After the Rebirth, the Male God Have Seen Me

Chapter 3

Luo Su remembers that in the last generation of the series, “The Phase of the Peace” at the heavy awards ceremony, the best TV drama award, best director, best actor, best supporting actor, best screenwriter, best Photography, best lighting, best art, and so on, became the biggest winners in that industry.

Although Bai Yueguang’s acting skills were poor, because the character was set to hook people, the film crew was more carried by the film crew, and the performance was not bad. With the influence of landing in Beichuan, he won the award for best actor.

He also began to attract attention from that drama, transforming from an idol star to a potential star, and later he continued to invite. Under the cultivation of Lu Beichuan, he has clearly defined the line between the word and idol, and has become the most popular in the industry. Favorite young actor.

At that time, Luo Su also traveled to reality shows of various entertainment programs, earning enough popularity and eyeballs, and never set foot in acting. He was even more shameful. Lu Beichuan used his hard earned popularity to give Bai Yueguang Forward comments and call.

Therefore, he must win the supporting role in the drama “Jiang Xianghe”!

“Second, help me find someone.”

“Looking for someone? Who?”

“A paparazzi, remember, don’t be caught by him.”

Xiao Yang didn’t understand, “Why?”

Luo Suzhuang was mysterious, “You will know it later.”

That was not an ordinary paparazzi. Luo Su remembered that in the last life, the man broke through the big name in the entertainment industry and united several marketing companies. The marketing direction of the entire entertainment industry was in his hands.

At first Luo Su thought that this was a despicable and shameless person, but later he discovered by accident that he couldn’t believe a word.

“By the way, you will take a picture of me later, send a Weibo, and help me report a peace to the fans.” Luo Suchong Xiao Yang blinked and smiled, “Xiao Yang, you can run this Weibo account well in the future, I can count on you. “

After all, Xiao Yang was young, so Luo Su said, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyebrows smirked a few times. “Luo, rest assured, I must do my best!”

In the afternoon of the next day, Luo Su’s masks and hats were fully equipped. She left the hospital under the cover of Xiao Yang. The venue for the interview with “Xiang He” was in a well-known studio. The director was the well-known young director Su Jianxin. The corner is extremely rigorous, even if the supporting role, he must first let him look.

There are already many star actors waiting in the studio, but Luo Su looks around and finds an interesting phenomenon.

There is no acting value for face value, there is no acting value for face performance.

As it happens, Director Su Jianxin is a Yan value party, and every character in every play, even passers-by, has won his eyes. However, he is also a person who pays great attention to acting skills. He is looking for good old bones with good features, and has a small amount of fresh meat.

As a result, once, Su Jianxin delayed the whole team’s progress for a month in order to wait for an actor with good acting skills and good performance.

Later, there were more and more flashy people in the entertainment circle, and the new generation of celebrities mostly used entertainment programs. Fewer and fewer people studied **** their own acting skills. Su Jianxin’s new drama simply went to the School of Film and Television to find students who were about to graduate.

“Brother Luo, Brother Luo, it’s bad!” Xiao Yang hurried over, lowering his voice and anxiously, “Ji brother is interviewing inside!”

Luo Su sat in the corner and raised an eyebrow. “Why is Ji Ran here?”

Wasn’t Bai Yueguang in my last life doing a two-day show in the practice room? Why did you come here for an interview?

What’s more, Bai Yueguang won this role in his last life, not by interview.

“There is also President Lu, who is also here.”

“Lu Beichuan?”

“Yes!” Said, Xiao Yang said to himself again: “Usually Lu always manages everything, why did you accompany Ji Brother today for an interview?”

Every day? Luo Su sneered and said nothing.

In the studio, Su Jianxin had an interview all morning, and his face never stretched, especially after the person brought by Lu Beichuan beside him came to the stage to perform, Su Jianxin deeply felt that his drama “The Reconciliation” was afraid Finish.

“Leader Su, do you think Ji Ran is qualified for Gu Changping?”

If it was someone else, Su Jianxin had already let Ji Ran go out. Although his face was in line with his aesthetics, but his acting was a mess. From the stage to the present, his face was stretched, and his facial expression has not changed at all. This is not bad acting. But Ji Ran didn’t understand what acting was.

But Lu Beichuan was by his side, and he endured Ji Ran to continue playing.

As for whether he can do Gu Changping’s role … Su Jianxin really doesn’t want to tell the truth in front of Lu Beichuan. After all, Lu Beichuan is one of the investors.

But Gu Changping’s role is not just a frown, two drops of eye drops can perform.

“It has potential, it’s spiritual, it looks good, it’s good.”

This is actually quite obvious.

There is potential and spirituality, and it looks good, but no acting skills are inappropriate.

“Since you also feel good about Ji Ran, you don’t have to interview again today. Let’s sign a contract someday.”

Su Jianxin thought that he valued the actors’ acting skills was already famous in the circle, but never thought that Lu Beichuan was so thick-skinned and stupid?

“Oh.” A laugh came from the corner, “General Manager Lu has a unique vision, but I don’t agree.”

Lu Beichuan and Su Jianxin both looked to the corner. There was a person sitting in the shadow behind the stage lights. The whole person was resting lazily on the seat, perhaps because the stage landing lights were too bright, and the junction between darkness and light was clear. On his face, only two long legs were seen overlapping each other on the ground.

Lu Beichuan didn’t dare to offend him. “Su Da just said Ji has spirituality and potential. Why is Mr Ji not agreeing?”

The man turned a deaf ear to Lu Beichuan’s remarks, and was a little embarrassed.

Su Jianxin smiled and circled the field. “Yunshen, who are you optimistic about in the interview today? After all, I want to play with you.”

Ji Yun is very discerning and can’t stand the person who plays with him is a wooden stake.

Ji Ran was still standing on the stage with exquisite facial features, beautiful eyebrows, slender figure, and could not move, like a painting.

Ji Yun drew a smile from the corner of his mouth, suddenly got up, put one hand in his trousers pocket, stood idly on the edge of the stage, refused the script handed over by the staff, and said to Ji Ran, “You say your own lines, I will pick up your plot. “

This is a real play.

Ji Ran looked to Su Jianxin and Lu Beichuan, and nodded, and then whispered: “Okay.”

In the end, Ji Ran has never acted. Just as the soldiers who first entered the battlefield met the battle-hardened general, they were not only timid, but also the voice trembled slightly.

Ji Yunshen looked at the expressionless person in front of his eyes, but forcibly squeezed out his anger and anger.

The status quo of the contemporary entertainment industry is so small. There are only a few people who have made their debut in the air, and can turn half their face red with their faces.

Ji Ran’s emotions culminated, and he growled, “I just want one truth! One truth!”

Hissing was exhausted, and his face was nagging.

Ji Yun raised his eyebrow deeply and stepped forward. His eyes contained deliberate and resentful anger, his tone was slow and steady, and his words were strong and powerful. You ca n’t hide that you are a coward, you are weak and incompetent, you can do nothing! You vowed to find out the truth, but when you see the **** truth, you will only act deaf and dumb! You fate. “

Step by step, his eyes were sharp, and under the pressure of the aura, Ji Ran was completely afraid to look at him. Ji Ran stepped back, his lips were slightly stretched, his expressions were dumb, his actions and language were completely beyond his control.

Ji Yun stayed high and made no comment on Ji Ran’s performance. He turned away from the stage and returned to his seat.

“Play against me, Ji Yunshen, and can’t say a word.”

The audience was silent and the atmosphere was tense and heavy.

Su Jianxin knew that this was Ji Yunshen’s dissatisfaction for a long time, and he was dissatisfied with Lu Beichuan’s involvement in the role. “That, deputy guide, let the next person come in!”

Lu Beichuan’s face was extremely ugly. It could be said that he gave him no face at all, but after the interview was over, he had no interest in staying. He got up and was about to leave, and saw a name on the interviewee list. Luo Su.

“Luo Su?”

“No. 29, No. 29 Luo Su, is Luo Su in?”

“I’m here, I’m here!”

Luo Su trot into the studio, staring brightly, smiling as a crescent.

The reason why Luo Su had never acted in the previous life, in addition to the company’s restrictions and his own conditions do not allow, there is one more point, he did not want to be a laughing stock of the outside world.

He is well aware of the rules of the entertainment industry. Whoever is popular has the right to speak. At the peak of other people ’s popularity in the past life, many directors came to the door and wanted to collaborate with him, but all were rejected by Luo Su.

Luo Su has a self-knowledge. He is not from a science class and has not even taken a serious acting class. How can he carry a beam and act as the protagonist of a play, but he also understands that the directors came to him only because of his popularity It’s just high.

There are tens of millions of fans behind Xiaoxianrou. Investors can make a lot of money just by paying for the fans.

Since the traffic that can be lifted by a super-popular idol star, why bother to work hard to do the post-production?

The entertainment industry has become a strange circle.

Luo Su didn’t want her acting skills to be the laughingstock of the audience, nor did she want to fall into this strange circle.

But in the end I was not convinced.

With a sigh of relief, after being frozen in the last life, he hired a teacher with a good relationship at the time, and worked hard at home to study acting, not to mention the fire, but also leaps and bounds.

Unexpectedly, what he didn’t use in his last life was filled with blood for his initial life.

Luo Su stood in the center of the stage, his eyes crossed on Lu Beichuan, and he quickly placed on Su Jianxin, “Hi, Su Dao, my name is Luo Su, and he is a signing star of Shengshi Entertainment.”

Su Jianxin squinted at Lu Beichuan on one side and laughed: “Your boss of Shengshi Entertainment is here too, and behave well.”

It seemed that Luo Su had noticed that Lu Beichuan was so good, and hurriedly greeted, “General Lu, I’m sorry, I’m too nervous to notice you.”

Lu Beichuan sat down and did not answer.

All the people who came to the interview had to prepare a performance, a situational story in ten minutes, and Luo Su got the lovers who had gone abroad for six years without a message, and received a fragment of the news that the lovers returned home after buying drunk in the bar.

The required props were readily available. Luo Su was sitting on the sofa, and the soft lights hit him. All eyes gathered in one moment. At that moment, Luo Su had a moment’s dream.

He was so envious of Ji Ran in his last life that he could perform life on various screens. Something he couldn’t ask for was available, and he held his hands in front of Ji Ran.

Finally, he never set foot on the stage, and after he abandoned everything that restrained him, he was able to stand with his head upright.

Drinking ice for ten years is difficult to cool and warm blood.

He is still haunted by this stage.

Luo Su picked up the wine on the coffee table in front of her, drank a few sips, and instantly entered the play.

Now he was dizzy in his head, his eyebrows frowned, and he stared blankly at his eyes. It seemed that the toss six years ago that he wanted to forget did not dare to forget, and every night he remembered that the stab of the knife on his apex resurfaced In front of my eyes, my throat was choked and my eyes were red, and my hands covered my eyes, and I took a deep breath.

After a moment, the emotion seemed to calm down, and his eyes were again on the wine bottle at the table, and he paused for a moment, as if thinking of a difficult joke, and chuckled.

The next second, the mood changed suddenly, and I was so annoyed that I drew the bottle next to me and slammed the wall beside the door.

Water-stained foam splattered and glass residues flew out.

The air in the room was too confined to breathe. Luo Su froze drunkenly, pulling the bow tie around his neck impatiently, and raised his head for a few breaths.

Luo Su buried her face in her palms, her shoulders trembling silently.

He is not afraid of waiting, he is only afraid of the day when he is tired of waiting and does not want to wait anymore, what should he do.

Luo Sucanghuang panicked and opened the door. He escaped from the room, walked down the corridor, and leaned against the wall to smoke.

His hand trembled slightly, and it took him a long time to light the cigarette. He smoked a cigarette slowly, watching the smoke slowly dart in the air, his eyes were out of focus.

He pulled out the phone from his pocket without warning, lowered his head, and slowly considered the vocabulary. His thumb was deleted on the keyboard of the phone, and then deleted.

——I beat you again.

Sent successfully.

After thinking about it, Luo Su typed a few more words.

——Will you come back?

Sent successfully.

Luo Su paused at his fingertips, but typed quickly.

–I miss you.

No response.

Luo Su stared at the screen of the phone until the black screen.

Like countless nights, he stared at this black screen, trying to see a bright moment in the next second, and a messy number sent a text message across the ocean.

But no, six years, not once.

Nothing ever happened.

The phone couldn’t get through, the text message didn’t reply, and one person hid in a place where no one knew, tormenting everyone in a silent way.

Luo Su covered her chest, and he was tortured to the point where he had a severe grin and put his mobile phone in his pocket.


Suddenly, Luo Su took the phone out of her pocket.

The black screen was lit by text messages, and a text message was pushed on the phone screen.

it is good.

Luo Su looked at the text message, looked at it, and looked at it, some happy and some incredible.

Waiting for someone to become a habit, waiting for it to feel absurd.

Luo Sumuran raised her hand and threw a slap toward her face. The red slap was printed on the side face, and there was some pain.

His face was incredibly bewildered and confused.

Not dreaming.

how can that be possible?

He carefully held the mobile phone in his chest. If he got the treasure, his eyes were firm and powerful, and he looked at the void with a smile of mixed stars.

Weeping in tears.

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