All-American Collection

Chapter 26

Chapter 26:

But compared to before, the mental state has been improved, I don’t know how many times it is right.

“Okay, I won’t talk to you about these useless topics, this is the key to my car parked outside, if you can use it, take it.

Remember, after leaving, go to the center of the island. It is best to find a place with higher terrain and as open space as possible. Never go to high-rise buildings or inside buildings. You must remember these and absolutely follow what I said. Do it, you have to do it, you know? “The expression is extremely serious, and I don’t know what disaster will happen, so I can only prevent the two biggest natural disasters, the earthquake and the tsunami, and I continue to emphasize it when I talk about the last.

“Do your best to live. ‘ Looking at Nai He who was approaching him, he took out the key in his pocket and handed it over.

But on the other hand, Nai He didn’t mean to pick it up at all, ignoring the outstretched hand completely.

“This guy… is really not cute at all, why do I feel that he is pleasing to the eye for a moment? Sure enough, the virus has invaded the brain, and the way of thinking has mutated. 』

“You… um!? What are you doing?” Just as he was about to force the key in, he found that Nai He took out a box, from which he took out an unknown potion and syringe.

“Of course I gave you an antidote.” Nai He responded, but the movements in his hands did not stop.

“Ha! The antidote? Wait! Wait! You said the one in your hand is the antidote!?” With a ridiculous expression that couldn’t turn his head, he stared straight at the needle in Naihe’s hand cylinder.

“Yeah, you can’t die now, or I’ll find someone to prove myself later.” He caught the girl’s arm, without any skills or experience, but he plunged directly into the slightly mutated arm.

“It hurts!!” She exclaimed in pain, but the painful expression was only for a moment. What was in her eyes was the opposite of despair, which was anticipation and longing for life, the hope that she could continue to live.

“This feeling… This is the real antidote! Thank… Thank you… Guwu~ It’s great, it’s really good, I can live…” Soon she felt a little relief, which made her want to cry. impulse.


“I won’t go back on the previous agreement.” The very inappropriate voice interrupted her, but it did not break the feelings in the girl’s heart at all.

“…” His expression slowly subsided, and he looked at Nai He wordlessly.

Now, at this moment, the thing she wants to do most is nothing like it.

That’s the idiot who doesn’t know the atmosphere at all.

“You don’t want to go back, right? I’m your savior. I just gave you the antidote. You shouldn’t really plan to go back.” .

“Hu…hu…” He continued to take deep breaths, trying to calm his inner impulse.


“Of course I won’t go back, but…” The smile was filled with a gentle smile, and the handcuffs were opened using the key.

“My mother wants you to fight, today either you will die or I will die, you will die for me!!” With a complete explosion, the girl rushed towards Nai He and let out a roar that was enough to resound through the entire radio station.

Chapter 45 Bleeding! Bleeding! (asking for recommendation)

He rushed forward without hesitation, and chose to speak directly like a zombie.

“Hey~ it hurts.

Also, is your mouth really clean? Nai He raised his arm to block, and looked at the girl who was completely dazed by anger speechlessly.

But it’s okay not to speak, the girl who was dazed can quickly regain her composure.

As for now…

“The soul is dull… Wu Niang’s blowing is much cleaner than yours…” The vague words, and the force between the teeth was obviously stronger.

“My Cao! It really hurts! It’s bleeding! It’s bleeding, you idiot, let go!” Naihe already clearly felt the pain from his arm.

Forbearance is limited, even if the other party is a girl, so…

“Ugh!!” A painful cry appeared, and the girl who suddenly started to retreat sat on the ground.

“You…you…what are you doing!?” The girl whose face had turned red had a hint of annoyance on her expression.

“What are you talking about?” Looking at the girl who stood up with her arms crossed around her chest, Nai He adjusted the direction of her arms so that she could see.

There was an obvious tooth mark on the arm, and there was even a trace of blood oozing out.

“…Humph~ who made you talk so irritating, and you didn’t come back with revenge, this time even if we are even.” After being silent for a while, he turned his head away from the traces that he had bitten out, and even the words Zhongdu brought a sense of guilt.

“It’s too impulsive, but… it’s all because of this guy. 』I was completely dizzy just now, everyone I have seen since she was born, Nai He can be said to be the first person who almost died of anger.

Of course, there may also be its own reasons. Because of the desperation and irritability of dying, I finally found a place to vent.

“That’s not what I meant when I said your mouth was not clean.” Nai He looked at the other’s arm, which still looked a bit hideous.

Even though that stupid goddess has already said that you don’t have to worry, the more you get in touch with Nai He, the more unreliable it feels.

“Then you are… ah ah ah…!” It seemed that he had also discovered the problem, and the girl’s face immediately showed deep worry and regret.

“That…that…” He walked towards Nai He, but the whole person suddenly disappeared before he took two steps, as if he didn’t exist at all.

next moment.

“Hmm~ um~ You did a good job, and you found another one so quickly. Although this girl’s aptitude is average, she is still worthy of praise. ‘ The out of place girl in my mind appeared again.

For this stupid goddess, Nai He now has a feeling of powerlessness, because she can always make a little bit of a moth for you at any time.

“What’s wrong? Why put on such an expression? ‘ asked in confusion, as if he didn’t know what he did wrong again.

“It’s nothing…” Although the girl still hasn’t finished speaking, it’s really not a big deal, because you can tell what she’s going to say and do from the expression on her face.

It’s nothing more than an apology and remorse.

“what? What? In the end what happened! ? ‘ Nai He’s attitude made this stupid goddess feel a sense of unease.

During this period of time, once she did something wrong, Nai He would come back without hesitation, or even call her an idiot or something.

The uncharacteristic reaction now made the uneasiness in her heart even stronger, especially since Naihe regained her memory, she has fully mastered the means to counterattack.

“Hey~ tell me, what’s going on?

You should say it. If you don’t say it, how can I know why this is happening? Say it and let me hear it~

Hey~ I really care about it right now, tell me quickly, tell me quickly, I…” The goddess who was talking directly in her mind kept asking like a lot of flies lingering in her ears.

“To shut up! You idiot! 』 Can’t block Nai He, who can only accept passively. After a while, he couldn’t stand it anymore, and immediately stopped this chattering tuberculosis goddess.

“Yes. ‘ replied immediately, and the voice in his mind stopped instantly.

But this answer made Naihe speechless for a while.

Why was there a happy feeling in her tone after being scolded?

Shaking his head, Nai He didn’t pay attention to this idiot, but went to an open space in the broadcasting station to place the fourth crystal.

Next comes the final piece.

The location is the very center of this isolated island.

He quickly left the radio station, holding the key he just got in his hand, Nai He was about to go and see how the car was.

When I came here, I was moving at full speed, and the original car should almost be replaced now.

But when Nai He left the radio station, he found a group of girls surrounding a car.

The costumes of this group of girls are probably still recognizable, from the anime.

With a mask on his face, the same font on his clothes, and obviously modified motorcycles placed around, isn’t this a typical beast.

The only difference is that most of the beasts are big and three thick, or they look fierce, and there are bells and whistles.

The group of barbaric girls I see now are all slender young girls.

Especially the girl who looks like the leader, the girl with long silver hair without a mask, but he still has some impressions of her.

Saga Idol is the head of the legendary beastly group called Murderer. If the name is… I can’t remember it right now.

Chapter 46 Final Destination (recommendation)

Nai He admitted that the girls are very beautiful, but during this period of time, even more beautiful girls have been seen and followed, but the girl in front of her doesn’t have the original sense of surprise.

It is for this reason that Nai He’s attention is more focused on those stagnant motorcycles than the girls in front of him.

Motorcycles are faster and smaller. Although the driving is more dangerous, it has to be said that it is more suitable for rushing.

After confirming the thoughts in his heart, Nai He’s eyes turned back to the girls, or more precisely, the leader of the girls, the girl who was the boss of the tyrannical clan.

As the eldest, her driving skills should theoretically be the best.

And since she is a beastly clan, she should also have a good understanding of the surrounding road conditions, and she needs her help for the next itinerary.

Nai He moved towards the girls, which naturally caught their attention.

“Hey~ Stop for me!” One of the girls immediately stopped Nai He from continuing to approach, and looked around very quickly.

“What are you all trying to do to my car around here?” Nai He could see that the girls were wary of others, so he took the initiative to stop.

Although it is possible to force them to be obedient, it is better not to have conflicts without conflict. This is for consideration in the future.

“Is this your car?” The leader of the girls was very surprised, because Nai He was a little young and didn’t look like he could drive at all.

“That’s right, it’s mine.” Nai He took out a bunch of keys as he spoke, and the car made a sound at the same time as the finger pressed.

The sound of the car made the girls look over.

“What about your lord? Why are you alone?” After confirming what Nai He said, the white-haired girl couldn’t help but ask.

When they saw the car just now, they found that the rear lights were on, so they stopped to see if there were survivors.

Now it seems that there is a survivor who mustered the courage to step out of the room, and the other party is a teenager much younger than himself.

Of course, she didn’t think it was right for Nai He to be alone.

In the face of the terrifying zombies in the outside world, if it wasn’t for the girl under her, it would be difficult for her to muster up the courage to decide to go out.

Under normal circumstances, he must be scared to hide in the room, shooting and shaking, and he will never take a step out of the house, even if he will starve to death at home in the end.

“No, I’m the only one.” Nai He ran away, but the girl opposite was obviously stunned.

“Only you?” There was suspicion in his tone, but more of a surprise.

“You’re lying! There are obviously a lot of women’s products in this car, it’s absolutely impossible for you to be the only one.” One of the girls immediately denied Nai He’s words, so that the other girls also showed hostility.

“This… Until now, there was indeed a girl, but she was no longer in this world, so I said that I was the only one.” Nai He didn’t lie, the owner of the car was no longer in this world.

Hearing such an answer, all the girls present were stunned for a moment, and then the hostility obviously disappeared.

“…! Sorry, she didn’t mean it, but what happened recently made her nervous.” Glancing at the girl who had just spoken, the white-haired girl looked at Nai He from scrutiny to regret and shame.

“It doesn’t matter, but can you do me a favor?” Nai He shook his head, not going to waste any more time.

“Tell me, if I can help you, I will try my best to help you.” He didn’t agree immediately. The vigilance in this apocalyptic world is necessary.

Because she not only has to think about herself, but also for the safety of her companions.

“I want to go to the center of the island, can you send me there?” Nai He stated his purpose and asked the girl’s opinion.

However, this is just a question. Even if she disagrees later, it is of no use at all. The big deal is to use coercive means to ask her to help.

“The central location of the island, this is actually very simple. If you approach the road, you will be able to pass quickly.” To Nai He’s request, the girl immediately agreed.

“Come on, sit up and I’ll take you there.” He started the motorcycle and patted the seat behind him.

“Hitomi, you two are with me. For the others, you go back to the base first. We will go back soon.” When Nai He was approaching, the white-haired girl gave instructions to her girls. .

Instead of sending herself alone, she also asked two companions to follow along. It is understandable that she did not really give herself enough trust.

But this is no big deal, as long as you can get to the center of the island as soon as possible.

“Thank you eldest sister.” Nai He sat in the back, hugging the waist of the white-haired girl with both hands.

“Don’t thank me, you have to hold me tight, otherwise there is a danger of falling.” The girl had already started the motorcycle while she was talking.

Instantly accelerated forward, which made Nai He hold each other’s hands tightly.

The speed is indeed fast enough, which fully proves the confidence in his own driving skills.

Small roads, large roads and even some hutongs that are not often visited by people, although Naihe feels that sometimes a little bit of the journey is spared, but as a result, no large-scale zombies have been found.

It can even be said that even small-scale zombies have not been found, and at most only a few scattered ones can be seen constantly wandering.

They already have a full understanding of the surrounding environment. This should not be done in a day or two, especially under this apocalypse.

In the same way, Nai He also chatted with the white-haired girl for a while, and learned that her name is Donghe Misa, and she seems to be a well-known bad girl around.

She confessed to the name of the bad girl, but she knew from the conversation with her that she got this bad girl somewhat unworthy of the name.

Because the name of Donghe Misa is completely because of the harassment of the surrounding residents when racing, she was named as a bad girl.

“Just send me here. Thank you very much for your help.”

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