After the Rebirth, the Male God Have Seen Me

Chapter 19

The smell of disinfection water filled the wings, Luo Su awakened from the nightmare, and there was a white cloud around her eyes.

There was no one in the ward.

The bright sunshine outside the window, the mottled tree shadows swaying on his bed, it was good weather.

Luo Su stared at the swaying shadows on the sheet, thinking of what happened last night, knowing that she probably had troubled Luo Yi again, but sighed helplessly.

With a creak, the door opened. Luo Yi was wearing a white coat. The bow tie in the white coat was neat and tidy. People wearing uniforms were always more attractive.

Luo Yi was not too surprised by Luo Su’s wake up, but just walked to the bed, put his hand on his forehead, and asked softly, “Do you feel uncomfortable?”

The cool palms lay on his forehead, but passed on warm temperatures. Luo Su bowed her head and shook her head. “Brother, am I giving you trouble again?”

When Luo Su first arrived at the Luo family, he added a lot of trouble to the Luo family.

He recognizes his life, he rejects everyone’s approach, he does not want to communicate with anyone, he always complains with grief, he makes everyone afraid to approach him, and he is extremely malicious about everything around him.

Most importantly, he is still sick.

Aplastic anemia, a disease that says you can’t die, but always makes you worry, and the incidence of adulthood is very high.

The day he entered the Luo family, he just happened to be four years old, only fourteen years from his adulthood.

Luo Yi gave him great patience in his life.

“I’ll give him a name later, and I’ll pay back. We all want the little girls in the hospital.” The expression and tone of glory, carefully hiding the thought that should not be.

Luo Su grinned, “No problem.” After hesitating, he asked hard, “Brother … what happened to me last night …?”

The smile on Luo Yi’s mouth disappeared, and the doctor’s immovable expression made you feel anxious, and Luo Su couldn’t sit still. When she thought of her case list, she choked and said, “Brother, don’t lie to me, you Tell me the truth, I can … I can bear it. “

Luo Yi looked at his eyes red, his skin was pale with no blood, and his bright eyes stared at him momentarily, and finally he smiled: “It’s all right, nothing at all, I was scaring myself yesterday.”

Luo Su stunned, not quite convinced, “Really?”

“Why? I hope I have something to do with this?” Luo Yi picked up the needle on one side skillfully, plunged into the blue veins that Luo Su was prominent for being too fair, and took a tube of blood. “Have a good rest for two days.”

“Grandpa …”

Luo Yi looked at him helplessly, put the test tube blood on a small table on the side, and looked at him for a moment. “When I checked you before, it was not so serious. What happened these few days? I want to be hospitalized get medicine?”

During the crew, Luo Su drank a lot of alcohol and ate a lot of things that were strictly forbidden on weekdays. When she thought of it for her own reasons, Luo Su bowed her head, “I’m sorry.”

“Not sorry for me, but grandpa.”

Luo Su knew what was wrong, and stared at the sheet, silent.

“I don’t want to have surgery on your side anymore. If you can’t take care of yourself, then leave the entertainment circle and at home, I can always take care of you.”

Luo Su resisted heartily, but also knew that if she continued to do so, she would definitely not be able to bear it.

He clasped Luo Yi’s sleeves with both hands, like a child’s dependence, “Brother, rest assured, I will take good care of myself.”

Luo Yi’s eyes fell on his cuffs, his eyes were slightly dimmed and his expression moved.

There was a knock on the door, and there was an anxious look from the nurse outside the door. “Director Luo, there is a patient who is not in good condition and needs to see you.”

“I know, come right away.” Luo Yi returned to God, packed her things, ordered two more words, and left in a hurry.

There was only one Luo Su left in the room. He was bored, sitting on the bed and looking around for a moment, and drew to the side of a tube of blood that Luo Yi had drawn himself.

It was Luo Yi who just left in a hurry.

Because of the aplastic anemia disease, every time he comes to the hospital, he cannot avoid taking blood tests.

Luo Su took the tube of blood and wore a mask to go out.

There have been few patients recently, the corridor is a bit empty, and there are few people coming and going. Before passing through the office, he seems to see the two people who are most unwilling to see.

Lu Beichuan and Ji Ran.

What are you doing here?

Luo Suman was puzzled.

Lu Beichuan seemed to be talking to the doctor and stood upright, but Ji Ran stood behind Lu Beichuan without talking.

Someone shelters from the wind and rain. Unlike him, he is alone in the entertainment industry.

But after thinking about it, he was not alone.

Nothing is eternal, only the home talent is a lifetime.

While thinking about it, Lu Beichuan was shaking hands with the doctor, goodbye, and until the two left the hospital in a low key, Luo Su came forward.

“Hello Director Zhao.”

Shi Zhao shook hands with Director Lu Beichuan and said, “You?”

Luo Sula lowered his blindfold. “Director Zhao, it’s me, Luo Su.”

Director Zhao suddenly realized that he was about to speak, and felt that the corridor was not suitable. He dragged him into the office to see that he was in a good state of mind. As the attending doctor, he was naturally happy. “How is your body recovering?”

For this doctor who saved his life that year, Luo Su has always paid a lot of respect, “Thanks to you that year, I slowly recovered. Now I don’t need to take medicine, and my illness is all right.”

“All right?” Director Zhao showed disapproval in his eyes, looking at the junior’s eyes, and looked at him. “Yesterday you went to the emergency room. Your brother awakened me from the quilt and went to the hospital for a check. Young, how did my stomach behave like that Anymore? “

Luo Su smiled indifferently. “I usually eat less and don’t pay much attention. That’s it.”

“Young people still have to make up and pay attention to cultivation.”

“Well, you know, you can’t avoid it.”

“Who said that, I think that Ji Ran is good, how can you look like you?”

When Luo Su thought, she was surprised, “That was Ji Ran just now?”


“What are they doing here?”

“Check your body, by the way …” Director Zhao put the test tube at hand, which contained two-thirds of the blood, “make an identification.”


“Paternity Testing.”

Luo Suning’s eyebrows, “Who’s?”

In theory, Luo Su shouldn’t let this know, but Luo Su is not someone else, Luo Yi’s younger brother, Ji Ran’s partner, it’s no problem to say a few words.

“Of course it is disciplined.”

Luo Su stared at the tube of blood, her throat tightened slightly, her eyes darkened.

Someone outside the office knocked on the door. “Director Zhao, Director Luo invited you to come.”

Director Zhao stood up, “Luo Su, I still have something to do. Let’s go first. It is most important that you take good rest.”

Luo Su politely and Director Zhao left the office. Only after Director Zhao’s figure completely left his sight, Luo Su turned back, and a tube of blood on the desk shelf was quietly placed there.

Paternity Testing?

He had never heard of a paternity test in his last life.

However, since it is a paternity test, it cannot be done by one party.

The folder on the desk was quietly spread out. Luo Su opened the document in front of her. The top of the paternity test document had two names, one was Ji Ran, and the other was Ji Shaocheng’s name.

There are many surnamed Ji, but only one can make Lu Beichuan so active and low-key, Ji Yunshen. Ji Shaocheng is the father of Ji Yunshen.

So, did Lu Beichuan feel that Ji Ran was the younger brother that Ji Yunshen had lost for many years?

It seems that the public opinion on the Internet has reached a point where Lu Beichuan cannot resolve recently. Otherwise, he will not come to the end of the road to find the Ji family.

Luo Su stared at the tube of blood for a moment, the scarlet blood was a little dark, and it was no different from the tube in his hand. Between the light and flint, he had a bold idea in his heart.

He exchanged the tube of blood in his hand with the blood on the desk.

Luo Su’s palms were full of Ji Ran’s blood, and a meaningful smile popped out of her mouth.

After Fu Hanzhao was arrested for taking drugs, there are rumors of drug abuse on the Internet. Despite this, the rumors are ultimately rumors. In their circle, there are not many people who believe.

But Luo Su knew that it was not rumor.

Ji Ran is really touched.

The drug addict can be checked out within three months. I want to know that the tube of blood in my hand is also checked out.

Luo Su looked at the tube of blood in her hands, and her smile grew deeper.

The moment I turned around and looked back, I do n’t know when the office door was already blocked, the figure was too long, and his figure was very long, and this huge black shadow was enough to wrap Luo Su’s thin body Included.

“Ji … Ji brother, why are you here?” Standing in front of Ji Yunshen, Luo Su Canghuang hid the tube of blood in his sleeves, his eyes fluttered, and his nose burst into cold sweat.

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