All-American Collection

Chapter 1414

Chapter 1414:

But in the current situation, she didn’t dare to run at all.

“What’s wrong, come here quickly.”



Facing the urging of Uesugi Kenshin, Uesugi Katsuko pulled Uesugi Tigerko out of the hidden place.

When he arrived in front of Uesugi Kenshin.

“Huzi, Katsuko, give you two a task.

The two of you are just waiting here, and when someone will come over, when they arrive, bring them to see me and Mr. Nai He, you know. ”


“Guaranteed to complete the mission!”


Uesugi Kenshin felt a little strange.

She could feel that Uesugi Katsuko and Uesugi Huko seemed to be in a state of unease.

Then she suddenly thought.

Since the time when the Demon Man’s Red Eyes appeared, it was just meal time, so everyone in the line of defense. Nothing to eat.

Must be hungry.

I am.

Once you are hungry, you will fall into a very similar state.

But fortunately, just before the battle with Demon Red Eyes, I ate some rice to pad my stomach, otherwise I would definitely be the same as the two of them.

“Are you two hungry?”


“Go home, Lord, we are not hungry.”

“Aren’t you hungry?”

Uesugi Katsuko’s answer, and Uesugi Huko’s embarrassed look are even more puzzled.

Uesugi Katsuko struggled for a while.

“Actually… the reason we hid was because we didn’t want to meet Mr. Naihe.”

“Why don’t you want to see Mr. Naihe?”

“Because we just made an agreement with Mr. Nai He, and then we will be Mr. Nai He’s maid for a day and serve Mr. Nai He.”

“That’s right.

Now that a promise has been made, it must be honored. ”

Uesugi Kenshin didn’t ask much.

But even if you didn’t ask more, from the behavior and performance of Uesugi Huko and Uesugi Katsuko just now, there is a high probability that they collided with Naihe.

According to past experience.

The mastermind is undoubtedly Uesugi Huko, and Uesugi Katsuko must be lying.



Uesugi Katsuko responded with a serious expression.

But Uesugi Huzi’s whole person is like an eggplant beaten by frost, and the whole person is gone.

This time it really fell!

And not only himself, but also pulled Katsuko Uesugi in together.

Naoie Ai on the side opened her mouth.

Uesugi Kenshin’s attitude is entirely because he has not specifically understood it. If he understands what the agreed content is, he will definitely not say such things as he is now.

But as Uesugi Kenshin said, since a promise has been made, it must be fulfilled.

As a member of the Uesugi family, he must not go back on his word.

That was exactly the case, Naoie Ai didn’t say anything after hesitating for a moment.


Uesugi Toriko and Katsuko are no longer children. As adults, they must be responsible for what they say.

Misfortune comes from the mouth.

Even the Uesugi family must understand this truth.

I can’t continue to let the girl Uesugi Huzi go around like a little girl to cause trouble.

Along with Nai He and others, they left with Uesugi Kenshin and went to the camp behind the line of defense.

Naoe Ai, who did not choose to accompany her but stayed to complete the aftermath, looked at the listless Uesugi Toriko and Uesugi Katsuko.

“You guys.”

“Love, what to do!”

“What else can I do? Do as you say.”

“But… if we do, how are we going to get married?”


Naoe Ai would like to say that this is your own problem.

However, the two people in front of them were members of the Uesugi family after all, and they were also his important friends.

“Mr. Nai He just asked you to be maids for a day. As for the matter of warming the bed, it’s just what Miss Suzanne said, and it can’t be taken seriously.”


But what if he really wants us two to warm the bed! ”

“Didn’t Kenshin just say it?”

“Don’t! I just met him and we haven’t spoken a word. How can I give him my innocence!”


Looking at the unacceptable Uesugi Tiger child.

Naoie Ai shook her head.

“Okay, okay, you don’t have to show it to me. I’ll talk to Mr. Nai He later. I’ll give you an answer in advance if I want to warm the bed or not.”


“Katsuko, you don’t have to worry so much.

From my impression of Mr. Nai He, he should be a very gentleman, and he should not be too embarrassing for the two of you. ”


“Then you just wait here, I have to start work too.”

Said, Naoie Ai turned and walked towards the army.

What she has to do is not to disband and let the army go back to rest.

As the head of the Uesugi family, Uesugi Kenshin, although strong in force, is still very simple in character.

Uesugi Kenshin believed Nai He’s words, but she would not completely believe it.

After all, as the saying goes, the intention to harm others is indispensable, and the intention to guard against others is indispensable. There is absolutely no harm in making more preparations.

1999 deal, machine girl

Lute’s speed was very fast. When she reached the defense line of Uesugi’s house, the meals prepared by Uesugi Kenshin were not all ready.

But this seems to be just right in Nai He’s eyes.

Naihe, who was going to talk to Lute alone, asked Uesugi Kenshin to help prepare a separate tent.

When the two entered the tent.

“Stop talking nonsense.

I want the red eyes of the devil in your hand, please make a price directly. ”

Ruth said bluntly.

to be frank.

She doesn’t hate humans, and even overall, she’s a very friendly type among demons.

But that’s all there is to it.

In her more than 2,000 years of life, she has seen a lot of things, and she has seen beautiful things, but more of them are all kinds of tragedies.

Most of these tragedies are caused by humans themselves.

And the more you watch and the more you know, the more you can’t like it, or even trust anyone.

Precisely because of this.

She put all her energy into research.

In the end, absolute obedience was created, and a servant who would never betray his own.

even say.

If it weren’t for the turmoil in the demon world, which made all the demons unable to live in reality, she would not leave her laboratory.

So she has only one idea now.

Hurry up and kill the demon red-eyed, get the demon blood soul to deal with the princess, then go back to your laboratory and continue to fish for the great cause.

“Don’t worry about the devil’s red eyes.

Miss Ruth, first tell me which side of the devil you belong to. ”

“The devil is the devil, which side of the devil?”

“Cables pie, or Harnet pie.”


Naihe’s words kept Lut from wrinkling.

There was a struggle between factions in the demon world. Let’s not say whether it has spread to the human side. It stands to reason that humans should not be interested.

not to mention.

Even in the mainland, there is no way to get a small amount of land, and it is even more impossible for anyone to know what is going on in the demon world.

After staring at Nai He for a short while, Lut let go of her doubts.

human or something.

Except for a few hundred years ago, when humans were unified with the Holy Demon Sect, it brought a little trouble to the devil world.

But other than a little trouble, there is nothing worthy of dazzling performance.

Especially now, they are falling apart, fighting against each other, and even attacking each other. It is like scattered sand, and it is even more uninteresting. No, it is not even worth paying attention to.

The only thing that leaves her out is.

When did an alien appear in front of humans, not only in terms of strength, but also pay attention to things in the devil world.

But that’s all.

It is impossible for a human being to influence the development and trend of the Demon World.

“I’m from the Henette faction.”

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