After the Full-Level Boss is Reborn

Chapter 6

Chapter 5 Encircled Village (4)

Peiyu: “…”.

She looked down at the fallen corpse puppet. The corpse puppet’s facial features were festering, and his head like a withered grass draped behind him, which was terrifying.

She recognized the rotting corpse.

This corpse was named Huaniang when she was born, and she was able to embroider good flowers. She is Suinong’s wife kidnapped from another place, and she has been here for many years.

Huaniang is always smiling, she is a bit rich, she used to secretly bring Peiyu and her mother to eat, sometimes it is a bowl of porridge, sometimes it is a few buns. For Xiao Peiyu, who competes with wild dogs for food every day, this smiling fat lady is just as good as a fairy.

But Hua Niang died more than a month ago. After Sui Nong was drunk, she used to hit her with a stick, and her screams rang everywhere, making the whole village heard. Her son walked slowly through the door and waved to the group of people who pricked their ears to listen to the excitement of good things, “It’s okay, it’s okay, she can’t die, her life is very cheap.”

The violence that day was exceptionally long, from midday to sunset.

Hua Niang’s crying and wailing became lower and lower, and finally turned into a weak moan. Peiyu rushed into the yard to stop, but was kicked out by Huaniang’s son. No one dared to step forward, except for the old yellow dog who had fed the leftovers several times by Hua Niang. The old dog bit on Sui Niong’s leg tightly, but it was so old that he lost all his teeth, and Sui Nong smashed it on the head with a stick and died.

Hua Niang is also dead.

No funeral. That day, Sui Nong’s family cooked a pot of dog meat.

Smell fragrant.

In the usual days when people boiled meat, Peiyu would always squat at the door of that household, waiting for a few leftover bones. But even if those people feed the bones to pigs and dogs, they refuse to leave it to her. So most of the time, she just went to smell it.

Smelling the fragrant, chewing twice with his mouth, as if he had eaten meat.

But Peiyu did not go that day.

She ran to the mass grave at Houshan, trying to dig a grave for Hua Niang. She didn’t have a hammer, so she could only dig with her bare hands. She digged until her hands were dripping with blood before she made a small pit. But she was too weak, Hua Niang was also dead, so that she couldn’t push her body into the pit because of the strength of milking.

The sky has darkened, the mass graves are like fireflies, and the tombs are piled up one after the other. I don’t know what kind of insects they are starting to whine, a bit like many people are crying.

Hua Niang was lying on the ground with a big wound on her forehead, her face was covered with blood, and she looked terrifying.

The seven or eight-year-old child was very tired after doing so many things, so he fell asleep leaning on Hua Niang’s thigh wherever he could be scared.

When she woke up the next day, she found herself sleeping in a bullpen. Two pieces of cloth were wrapped around the injured hand. The four corners of the coarse cloth were embroidered with small flowers, which was Hua Niang’s favorite pattern during her lifetime.

It rained at night, the mud in the mass grave was wet, Hua Niang lay in the mud with her hands folded, her blood on her face was washed away by the rain, her brows were serene, her lips raised, she seemed to be smiling.

The child stood in front of the pit blankly, not understanding why Hua Niang fell asleep by herself. She stood there for a while, until her belly groaned several times, then she bent over and took the soil to cover Hua Niang’s body. By the way, she put the two pieces of cloth, or handkerchiefs, in Hua Niang’s hands.

Hua Niang was already dead, the corpse puppet under her feet was just a corpse aroused by blood mist resentment. She didn’t have any consciousness and would only kill. She would never squint and laugh, and could no longer embroider with needles.

People die as a lamp goes out, like soup poxue.

In just a moment of effort, the old things of Qianchen were brought up in Peiyu’s mind. She was neither sad nor melancholy. If she had to describe it, it would be numb. She was about to look away, but was covered by someone.

“Don’t look,” Huaibo’s palm is soft and his voice is soft, “don’t be afraid.”

Peiyu froze for a moment, blinking her eyes, and burst into tears.

Huaibo bent down, half-wrapped the girl, covered her eyes with the other hand, and comforted her softly: “Don’t be afraid, it’s just a dead person, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Jane, why don’t you know how to block it with your body, let Your junior sister saw such a sight?”

Zhao Jian curled her mouth, her eyebrows drooped more severely, and she looked more worried, “This blood fog is too weird, I didn’t notice the corpse puppet approaching. I blamed me, Yingzi was so scared to sleep for several nights the first time he saw the corpse puppet. I feel that the little junior sister is afraid…Alas, I had already brought Zhou Gongyi when I knew I was going out this time.”

Huaibo sighed, “Forget it, don’t blame you or you. Blame me for not discovering it earlier, blame me, and blame me.”

They are all anxious to take mistakes on themselves, and between words, they are more like peers than mentors and apprentices.

Zhao Jianyi sighed again, “This blood mist seems to be conscious, and I don’t know what it is.”

Huaibo led Peiyu, and Zhao Jian followed at the end, walking along the village road together. This time they didn’t need to lead the way with Peiyu, instead they carefully guarded her one after the other.

Suddenly, Huaibo stopped and said softly, “Someone is coming.”

Because of the blood mist induction, Peiyu’s mind clearly showed the familiar figure of the three people who walked around—Yang Ba and Song Wu were pale, looking around vigilantly, but Suinong was reluctant to walk in the middle. They were lucky, and they were able to get here unscathed.

After a few breaths, Zhao Jianyi also heard footsteps.

The three of them didn’t know anyone was standing quietly in the blood mist waiting for themselves. Suddenly, they ran into three black shadows in front of them. They were so scared that they yelled and pissed. Sui Nong fell on the ground with her legs soft.

Zhao Jian frowned, Bitter Gourd’s face dragged longer, “Don’t call it, it will be troublesome to call another corpse puppet.”

After a short period of time, the three of Yancun calmed down. When they met Peiyu, who was calm, they felt embarrassed. Suinong opened his mouth and shouted, “Little bastard, you’re not dead?”

It seems that the village chief thought he was dead, so he sent someone out again, and Suinong also walked into the blood mist, which meant that he had compromised with the foreign surname. Peiyu didn’t care about the name, but the other two were already dissatisfied.

Huaibo’s brows frowned slightly, and he held the girl’s hand tighter.

Zhao Jianyi directly replied louder: “What do you call my junior sister?”

“…Ah, Immortal Chang.” Yang Ba saw Zhao Jian’s chest blazing, and immediately fell to his knees, begging: “Xian Chang, help us!”

Song Wu also followed and fell to the ground, begging.

Zhao Jianyi pointed to Suinong and asked: “You, that’s you, what did you call my junior sister just now?”

Sui Nong glanced at the expressionless Peiyu, and then at the angry young Immortal Chang. He shook his fat head and big ears, and said with a shy smile: “Isn Chang, I don’t know which one belongs to you. Junior sister?”

The corners of Peiyu’s lips gradually evoked a very light range.

The screaming of these people has attracted the corpse puppet, and the corpse of the flower lady not far away. Maybe Hua Niang’s obsession was not cleared before she died, and her resentment was too deep. When Sui Nong’s voice sounded, she was suppressed by the spell and stood up swayingly and walked here.

The year old seemed to see something, his eyes widened, staring straight ahead without blinking, his face pale as paper, and his legs could not help shaking.

The dark color on the crotch trousers fainted, dripping water sounded.

“Hua, Hua Niang…”

Zhao Jianyi pinched his nose, “It smells so bad!”

Huaibo put the shampoo in front of the child’s nose, and nodded in agreement, “It’s not just urine, but the whole body smells bad.”

Suinong had been frightened by the horrified Hua Niang who was falling down by the carrion.

But the two immortals generally stood not far away watching the show, and they didn’t mean to save people at all. Zhao Jianyi stroked his palms and laughed: “Hahahahaha!”

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