know if he treat me as a friend but.."


"never mind let's just eat"

"no, don't leave us in a cliffhanger"

"Hehe.. but why would he not treat you as a friend with your beauty and it's not like you are,.. yup I think it's possible you are so cold with any male you meet so far"

"Really? Am I that cold" Klyzer ask with curious and serious tone as if she just found something new.

"as if your not , you just didn't even bat an eye for over a hundred man who tried to court you, and I think you didn't even have a single male friend"

"but Klze why are you acting like that by the way it's like you don't want to be like that"

"No, it's not like that" they keep asking klyzer and also teasing her until a group of man consisting of four interrupted them.

"Hello! can we invite all of you for a dance"

The girls look at each other but Klyzer just keep eating and didn't even spare a second glance at them.

"sorry but we are still eating" said of the three girls.

"Oh, then maybe later, can we?"

The man has a handsome looks on his face ask gently said while looking at Klyzer with a slight smile although he was talking to them his gaze was only looking at Klyzer.

They looked at each other and trying to decide what to do because the man in front of them has a very high status which can ruin their family but they were not that afraid because that man was not looking at them but at Klyzer.

Which also worried them but not that much because they know that Klyzer have the capability to reject them or so they thought.

"Can we Ms.Klyzer" The man spoke again before they could reply which save them a little.

Klyzer heard it and look at them and said

"Nope we can't"

"And why is that?" the man asked gently without even a hint of anger.

"Do I need to answer your question."

"Then thank you for the conversation beautiful, I will bid my goodbyes now"

The man smiled and bowed romantically then walk away.

"See, I told you klyzer you really are cold"

"But thanks, if not for you maybe we might be forced to dance with those "

"No problem, but I am not cold I just don't want to dance"

"no you really are cold, haha"

"That is why I really hate attending gathering like this if not for you all I won't even attend this gathering"

"such a good friend of us, by the way where is Luna?"

"She said that she was going abroad for more training."

"Right, but she was not meeting us even in the virtual world"

"she must be really busy"

They packed up and went down to exit the cafe but Klyzer was stopped by the manager who was bowing his head beside the exit.

"Hello ma'am this is your credit card and the receipt, thank you, and we hope you will be back"

Klyzer took the credit card and the receipt then put it in her bag.


Keiji went back home and prepare the food the aroma of the food was still oozing and making Keiji excited a little bit.

'I thought ramen is the best food until now such a waste why didn't I try tasting this one.'

Keiji eat slowly while appreciating every single bit of the food.

Then he sat there and wait for the time he open the television and watched some movies, he watched movies until midnight while eating ramen.

He ate ramen as he watched which make his trashcan full of ramen cup. He also try to clean the house by picking up the broom and using the vacuum.

Then smiled after seeing the clean floor who was still shimmering without even a single dust left. 

'I didn't expect that cleaning is also a good thing to waste time'

After cleaning the living room he went to the bathroom and wash himself.

And now he was wearing a black short and T-shirt. He looked at his watch and saw that it was almost 2 am so he walk out of his penthouse and go to the parking lot.

He drove his car out and go to where he and Ryle would meet up, although there seems no nearby houses beside the road the street was still illuminated by the street lights and now it looked as barren as it could.

Until he reached his destination and exit the car the place that was lively earlier was now a quiet place which is a little beautiful because of the starry sky that compliments well in the music that was still playing there are only quite a few couples walking around and some were sitting enjoying the view and the music that was being played by an old man in the middle of the plaza.

Keiji walk to a nearby stall and buy some can of soda.

And while drinking it in the far place Keiji could heard some strange sounds he looked at it using his eyes which can see through a certain things then he saw a car that was shaking and wiggling with a rythmythic pattern which he found quite strange so he looked through the inside of the car and saw what is in it.


Keiji accidentally spat out what he was drinking to a woman nearby whose dress is now wet because of Keiji's soda.

Keiji wipe his lips and apologize to the woman in front of him.

"Sorry miss"

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