All-American Collection

Chapter 1412

Chapter 1412:

Nai He and Uesugi Huko and Uesugi Katsuko just finished talking.

A sturdy figure that was rampant appeared on the horizon.

The speed was ridiculous, and everything along the way was destroyed.

While this shocked everyone present, Uesugi Kenshin and Tokugawa Chihime, who had not yet returned to the line of defense, immediately prepared for the challenge.

The devil is back.

And at the moment, the demon man with red eyes is no longer controlling an ordinary monster soldier, but replaced it with a tall, muscular body, like a big Mario.

In just a short moment, the demon who had already crossed a distance of several hundred meters jumped up suddenly, waving his sturdy arms, and punched Uesugi Kenshin with a punch.

Facing the majestic and oppressive demon, Uesugi Kenshin chose to avoid it.

However, the ground was punched by the devil, and a huge pothole was smashed.

Looking at the pothole on the ground, Uesugi Kenshin and Tokugawa Chihime understood that it was definitely not a wise choice to resist the attack of the devil.

But that wasn’t the hardest thing for them.

The real difficulty lies in the invincible enchantment.

With invincible enchantment, even in the face of a magician whose melee ability is extremely poor, the two of them are very difficult to fight.

Now facing the demons with full melee capabilities, it is basically certain that they are not opponents.

At the same time.

Seeing Uesugi Kenshin and Tokugawa Chihime who were already fighting together but were suppressed by all sides, everyone at the defense line looked embarrassed.

Among them, the most ugly face is naturally Uesugi Huzi, who was slapped in the face just after boasting about Haikou, and it was still swollen from the beating.

But Nai He Que didn’t look at Uesugi Huzi, and was watching the battle in the distance.

Uesugi Kenshin and Tokugawa Chihime are sure to lose, and they must be ready to go to the rescue at any time.

“Master, what is this devil trying to do?

With its current power, if it really wants to pass, no one can stop it anyway, so there is no need to pay attention to Kenshin and Qianji. ”

“It doesn’t make any sense if it doesn’t pass.

Its goal, from the beginning to the end, is just to want an excellent puppet. ”

“Is this necessary?

Obviously, the puppet used now is already very powerful. ”


If there were no naked eyes, this big man might be beaten by Kenshin. ”

“how is this possible!”

Suzume was surprised.

In her opinion.

Even if there is no invincible enchantment. The big man controlled by the red eyes can definitely press Uesugi Kenshin and Tokugawa Chihime to fight.

“Crimson eyes can greatly improve the abilities of the possessed person. Like the monster magic soldier before, it is only an intermediate magic soldier.”

“So this is ah.”

Suzume nodded knowingly.

However, Naoie Ai and others who heard it on the side couldn’t sit still.

According to Nai He’s words, doesn’t it mean that the devil’s target is the head of their Uesugi family.


The devil’s attack is very aggressive.

Fighting in a continuous, even unreasonable, offensive rhythm.

If this were replaced by a normal person who squeezed his body so frantically, after a battle, his body would almost be useless.

Uesugi Kenshin and Tokugawa Chihime, who have gradually shown signs of fatigue and become precarious in the face of the insane attack of the demons.

“Everyone! Get ready to meet the head of the family and Princess Tokugawa!”

Naoie Ai issued an order.

Ordinary soldiers, even elites, showed a bit of timidity in the face of demons, especially after watching the battle just now.

But only Uesugi Kenshin’s bodyguards were not timid, but looked at death as if they were going to die, and were ready to go up and give it for nothing.

But that doesn’t work.

So Ai Naoe raised his hand.

The moment he was about to give the order, his wrist was suddenly caught by a hand.

Immediately looked over.

“Mr. Naihe?”

“There’s no need to let them die.”

“It’s not…”

Naoie Ai’s voice has not yet fallen.

Katsuko Uesugi, who had been watching the battle, couldn’t help shouting.

“Master Patriarch!”


Ai Naoe, who heard the shout, immediately turned to look at the battlefield.

What she saw was that Tokugawa Chihime was forced to retreat, and Uesugi Kenshin was beaten by the devil with one punch.

But this was not the scene that made everyone present the most nervous.

next moment.

Quickly rushing towards Tokugawa Chihime, the demon red-eyed who originally possessed the big man took the opportunity to break away from the big man and rushed towards Uesugi Kenshin.


Naoe Ai, who wanted to break free, was speechless.

Because within her line of sight, Nai He appeared beside Uesugi Kenshin, who was knocked out, and took Uesugi Kenshin in his arms.

a time.

Except for Suzume, everyone present was stunned.

Among them, the most ignorant is the Demon Red Eye.

For red eyes.

All of its abilities are added to the possession and the ability to strengthen the puppet. Once it is separated from the puppet, it will become extremely vulnerable.

But having said that.

As a demon, it has the existence of an invincible enchantment. As long as it cannot destroy the invincible enchantment, it is invincible.

So he still rushed towards Uesugi Kenshin and Naihe.

Five meters, three meters, one meter, just when Chi-Eye thought that he was about to successfully possess one and obtain a more powerful puppet.

Naihe raised his hand.

What followed was a magical barrier.


The red eyes that hit the magic barrier only felt dizzy.

Wait until you get back to God.

“Damn! You bastard! I’m going to kill you!”

“You can try if you have the ability.”

“Damn it…”

The sudden sense of crisis made Red Eyes instinctively dodge, but even if it was dodged, the laser shot from a distance still took away a few of its tentacles.

No longer caring about other red eyes, he immediately walked towards the big puppet.


Just rushed out two meters, the laser reproduced.

If not even stop, this laser is enough to kill it.

“Damn! You wait for me, I swear here, I will never let you go!”

After yelling at the direction where the laser was emitted, he no longer bothered about his puppet’s red eyes, and just wanted to escape.

Suddenly I found myself unable to move.

Not only could he not move, he could not even make a sound.

The eyes keep spinning.

Seeing that the next laser appeared, the moment it was about to hit him, a transparent magic shield appeared to help it block the incoming laser.

And what followed was more lasers, constantly bombarding the magic shield.

At this time, he turned to Uesugi Kenshin and watched what was happening in disbelief.

“Mr. Naihe!”

“It’s okay, leave it to me after that.”


Facing Nai He who let him go, Uesugi Kenshin, whose face was reddish, subconsciously protected his chest.

Although it didn’t work hard, Nai He lightly grabbed it while letting go.

But in the current situation, she can’t care about Naihe, not to mention Naihe is her savior, if Naihe didn’t save her…

When she thought of the appearance of the red-eyed devil, and the picture of inserting tentacles into her body when controlling the puppet, she felt a burst of discomfort.

1997 Promise

The laser shot stopped after a few seconds.

But that doesn’t mean it’s over.

An even larger beam of light fell from the sky, and in just an instant, it had already reached the top of the Demon Red Eye’s head.


The terrifying beam did not successfully kill the Demon Red Eye, and was blocked by a magic shield that appeared again.

This scene made the person who launched the attack stunned for a moment.

Especially when she saw that the magic shield that blocked the attack had no damage at all, she had to give up the idea of continuing to attack.


In such a situation, what should be done should be to run away as soon as possible.

But before departure, he was given a death order, and he must bring back the demon blood soul with the red eyes of the demon.

After thinking about it for a short moment, I decided to negotiate with this sudden powerhouse.

But what surprised her was.

Obviously, there are thousands of meters away from the top, and he can see the other party only through the assistance of the instrument, but the other party is staring directly at his position.

at the same time.

He even had a feeling of being stared at.

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