All People: Summoner, Starburst At The Beginning!

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Clowns, All Clowns, Have Been Tricked! (3. Ask For Data!)

“It’s true, but it’s just that it doesn’t resist and only shoots at wild monsters. Isn’t this too weird?”

“No, you are wrong.”

The muscular man sneered, shook his head and said:

“Shentang has carefully studied the secret realm. There are many hidden bosses with special characteristics, and they will continue to hunt and kill things of the same race and not of the same race.”

“Sacrifice the corpses of wild monsters, baptize yourself with blood, in exchange for more powerful power.”

“In this regard, Shentang also followed suit.”

The voice fell.

The muscular man glanced at the man, but didn’t say anything further.

That person seemed to know it well, and had already guessed the result.

“I see.”

“From this point of view, the skeleton army below is very likely to be a hidden boss!”

Hearing the words, the muscular man nodded,

“Give me some cleverness. This time, it’s a hidden boss in an independent space. There is a high probability that purple-gold equipment will be revealed. Once there is a situation, act as soon as possible!”


The four behind them spoke in unison.


at this time–

The sound seemed to come from the sky, reaching everyone’s ears abruptly.

[World Announcement: Congratulations to Gu Changqing for successfully killing the hidden boss—Desert Singer! 】

this moment,

It seems that the whole world is quiet.

Regardless of whether they made a move or not, they were all silent at this moment.

The hidden boss has been killed! ?

Who is this Gu Changqing! ?


Without the obstruction of the professionals, the skeleton army below moved faster, although they were still moving slowly.


“The hidden bosses are dead, why is this skeleton army still moving?”

“Damn it! I was tricked!!”

“This skeleton army is not a summoner for the hidden boss at all!!”

“Nimma, I’ve hacked for a day and a night, and I’ve taken all the potions all over my body. You tell me this is not a hidden boss!?”

“You. Damn, who made this army of skeletons, you stand up for me, I want to fight you one-on-one!!”

“It’s not a hidden boss, could it be a boss??”

“Absolutely impossible, how can a boss with ten silver stars be so perverted? Summon an army of tens of thousands of skeletons??”

“Who is this Gu Changqing??”

for a while,

The whole space was full of cursing.

Those who predicted something was wrong in advance did not react much at this time, but asked around for the names in the announcement.

“Who is Gu Changqing, has anyone heard of this name?”

Liu Zinuo turned to ask the person beside him.

The people behind shook their heads one by one.

“There is only one person who killed in the notice, so could it be that he just swiped the hidden boss?”

“Swipe the hidden boss alone, and enjoy the double experience of the first kill alone, the first kill reward is even more attractive.”

“That’s a gold rank, a silver rank solo kill, the strength must not be underestimated, it is likely to be a hidden professional!”

“It’s just that those who hide their profession are very clear. On the day they change their profession, their reputation spreads all over the world. Gu Changqing is not among them.”

On top of distant mountains.

The muscular man frowned.

His own prediction was overturned.

The army of skeletons below is not a hidden boss at all, let alone its ability. The hidden boss they had in mind was first killed by an unknown person.

“Check! I want to know who that person is!”

“Boss, being able to single-handedly kill a hidden boss is definitely extraordinary in strength.”

Someone reminded.

The muscular man snorted coldly and hissed:

“No matter how strong you are, you have to find it for me, genius? It’s not like I haven’t killed him before!”

“Find people one by one to look at the personal panel and find that person!”

For the hidden boss in the independent secret realm, the reward for the first kill has a chance to give purple-gold equipment.

This level of equipment,

Even his eyes were burning.

Although he can’t use his strength, he will not miss this chance if he gives it to the superior in exchange for a first-class chance of baptism.

Even the status soared all the way,

Can be vigorously cultivated by the hall!

Not to mention the reward for the first kill, even the dropped equipment is enough to make people envious.

One minute after the world notice appeared.

The whole secret realm was completely lively.

Not only inside the secret realm, but also outside the secret realm, there was an uproar as well.

The entrance and exit of the secret realm.

The words “World Announcement” are prominently displayed on the stele.

“Gu Changqing killed the hidden boss! Fuck, did he kill it alone?”

“Isn’t the hidden boss an army of skeletons? What is this desert singer??”

“Come out, hide the boss introduction!”

All eyes fell on the stele.

[Hidden boss: High Priest-Desert Singer.

Level: Gold One Star. (Beheaded, refresh time 48 hours)

Equipment explosion rate: 10%.

Rewards that have a chance to explode: Ring of Singer, Necklace of the Desert Spirit, Robe of the Scar of Desolation, Boots of the Soul of Desolation…”

Boss skills: sand erosion, star of desolation, blood sacrifice, desolation of life, temple of desert, god of desolation…]

All are earth skills…

There is no undead summoning system at all.

“Oh my god, they’ve all been tricked!”

“Clowns, they are all clowns. Whose ability is this skeleton army to treat tens of thousands of professionals like monkeys!”

“We heard the news too late, this hidden boss has been robbed!”

“I just took all my family property and sold the potion, and this hidden boss was picked by someone alone, who can have me miserable!!”

for a while,

The entrance to the secret realm wailed.

This moment.

On the top floor of a luxurious building,

A fat and bloated middle-aged man leaned back on the seat.

This is the center of Jiangdong City, a luxurious location where every inch of land is expensive. Not only is the branch of the Professionals Association located here, but it is also one of the residences of several major guilds.

And this luxurious building is the well-known professional association in China, Tianhai Guild!

Every large-scale professional guild is a large group of various forces, with branches all over the country.

As one of the top ten guilds in China, Tianhai Guild

The number of professionals has already exceeded 100,000, and there are many strong people sitting on it. In the headquarters of Yandu City, there are even king-level bosses sitting in charge.

It is a real top force.

Feng Xiuyuan is the head of the guild branch here in Jiangdong City, with master-level strength.

In his opinion,

I’d rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

Grandmasters are considered top ranks in second-tier cities, but in Yandu City, where every inch of land is expensive, there are as many grandmasters as dogs, and there are even several kings sitting in the city.

Instead of being restricted in the capital, it is better to develop in the second tier, except that the Professionals Association can’t afford to mess with him, so he can walk sideways here.

And the profits here are huge,

There are many secret realms in Northern Xinjiang, and the copy creatures are all treasures. Not only can equipment, materials, and skill books be released when they are killed, but even the corpses after killing can be used as high-quality ingredients.

Ordinary people eat it to strengthen their bodies and prolong their lives.

Professionals can strengthen their qi and blood by eating it, and it can be called a great tonic for a whole body of flesh and blood. It can also be used as a medical medicinal material.

In this Jiangdong city alone, the total profit for a year is as high as tens of billions.


It’s just the tip of the iceberg of a large guild’s financial resources.

The profits Feng Xiuyuan made from it were not in the minority.

bang bang!

At this time, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

Feng Xiuyuan responded, and saw his subordinates hastily opened the door and entered.

“President Feng, the situation is not good, the hidden boss of the independent secret realm has been intercepted!”

With that said, he put the tablet on the table.


Feng Xiuyuan immediately sat up, stared at the photo of the stele on the screen, frowned and said:

“No, why is there only one name, isn’t the skeleton army tens of thousands?”

“We were all wrong. The skeleton army is not a hidden boss at all, nor is it a summoner of the hidden boss. This skeleton has another owner, and the real hidden boss never appeared.”

“Not only are we wasting our efforts in vain, but other guilds are also being played around.”

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