Ancient Vampire in a Modern World

Chapter 32

After a while he finally decided he picked a rainbow loose shirt and a black short then he walked towards the shoes and wear a colorful shoes. He looked into the mirror and was satisfied he thought to himself "Is it good to wear this colorful thing.

He walked out of the apartment and went towards the garage then he suddenly forgot his car keys so he went back and get them. He also picked up his wallet containing his driver's license and credit card.

He went towards his car which was parked in parking lot number C24. It was a plain black car. This was his first time ever driving a car so he really didn't have any experience but he read it in a book so he tried to follow it. 

He put the key and pushed it then rotated it sideways then the sound of an engine rang out, then he followed what was on the book and then he finally drove off. He drove slowly and sometimes break even though it was not needed, after familiarizing himself, he finally learned how to drive.

He drove it off and went out of the garage, even though this was a city you can only see 4 buildings 1 is where Keiji's penthouse is. The houses and even the most nearby store was almost 1 km away from Keiji's building, you can only said that this was a city because of the four big building and he paved road if not for those, this place could be considered a forest but here the grass was tamed beautifully and the trees were planted harmonically, there are also flowers and fruits that were planted in the spaces where no structures are build.

The cause of this was because of the previous war or the world war 3 which damaged the earth so much that humans finally decided to be eco friendly that is why if someone who was born in 2020 was here they will think that they travelled to the past. But the main cause of this was the emersion of the virtual world where half a day of all humans was spent.

Keiji didn't know where he was going, he already went past his school which is nearby his penthouse just a kilometer away from it's entrance. After driving for a while he found himself driving in a mountain road which is quite good, but now it was already past noon time which is why Keiji felt quite hungry although it didn't really affect him but he was already ued to eating and his body already adopt to it but he can undo that easily if he want.

[//( A/N: Remember the city were Keiji was is a high class one so not all city is this spacious and I know that he said to Chris to make sure no one finds his identity so why did he bought him a house in a high class place, maybe you can ask the author about that… wait, I forgot I am the author, who knows )//]

He drove his car even though he didn't know where to go, but then he remembered something and tried it out, "Open GPS" he said, then a mechanical voice rang out inside the car.

"the GPS is now ready" 

"to the nearest fast food chain"

"Locating… the nearest fast food chain is around 6 km away. Go straight ahead for around to kilometers."

Keiji started driving faster.

"Turn right 300 km ahead, then go straight for 4km."

Keiji turned right and drove off. Finally he saw a lively place. There was a big building in the middle of it and many more structures that were surrounding it. Even Though it was so far away, Keiji could see it clearly and vividly. He saw many people eating food that he found quite tasty, he started drooling as he saw people eating and laughing .

He parked the car in a parking lot and then began looking around. This place was the mall of the city so it was quite lively. Keiji exited the car and began walking but he felt that the people around were looking at him and also laughing at him. He didn't quite understand why they act like that but although some girls laugh they were also impressed by Keiji's handsome face and body.

Keiji walked around and saw a certain restaurant, he walked inside and was greeted by a staff member. "good morning sir," then the staff bowed and led Keiji to his seat.

Monica is a girl living peacefully, now she was currently working at the 95 restaurant and was working peacefully but then she saw a handsome man walk inside the restaurant, it was a very handsome man but when she saw what this man is wearing she almost laugh out loud, she thought ' I am gonna fall in love with him if not for his clothes but even though with that clothes I will still fall in love.'

Keiji walked into the table and sat there peacefully then the waiter gave him the menu " Here is the menu sir," The waiter bowed respectfully even though he was laughing inside.

Keiji followed the waiter and sat where the waiter led him, the restaurant was so plain but because of its plainliness it made the place beautiful for Keiji.

Keiji looked at the menu and browsed through it. He saw many delicious dishes that made him drool 'is this really food, how the hell does this look so beautiful.' 

The waiter saw Keiji's reaction which made him frown a little bit. Keiji's was gaping and his eyes were glimmering when he saw the list so he asked " what is the best dish here?"

"Sir the best dish we currently have is the "Lova lobster" and the "Fried virgin turtle" but for our desert we have the "Devil lotus flower" and the "Taste of the pink cave." " The waiter said with a normal tone but inside of him he was regretting because he knows that Keiji couldn't afford those food because the cheapest dish that he just said has its price worth the same as his yearly salary. 

"Ok, gave me all of them." Keiji said with a smile as he smelled the different kinds of aroma coming from different dishes that were being served to different customers.

"Are you sure sir?'' The waiter did not believe Keiji could pay the bill but he needed to follow the protocol of where he was working so he didn't directly shoo away Keiji.

"Yes I am, do you have a problem?" Keiji asked.

"No sir, I am just making sure I didn't hear you wrong," he walked back and told the chef about Keiji's order but he also walk towards the manager's office and told him what he saw because if he what he was thinking is true and didn't report it to his manager he would be the one who will face the consequence.

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