American: Native Empire

Chapter 179: Radio.


Kim Ki-woo nodded his head after receiving the report on the situation. 

As expected, the interest in radio had ignited.

Even if he hadn’t done this, radio would have gradually become popular over time. 

That’s how powerful radio broadcasting was.

But by Kim Ki-woo’s direct action, that period would be much sooner.

It was a very desirable phenomenon for the better quality of life of the imperial citizens. 

Of course, there were also many things to prepare quickly, as it was a new mass media that would have a huge impact on people.

“Will the relevant bill be announced before the radio station in the capital opens?”

“We are preparing without any hitch.”

The dark circles under the eyes of the chief justice, who had been there already, had deepened. 

He had worked day and night to prepare the radio bill.

Kim Ki-woo patted his shoulder and said.

“Soon there will be a lot of newspapers and magazines that want to jump into radio broadcasting. So you have to prepare well in advance.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The power of mass media had been proven long ago. 

The most representative example was newspapers.

Words are different depending on who says them. 

Depending on the person’s intention, the content can change by 180 degrees.

Of course, if distorted information was continuously published in newspapers, they could be shut down by the government, but even if it was correct information, it could change enough by changing the perspective.

That’s why newspapers had power. 

It was the reason why they couldn’t easily attack newspapers. 

Radio broadcasting would soon be similar.

Seeing this future clearly, Kim Ki-woo prepared for it in advance.

And as planned, the radio-related bill was announced just before the opening of the radio station in the capital. 

Kim Ki-woo received this report and headed to the station.

“It’s well built.”

The station, located in the capital, was very sophisticated, worthy of the title of the first radio station. 

It was comparable to modern buildings.

“It is an honor to meet you, Your Majesty.”

“Show me around.”

Kim Ki-woo replied dryly to the director’s words. 

Then he followed him along.

There were many station staff on both sides, but the corridor was quiet as a mouse. 

Only Kim Ki-woo’s footsteps echoed in the corridor.

And soon he arrived in front of the elevator. 

Of course, the elevator was wide open. 

Kim Ki-woo naturally got on the elevator.


Then the elevator door closed naturally and started moving up.

‘The ride has improved a lot.’

Kim Ki-woo was very satisfied with the smooth movement that was no different from modern elevators.

Mechanical elevators had come out a long time ago, but they had gone through a lot of trial and error until they reached today’s elevators.

‘No wonder high-rise buildings are sprouting up like mushrooms.’

In the days when elevators were not popularized, there was inevitably a limit to the height of buildings.

It was too hard to go up and down high floors without an elevator.

But after achieving some ride comfort and safety, high-rise buildings grew like crazy. 

Especially in densely populated areas such as the capital and other major cities.

One of the things that surprised outsiders who looked around these capitals and major cities was that high-rise buildings looked like a forest.

‘If you look at downtown alone, it seems like you can call it modern without any shame.’

The symbol of modernity was none other than a forest of buildings.

Of course, it was premature to say that they had fully entered modernity. 

They were just starting radio broadcasting now.


While Kim Ki-woo was lost in thought, the elevator door opened. 

He had arrived at his destination.

“Is this it?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Kim Ki-woo looked around at the broadcasting facilities after hearing the director’s answer.

‘I told you not to do this.’

After looking around at the broadcasting facilities, Kim Ki-woo chuckled inwardly.

He had said that there was no need to decorate them with unnecessary ornaments for his sake, but looking around, he could see that they had prepared hard.

Kim Kiwoo remembered how the whole army had prepared to welcome the division commander when he heard the news of his arrival before the war.

This was something that could not be stopped, no matter how much he told them not to. 

Kim Kiwoo honestly did not care, but the ministers, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, could not tolerate it.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“How is the broadcast schedule?”

“We have arranged the schedule according to what Your Majesty personally delivered to the station.”

“I see.”

The radio broadcast started at noon. 

It was about 11:30 a.m. now, so there was roughly 30 minutes left.

Kim Kiwoo entered the radio booth without delay and sat down in the prepared seat. Of course, the chair was very comfortable. It was not a chair that belonged in a radio booth.

“Here it is.”

“Thank you.”

Kim Kiwoo took the schedule from the director and glanced over it, then nodded.

‘It’s well organized according to my plan.’

In fact, Kim Kiwoo’s influence was very deep in preparing this radio broadcast. 

At this point, there was no one who knew better than Kim Kiwoo what the public wanted to hear on the radio.

Of course, they did not have the conditions or technology to do a modern radio broadcast, but he tried his best to recall and benchmark the radio broadcasts of the original history.

‘I have to imprint the fun of radio broadcasting on people with this opportunity.’

A lot of people would listen to the radio broadcast just to hear Kim Kiwoo’s voice directly.

That meant that there were people who would lose interest in radio as soon as Kim Kiwoo’s speech ended.

Kim Kiwoo came up with a rich composition from the beginning to attract them as regular listeners.

‘Let’s see how it goes.’

Soon it was noon.

Kim Kiwoo’s speech time was 1 p.m.

That meant that other broadcasts would follow for an hour.


-Crackling, crack!

“Ugh. Didn’t they say they would start something like a radio around noon? Why haven’t they started yet?”

“Hey, don’t be so impatient. It’s not even 12 o’clock yet. If you’re going to whine, go back. Do you know how hard I worked to get a radio receiver?”

“Haha. Who said anything? I got it, I got it. I’ll be quiet.”

The soft bed closed his mouth at his friend’s reaction. 

He didn’t want to miss hearing His Majesty’s voice by any chance if he got kicked out.

‘But they sure gathered a lot.’

The soft bed chuckled as he looked around.

The news that His Majesty would personally give a speech on the radio spread like wildfire, and the radio receivers sold out in an instant.

Naturally, many people could not get a radio receiver.

So they gathered like this in groups to listen to the broadcast.

Well, actually, the soft bed didn’t really think about buying a radio receiver. 

He didn’t have much intention of listening after hearing His Majesty’s speech.

To him, a radio receiver felt like nothing more than an expensive toy.

At that moment.

“It’s twelve o’clock!”

“They’ll start now, right?”

“Everyone be quiet!”

It was time. 

There was a moment of commotion, but it subsided again thanks to one man’s scolding.

And then.

-We will now start the radio broadcast.

The sound quality was rough, but a clear voice came out of the radio.

And then.


“Oh, this song is one of my favorites.”

“Music on the radio?”

The murmurs of the people around him agreed with the soft bed.

‘If they play music like this, it would be a different story…’

At this time, the price of records was very expensive. 

The imperial citizens who loved music gladly paid for them, but even for them, buying various records was a burden.

But what if, the radio played various music?

They couldn’t choose the music, but it seemed worth buying a radio. 

The soft bed thought about the radio again.

Of course, this was just the beginning.

“Is it over?”

“Ah… it was good.”

After the song ended, people swallowed their regrets.

Then, a short advertisement followed.

“Oh, I didn’t know they had a new product.”

“Should I buy one too?”

People encountered unfamiliar radio advertisements and remembered the advantages of the products. 

It was a short time, but it was definitely more effective than newspaper ads.

At that moment, the benefits of radio advertising appealed to several executives who were listening.

‘What’s next?’

As time passed, the soft bed felt more and more immersed in the radio. He didn’t do much, but it was quite fun.

-Ding~ Didi Ding~ Ding Ding!

At that moment. 

A familiar yet strange music came out and,

-We will deliver today’s main news to you.


A man with a low and cool voice started to deliver the news with very accurate pronunciation.

It was a time to tell about the domestic and foreign situations and interesting events that happened recently.

People focused on the news that was delivered accurately with a pleasant voice.

“Ho. A new gene was discovered… That’s good news.”

“Eh! How can people do such a shameless thing?”

Unlike reading the news from newspapers, they understood very well.

“What? It’s over already?”

“I wish there was more…”

They were so absorbed that when the news ended, they expressed their regrets again.

After another short advertisement, the next segment followed.


“What is this?”

People listened to the radio broadcast that followed.

And soon, he figured out what it was.

“It’s a play?”

“Um… a voice play…”

It was none other than a radio drama.

And not just any radio drama, but the one that had always been the most popular, the story of how Kim Kiwoo established the Wakantanka Empire.

Everyone knew about it, but everyone loved it as well. 

And soon, smiles bloomed on their faces.

The drama did not just list the story. 

The actors each took on a role and performed with realistic voice acting.

“Ha ha! Right!”

“Doesn’t this story sound more fun on the radio?”

The very satisfied one was also the soft bed. 

He too was completely immersed in the story. 

He only came to his senses after the radio drama ended.

‘Ah… they’re cutting it off here?’

Cruelly, the radio drama ended with a preview of the next episode. 

The soft bed was insanely curious about what would happen next.

And he vowed.

‘I’ll buy a radio right away, even if I have to stand in line.’

Of course, he was not the only one who thought this way, so it was hard to say if his vow would come true.

After the radio drama ended.

It was finally 1 p.m.

And then…

Kim Kiwoo’s voice slowly flowed out of the radio.



When someone tried to cheer without thinking, the man next to him blocked his mouth with a grim hand.

The others also blocked their mouths. They were afraid that their voices might mix with His Majesty’s jade sound and cause disrespect.



It was the first time he heard the voice of the great emperor he had always cherished in his heart.

That’s why tears flowed from his soft bed’s eyes. 

He was so moved.

This was the same for all the citizens who were listening to the radio. 

A quiet cry spread throughout the empire.

This scene continued throughout the 10-minute speech.

The radio broadcast started with freshness, joy, and a very big impression.

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