All People Royal Beast: Thousands Of Female Beasts Come To Me For Further Training

Chapter 63

063 Su Xian: Punish Her With The Technique I Taught You Just Now.

063 Su Xian: Punish her with the method I taught you just now.

Gabriel blushed, his legs stagnant in mid-air refused to let go,

It was not until Su Xian patted it with a “snap” that he slowly put it down.

As expected of a good leg, the flesh is full.

Lilith Xiaoying next door has legs as thin as chopsticks.

Nothing to suck.

Su Xian turned her head,

Looking at the door, she has the same blond hair as Gabriel…just a girl with short curly hair.

This girl’s whole body…doesn’t look like an ordinary person,

Which country’s royal family is it?

“What should I say? Don’t be dazed, you’ve seen everything you need to see.”

“Who are you? Why are you here looking for me? You want to fuck me to death?”

Su Xian asked slightly playfully.

In the distance, Xin Delei, the shock on her face has not dissipated, she was not surprised that her spirit beast “Seven” was kicked by Gabriel without knowing life… Lord Gabriel is not an ordinary spirit beast, she Of course it would be like that

What Sindeley can’t figure out is a

The Archangel Gabriel looked at the boy Su Xian, with a kind of respect and… obedience?

What the hell? That’s Archangel Gabriel!

The Archangel Gabriel, whose churches are spread all over the west, is admired by millions of people in “440”!

How could it be possible to show surrender to a human being?


Shaking her head, she backed away slowly, ready to slip away…

But even so, her eyes couldn’t help but stare at the beautiful figure of Lord Gabriel.

Xin Delei turned around and drifted, preparing to use her body skills to slip away from the back door she just entered!

But he almost ran into the two girls who were peeping at the door.

She looked up——and found that the two girls with green hair and purple black hair who had received her at the counter of the store just now were blocking the door.

Lilith and Xiaoying,

Smiling and looking at this foreign princess who came from nowhere.

Cinderella nearly rolled her eyes.

There is no escape!

Dead end!

Could it be that the moment I stepped into this door, I have already fallen into a swamp from which I cannot get out?

She raised her head and sighed, resigned to her fate.

turn around.

“I… am Princess of Atlantis… Hindley.

“Oh…” Su Xian nodded and patted Gabriel’s elastic thigh next to him, “Then what are you doing here? Don’t tell me that you are here to spy on me and learn my skills ?”

“Why do you want to kill me?”

Xindelei lowered her head: “I…I thought…I thought Lord Gabriel was kidnapped by you…”

“Indeed, in a physical sense, what’s the matter?” Su Xian asked with a smile.

“No, no, that’s not what I meant…Master Gabriel left from Atlantis suddenly…I wonder why she is so anxious to go to Linhai City, to find someone named Su XianBA. …”

Cinderella finished explaining.

Su Xian is happy.

He could clearly see from the girl’s twitching that this princess, Hindley, seemed to have a different feeling for Gabriel.

And with a twist?

Hugging Gabriel next to him, Su Xian looked at the little face of the archangel:

“Tell her, why did you come to Haicheng to find me?”

Archangel Gabriel blushed suddenly.

The reason why she came to Haicheng to find Su Xian…..?

Is this really going to be said in front of these people?

In the end, she whispered: “I came to Haicheng…… make Su Xian my master…”

The sound is like a mosquito.

Su Xian roared: “Speak up!”

Archangel Gabriel received the order and immediately raised his head,

This time it was loud and energetic: “I came to Haicheng to find Su Xian to be my Beast Master! Be my master!”

It is obviously a very normal sentence for spirit beasts.

But because of the current venue and personal status.

Does this sentence have a different meaning?

Cinderella listened to Gabriel’s declaration in a daze.

I feel that my outlook on life has been completely shaken.


Is this still the Archangel Gabriel who was admired by all people before?

please do not.

Obviously in front of me, she doesn’t even want to look at me…

In front of this man named Su Xian…but acting so…so attractive?

It’s not fair! Is it because I’m a woman that I don’t wear handles?

Xin Delei wanted to cry, and this kind of grief and anger rippled in her heart, which could not be added.

Seeing that this little girl has lost her fighting power,

Su Xian rested her head, thinking about how to deal with this foreign princess.


I always feel bad.

But I have seen that kind of scene, so I have to kill it, right?

He looked up and should order Lily and Xiaodai to bring the papers.

The other hand was hugged behind the back.

A soft touch came, followed by Archangel Gabriel’s humble plea:

“Master, can you… let the two of them go.”

“The two of them? Is the lion still alive?” Su Xian looked at the female guard in the crack of the wall,

This was the first time he had seen other Beast Master’s spirit beasts.

“No…… I’m sorry master, I’m keeping my hand.”

Gabriel’s tone was full of apology: “I made an oath a hundred years ago, as long as I am in this world, I will definitely protect the royal family of Atlantis to the best of my ability…”

“Both she and the lion have served me in Atlantis for many years….. Can you… let them go…?”

She looked at Su Xian’s face, and immediately added.

“If you really can’t, it’s okay, master” just pretend that I didn’t say anything.”

Su Xian sighed.


This Gabriel has asked himself so much, so what else can he say.

Don’t kill, definitely don’t kill.

Su Xian smiled:

“But punishment, should we still have it?”

On the ground of the training ground, there were two people sitting slumped.

One is the desperate princess Xin Delei, and the other is the lion “Seven” who has just been cured by Xiaoying.

In front of them was Su Xian with a smirk on his face, and the archangel Gabriel in all his clothes.

“Master, how do we punish them?” Gabriel asked.

Su Xian clapped his hands: “Good question.”

He is also the punishment expert.

How to make a person remember the mistakes she made?

It’s simple, let her feel enough shame!

Su Xian squatted on the ground, turned to look at Gabriel: “This matter, I can’t do it…”

“You come.”

Gabriel: “I’m coming? What do you mean?”

“Just now…I was referring to the technique I taught you before Xindelei pushed the door, do you remember?”

After Su Xian asked, Gabriel raised his head and thought about it.


Probably how to imprison a person firmly and gently without hurting the flesh and blood?

Then she remembers.

As angels, spirit beasts with extremely high intelligence,

Gabriel promised that she would never forget what she had seen once, not to mention that he was the first person to experience that technique.

Su Xian nodded: “Then use the technique I just used to perfectly reproduce this Xin Delei, can it be done?”

“Yes, master.” Gabriel nodded.

“Of course, that’s not enough. After you’ve dealt with her, put her in the empty enhanced space in our store’s spirit beast warehouse. Do you remember where?”

Gabriel looked up and thought about it.

Is it a cage for spirit beasts?

Then she remembers.

“Remember, master.”

“Okay, remember to put her legs on the ground, lock her in the spirit beast warehouse according to the technique I taught you just now, lock her up for a day, and the punishment is over.”

“Okay, what about the spirit beast next to her, how will the transformed lion be punished?”

Gabriel was puzzled—the series of operations just now were aimed at Princess Xindelei, so what about her spirit beast?

Also use the same method?

Su Xian shook his head, this is the essence of this punishment.

“Nonono, we, don’t punish her…don’t punish this golden lion.”

“No punishment?”

“Yes, after a while, we will let this lion stand beside her master intact, strengthen the space outside, and cheer for her master.

“Okay, I’ll do it right away.”

Gabriel still didn’t get the gist of it.

But she had already walked in front of Schindler and started preparing.

Skin first, right? 3.2

Curry, a dark and damp spirit beast barn.

There was darkness in front of Xin Delei’s eyes, and her whole body was chilly.

Beside him, there are the breathing sounds of other spirit beasts in the dark…

In the dark, people’s hearing becomes very sensitive——

The hissing of snakes, the spinning of spiders, and the saliva of some carnivorous spirit beasts falling to the ground.

She couldn’t move, but she kept breathing heavily for air, as if she was very anxious.

“Seven? Are you there?”

Cinderella called out.

Nearby, her spirit beast immediately responded: “I’m here, master! How are you?”

“I’m alright….I…want to know…Su Xian said…….can I eat?”

The sacred golden lion quickly replied: “Yes! Master!”

“That’s right…the human said…you can’t even move your hands…so you can only eat like a spirit beast…”

“Depend on.”

Cinderella felt that she couldn’t do it.

It really doesn’t work.

She doesn’t understand.

This Su Xian——

A human juvenile who looks harmless to humans and animals at first glance…


Do you understand so well!?.

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