All People: Summoner, Starburst At The Beginning!

Chapter 50

Chapter Fifty: The Qi Of The Earth Is Saturated, The Palace Of The Lord Of The Secret Realm

“I’m going to clean the portal!”

After hearing Wang Huan’s narration, Li Tianxiao’s voice was cold, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

Yandu University is a famous professional institution,

Students are the face of the institution.

He will never allow anyone who damages the school’s reputation to appear.

Even in front of people from the rival university, Shanghai University.

After Li Tianxiao left,

Wang Huan took out the ‘potion’ from the space and drank several bottles before recovering some state.


He tore open the flying scroll, and after the light feather unfolded, it flew away through the air.

The fifth blessed land.

The battle site is only ten kilometers away from here.

The speed of the flight is very fast.

“Wang Huan is back!”

Wang Gang pointed to the sky and shouted loudly.

The two women stopped fighting and looked up at the sky.


A ray of light fell, the light feather dissipated, and Wang Huan sat on the ground.

“I’m so exhausted, I almost confessed.”

If Li Tianxiao hadn’t appeared,

Something might happen to him, but if he is captured alive or dies, his status must be kept as a registration card.

“I’ll treat you.”

Zhang Jinglan said quickly.

“Need not.”

Wang Huan waved his hand, “It’s just that I’m exhausted, and the injuries are almost recovered by the Qi of the Earth.”

“How are you guys, have you got rid of those three people completely?”

Hearing the sound, the three of them fell silent.

When I looked up, I couldn’t see Gu Changqing.

“Is that person gone?”

Linglong murmured.


She recounted what happened here.

Wang Huan was completely dumbfounded.

Hua Wucai? ?

Understand the power of the earth? ?

Killing six people in the hall with one sword, and cutting off a mountain 100 meters away? ?

It turned out that the white light that frightened the world came from the hand of that young man! !

“Is Hua Wuque?”

Wang Huan’s eyes were solemn,

He had never heard of the name.

But how could such a talented person be unknown?

“Maybe it’s a pseudonym.”

Linglong said suddenly.

Wang Huan nodded and agreed with this point of view.

Zhang Jinglan put her hands on her hips and said arrogantly:

“Hmph, it’s okay to have a pseudonym. I’ve already memorized the boy’s face. He’s handsome, amazing, and cruel. I’ll definitely recognize him next time I meet him!”

at the same time,

After Gu Changqing left the fifth blessed land, he headed for the sixth blessed land.

The absorption of the air of the earth is almost saturated,

After about four or five shocks, his body had already formed antibodies.

But look at the reactions of the three of Linglong.

It seems that he has comprehended the power of the earth after working hard by himself?

Gold class is nothing but ditch Tongtian,

Can I use it directly without having to communicate?

Gu Changqing was puzzled.

He didn’t have any comprehension, let alone the reason for the ground force.

But every gesture is enough to see that they all have the power of the earth, which may be the expressive power of the earth.

The air of the earth is an alternative product of the force of the earth.

I have absorbed almost hundreds of thousands of levels, whether it is physical body or mana, it is full of essence of earth energy.

Perhaps it was a coincidence,

At least it saves a lot of time, and after that, it only needs to spend time ditching Tongtian’s power, and then pouring the mana pool into the sea.

There are two centers in the seventh and eighth blessed lands.

It’s very different here than anywhere else,

Surrounded by white mist, it is as gorgeous as a fairyland. The beautiful rivers and mountains are located here, and the clear waterfalls hang down.

And the range is vast.

The sixth and seventh blessed lands are occupied by people.

Gu Changqing didn’t use strong methods, but came to this place.

Looking for a place, Gu Changqing began to absorb the air of the earth.

Using iron blocks, the impact of 35,000 Earth Qi did not bring much effect at all.

His own physique may have been tempered into solid iron, indestructible.


The effect is still there.

It just grows slowly.

When it is really impossible to grow, the body has reached saturation.

This time is not long.

In just half a day, Gu Changqing noticed that his physique could no longer grow.

“Physique has increased by 300, but strength is less than 100.”

Gu Changqing thought in his heart.

The cauldron of my body has already stored a large amount of earth energy, which has completely reached saturation.

I couldn’t breathe in any air from the ground.

Gu Changqing felt a little pity.

But that’s been a lot of progress.

He has only been here for a day.

In one day, the basic strength is comparable to that of a master.

Speaking at such a speed is going to scare people to death.


Gu Changqing made up his mind.

But before leaving, he wanted to raise his strength to three gold stars.

The wild monsters here are very strong,

And it was a pity to leave such a good thing as the ground stone, so soon.

Most people here are collecting the air of the earth,

And no one robbed him of monsters.

take a deep breath,

Gu Changqing is about to leave here,

Immediately, the domineering color of knowledge is activated.

The breath perception within 20 kilometers flooded into my mind,


Gu Changqing was stunned for a moment.

He seemed to have discovered something remarkable.

In the depths of beautiful rivers and mountains,

The deeper it is, the denser the white mist escapes, and the breath of life is extremely strong.

at this time,

Three figures approached the deepest part of the white mist.

It was the three who made it.

After getting rid of the lord before the entrance, the three of them continued to go deeper. In the eyes, a magnificent and noble palace was located in the mountain stream.

“It’s here!”

made a smile,

It took them half a day to finally find the location of the Lord of the Secret Realm at this time.

In addition to being excited, Zeng Shi did not forget the business, and said in a deep voice:

“Turn on the location and notify Song Zhiwen and the others to come over as soon as possible.”

After entering the Lord of the Secret Realm,

All communication equipment cannot be used.

Notify them as soon as possible, so that they can come and respond in time.

half an hour,

The man with the wolf-tailed hair on the left quickly said, “Zengshi, Brother Song replied, but there is no news from the other six people so far.”

“Moreover, Bai Wenhao’s identity has been exposed.”


Made frivolous brows.

He asked Bai Wenhao to absorb the air of the earth, how could it be exposed?

he exposed

How do we go out?

“What’s the situation?” Zeng Shi asked.

Six people lost contact at the same time,

The worst possibility is to be beheaded.

In addition, Bai Wenhao’s identity was exposed.

Reminiscent of the shocking cut before, it seems that something extraordinary happened.


Zeng made himself approach Song Zhiwen, and learned the whole story from him.

“A bunch of trash.”

The envoy once cursed secretly.

There is simply not enough success, and more than failure.

Now that the secret realm of the Divine Hall Invasion has been exposed, once he, the envoy of God, is discovered, he must bear the brunt of it.

But now I have a plan,

He has no time for other things.

“Leave them alone, let’s go in!”

Zeng Shi said in a cold voice, and stepped into the palace first.

After the three of them entered the palace, a shadowy dog ​​appeared.

Gu Changqing wore the Scar of Desolation and hid his tracks, even the masters didn’t find him.

Looking up at the huge royal palace,

Gu Changqing thought that when he came in, the school officer had specifically reminded him not to get close to the place where the Lord of the Secret Realm was.

One is because of its strength,

The second is that when the master of the secret realm dies, it takes 72 hours to refresh, and the earth energy in the blessed land will also disappear, and will not dissipate until it is refreshed again.

This greatly affected the order.

There are specific regulations for this.

“These three guys should also be members of the God Hall.”

Gu Changqing guessed in his heart.

Professionals don’t fight against the Legion, and only these outlaws do.


He waited here for a moment before entering.

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