Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2154

Chapter 2128: Years Of Power!

Chapter 2134 The Power of Years!

When Sun Xuan’s eyes contracted, he took a deep breath, thinking that he would first take a shot to interrupt Su Han’s upcoming supreme technique, but in the end, he still did not dare to take a risk.

Su Han has too many methods. Although he is a great power of the Combination Realm, he didn’t get the slightest benefit when fighting against Su Han, but was embarrassed.

In Sun Xuan’s opinion, Su Han must have other methods. The ancestors of the Wang Family also said it before the Year of the King. Not to mention weapons and other items, it is more than that!

Therefore, Sun Xuan did not dare to fight!

He is extremely cautious, intending to retreat.

And the old man and the old woman finally recovered their mobility at this moment.

Although there are thousands of anger in his heart, he is really full of jealousy for Su Han.

Seeing Sun Xuandu quickly backed away, the two of them no longer hesitated. With the sound of the sonic boom, they spread out at the fastest speed and rushed towards the rear.

This scene stunned everyone below.

They originally thought that this mere Second-Rank Divine Sea Realm would inevitably die extremely miserable if they challenged the power of four first-Rank combined realms.

But I didn’t want to. Under the battle, the ancestor of the Wang family was killed, and Sun Xuan stepped back in fear. Both the old man and the old woman did not dare to fight Su Han again!

This is simply impossible! ! !

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, it would have been 10,000 people telling them so, they would not believe it!


At this moment, when everyone is extremely shocked–

A buzzing sound spread between heaven and earth.

Even though Sun Xuan and the others had already used the technique of shrinking the ground into an inch, one million miles per second, but the buzzing sound still rang in their ears, deafening.

When he looked back, he could no longer see Su Han’s figure in white clothes with his naked eyes.

However, they could all see that a ripple was spreading from where Su Han was at an extremely fast speed!

This ripple is obviously illusory, but at this moment it seems to have turned into substance.

Can’t see what color it is, as if it is transparent, at this moment, overwhelmingly swept over.

“What is this?!”

The old man’s eyes widened and he couldn’t help exclaiming.

From the ripples, he felt an indescribable mood.

There is not much power, nor the feeling that can bring him life and death crisis, but…

When he saw this ripple, for some reason, his whole body’s hairs exploded, his scalp was numb for no reason, and his heartbeat accelerated at this moment, as if the whole heart was about to pop out.

With his experience as a powerful combination state, you can guess in an instant——

This seemingly insignificant ripple must be extremely terrifying! ! !


The speed of the old man increased sharply again, swallowing a large amount of pills, and he didn’t know whether he was recovering his cultivation base or increasing his speed.

A pair of imperial-level boots appeared on his feet. Although it can’t increase his speed too much, at this moment, it can increase a little, just a little!

Not only him, the old woman, and Sun Xuan, the same!

Their complexions changed, and water dripped gloomily.

Wherever he went, the void was completely annihilated, and the sound of sonic booms came from time to time, and the whole figure turned into a Changhong, and went straight to the distance.

At this moment, even Sun Xuan did not have the idea of killing Su Han.

Because he knows–

Su Han, he can’t kill at all!

“A hundred years of origin…”

There was a faint voice, but it was shaking the sky and the earth, like a **** falling, alarming all directions.

And as the sound fell, the originally transparent ripple suddenly turned into jet black at this moment, and the speed of spread only increased sharply!

Almost in the blink of an eye, he caught up with the weakest old man among the three, and then swept him!

There were no screams, no physical collapse, and no direct death scenes.

But Sun Xuan and the old woman clearly saw that the old man swept by the ripples was…becoming younger!

Yes, just become younger!

The wrinkles on his face disappeared, his skin became smooth, his rickety figure was straight, and his gray hair became pitch black.

It seems to be going back in time.

No, it’s not going back in time, but…

Back to the light! ! !

The old figure turned into a young man after becoming middle-aged.

Then, change.

Teenagers, children, babies…

He couldn’t speak, his eyes widened, struggling hard.

The body still has the coercive force of the Integral Realm, but it seems to be suppressed by the ripples, any cultivation level and combat power can not be displayed!

“What kind of magic is this!!!”

Both the old woman and Sun Xuan took a deep breath, their eyes widened, and they couldn’t believe it.

“Millennium operation…”

At this moment, Su Han’s voice came again.

The ripple speed increased sharply again, and swept the old woman in front of the old man directly!

“Do not!!!”

The old woman screamed and broke out, but to no avail.

She knew that with her own cultivation base, being swept by this ripple, she was definitely not much better than the old man.

“Old Sun, save me!!!” The old woman said again.

Sun Xuan’s face was gloomy, and he didn’t stop at all, and continued to rush towards the distance.


How to save?

He doesn’t even know what secret technique this is, let alone break it.

At this moment, I am afraid that I will not be able to protect myself. How can I save the old woman?

“Sun Xuan, you **** thing, you can’t run away!”

Seeing Sun Xuan’s departure, the old woman’s heart boiled with anger, and then roared: “You are only a first-grade combination stage. If the two of us die, you will not survive as well!!!”


As soon as these words fell, the old woman’s voice stopped abruptly.

Her figure, like the old man before, began to become younger, and in an instant, from an old woman to a baby.

The difference is that after becoming a baby, she grows up quickly, becoming a child, adolescent, young, middle-aged, and even the same old woman as before.

It didn’t stop here.

She is quickly young again, and then quickly old, and so on…

With this cycle, the breath of the old woman is constantly weakening.

The coercion of the combined realm’s great power quickly disappeared, and the cultivation base had fallen for some time, turning into a divine sea realm.

Seventh-Rank of Shenhai Realm, 6th-Rank of Shenhai Realm, 5th-Rank of Shenhai Realm, 4th-Rank of Shenhai Realm…

In the end, he became the Soul Transformation Realm, the Mortal Realm, and… a mortal!

And all this happened, UU reading only in a short time.

When the old woman became a mortal, the third stage of the supreme technique was also slowly performed from Su Han’s hands.

“Ten thousand years…destruction!”

The word ‘destruction’ was extremely bitten by Su Han.

After speaking, he raised his head and looked directly at the direction Sun Xuan had fled from.

In the deep eyes, there are two rays of light that traverse the sky, like a **** overlooking, directly falling on Sun Xuan who is millions of miles away!

“You can’t run!”

ps: First update today.

Everyone is afraid that Nanshan will not be updated again, right?

It’s not that it’s not updated, it’s because it’s been uploaded now, so it took a while, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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