After the Full-Level Boss is Reborn

Chapter 3

Chapter 2 Encircled Village (1)

Peiyu felt someone suffocating on her face.

She opened her eyes abruptly, and met a pair of big copper bell-like eyes.

Peiyu was shocked, her body stiff, her limbs were rusty, and she almost stopped breathing.

Tongling’s eyes also jumped, slapped his hooves, raised his neck and yelled, “Moo-moo!”

here it is…

Peiyu looked right and left, the crumbling thatched shed, so broken that you could see the large sky of rotten roofs, a few bundles of dry straw lying around, and the little scalper that kept pouting in front of him—and finally came to a conclusion, here It is the cowshed where I lived when I was young.

She lowered her head and looked at her arm, as thin as two bone truncated bones. She could not pinch a thin layer of skin with her fingers, and it was covered with various bruises.

He stood up and jumped twice without breaking his leg. He should be eight years old now.

Before she was eight years old, her mother was still held in a bullpen.

At the age of eight and a half, she was interrupted by a villager.

Now that my mother is not there and my leg hasn’t been broken, he is eight years old.

Peiyu squinted her eyes and slightly raised her lips. If you wait ten years later, this laugh will be praised as a bright moon and clear breeze, and you will forget the vulgar when you see it. But now, no matter how dirty the cheeky faces are, they are not pretty.

Eight years old is really a good age, Peiyu thought.

Six months later, Suihan left Yancun and went to the saint Zhuang Xiuxian. A year later, Gushan’s introductory trial started, and she worshipped under the door of Huaibo.

But now, everything hasn’t started, like a lump of clay in front of her, how to knead the sculpture is entirely up to her heart.

Peiyu’s lips are wider.

Really happy.

She didn’t know why she was born again, but after learning the Tao for a long time, she always had a stable attitude towards such strange things.

I still remember that when she first entered Xuanmen, she heard Huaibai talk about the Tao Te Ching.

Speaking of Chapter 32, “The main road is everywhere, it can be left and right.” Huaibo asked her if you know what it means.

Xiao Peiyu shook his head, and was immediately knocked hard.

“Do you know why I beat you?” Huaibo asked her with a grin.

Xiao Peiyu touched the red mark on her forehead, her eyes flickered, “Is it because of my ignorance?”

Huaibai smiled happily, “Come on, let me tell you, what this sentence means is that the way of heaven is a lunatic, and everything can be done. You walk on the road and you are suddenly struck to death by a thunder, or It was a treasure chest that fell from the sky and smashed you to death. This is all normal. We cultivators, we must have a stable mind, you know?”

Xiao Peiyu nodded and asked, “But why are you hitting me?”

Huaibo thumped her violently again, looked at the wronged child, smiled and said, “Being a teacher is doing my best to preach to you.”

Later, Peiyu understood that the way of heaven is the same as the master, and they cannot be guessed by common sense. In a word, it is that the brain is sick and digging pits everywhere. As a person who falls into the pit, his mentality must be as stable as a rock, so that the mountain collapses and the color remains unchanged.

The sound of firecrackers came from outside the door, overwhelming, and crackling, making her ears hurt.

Peiyu pushed open the wooden door that was only half broken, and the cold wind slashed her face. She didn’t have a bodyguard right now, and she couldn’t help but shivered, her teeth smashing.

The sight outside is really weird.

The sky is dull, cloudy and windy, day is like night.

Several red lights passed across the horizon and exploded in the night sky. On the black night, one after another flowers bloomed like brocade.

Peiyu raised her head and looked at the sky, with a pensive look on her face.

This is a firework-like thing, its name is Chuanyun Chi Ling, which is made from the feathers of the legendary phoenix. Mortals holding this thing can send out help from the immortal gate.

But Chi Ling is not common, and Yancun can own this thing because of his good age, and he was favored by a certain elder of Shengrenzhuang early.

Now that ten flaming feathers have been released one after another, could it be that something major has happened?

But in her memory, there was no such time.

Peiyu tightened her lips and walked out of the bullpen slowly. The little scalper ran over with his hoofs and followed her.

Every family smoked, but the door was wide open. There was no one in the room. The food had not been moved. It was placed on the table. It seemed that they had encountered something with the meal and all ran out. The fire was a little bit in the southeast direction, and the figures shook, and the villagers should have gathered at the ancestral hall.

Peiyu swaggered to a house.

There was a plate of fried pork with chili on the table, and only one or two sporadic flesh flowers could be seen in the large green chilies.

She was unceremonious, picked up the chopsticks on the table, picked out all the only pieces of meat in the peppers, and went to the back kitchen by the way, found some good cabbages on the stove, and fed them to moo moo Little scalper.

“I, eat fast, there are still many places waiting for us to be lucky.”

The scalper named Lao Tzu: “Moo Moo!”

After being lucky enough to complete several households, Peiyu touched her bulging belly and hiccuped contentedly. Laozi’s belly is much larger than her. After eating more than a dozen cabbage radishes, he is still not full, pouting his hooves and screaming.

Peiyu patted it on the head, “Don’t worry, I’ll find you something to eat.”

This scalper who could understand was her benefactor.

Lao Tzu was born shortly after the death of her lunatic mother. She was born out of the ordinary. She did not eat the grass and leaves; she did not drink the water in the fields and the ditch.

Peiyu had to go to the vegetable garden to steal the cabbage. After washing it well, it was willing to condescend and open its mouth, picking up a few good colors and good shapes, and chewing them. Otherwise, he kept yelling and screaming, making half of the village unable to sleep.

After half a year, Peiyu was beaten and his leg was broken, and he was about to be sold. The scalper ran away from Yancun with her on her back. She ran for thousands of miles in succession. When she encountered mud and black water, she drank and ate hay and rotted vegetables. She ran to the foot of the lonely mountain. She was rescued, but Lao Tzu He died, and ascended to heaven ever since.

After coming back to life, Peiyu looked at this delicate cow, only to think it was very cute.

She took the cow to a big family house and let it wait in the courtyard. She touched the back kitchen with two Chinese cabbage in her arms. When she was about to leave, she suddenly heard the woman’s sobbing and sobbing.

The cries were intermittent and heart-warming, echoing in the gloomy empty house, looking terrifying.

Peiyu’s footsteps were still not slow, as if she hadn’t heard a whimper, she moved a clean basin, piled the cabbage in it, and then sat down on a small bench and watched the scalper eat.

“Uuuuuu…help me, help me…”

The voice became clearer and clearer, and Peiyu ignored it. After I finished eating, he patted it on the head and signaled it to run back to the cowshed, but walked towards the southeast ancestral hall alone.

Walking near the ancestral hall, Peiyu found something was wrong.

The red mist is like flowing blood, surrounding this small village. Yancun is like an isolated island in a sea of ​​blood, and will soon be submerged by huge waves. After listening carefully, there was the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling in the red mist, and I don’t know what demons and demons were hidden in it.

It’s no wonder that the blazing feathers they sent out didn’t work, and they encountered blood fog. Peiyu smiled in her heart, squeezed into the crowd, and quietly watched the excitement.

“Village Chief, Chi Ling doesn’t work, do you think we want to explore in the blood mist?”

Everyone looked at a middle-aged man respectfully. The man in a silk shirt and long gown, with shiny hair draped behind him, holding a small round mirror tightly in his hand, looking a bit nondescript.

The village head’s face was solemn and did not speak.

“Isn’t the fairy door willing to save us?” Whispers sounded from the corner, and the villagers began to talk about it.

“Is immortals like them care about our life and death? What the **** is this, why would they find us?”

Peiyu mingled among the crowd and said softly: “Will Shengrenzhuang not come to save us?” Her voice was not prominent in the noise, only the words of Shengrenzhuang were bit harder, so that people could hear them. But I don’t know who said it.

One after another, someone echoed and said, “Yes, isn’t the Han girl chosen by the sage elder Zhuang? Isn’t he coming to save us?”

“Hey, I think he has forgotten about it a long time ago, but he’s just a country girl, and those saints don’t care about it.”

“What’s the use of pretending to be arrogant on weekdays?”

The girl next to the village chief was pale, her lips trembled slightly, and she explained in a low voice, “It’s not like this, it’s not like this, Master must have not seen…Daddy, please help me to tell…” She pulled With the village chief’s sleeves, his face was full of panic.

If Peiyu saw Suihan’s helpless appearance in the past, she would definitely feel distressed, step forward and comfort her softly, and then punish those who uttered bad words one by one.

But now she just stood in the crowd, arched slightly, covered her lips with her hand, and smiled with a pair of phoenix eyes.

She has always been like this, she will repay her, she turned her face ruthlessly, draped in a human skin, and grew like a wolf. In the previous life, she spent seven or seventy-nine days, peeling the skin and bones of Sui Han, and grind her soul into pieces, leaving her soul scattered in the extreme pain.

In this life, she looked at the weak girl not far away, and suddenly thought of a more interesting way to play.

When the discussion became more and more unpleasant, the village head finally couldn’t help it, and yelled, “Shut up.”

He glanced at the small mirror and said in a deep voice, “It’s not that the immortal gate is unwilling to help. The blood mist is too weird, and Chi Ling couldn’t send the letter. Then, Yang Ba, Song Wu, take Chi Ling and go to the blood mist. Take a look inside.”

The two men who were named murmured unwillingly: “It’s so dangerous in the blood mist. You just think we are people of foreign surnames, and you assign us to die.”

As soon as the voice fell, a few years old family members pointed at them and shouted, “What are you talking about?”

People with foreign surnames have long been dissatisfied with the village chief’s name of the immortal gate. They have never been involved in farming and demanded worship. They also hated the **** of the New Year’s family and arbitrarily dictate major events in the village. They have been resentful for a long time. At the punch, the two groups of people are holding farm tools against each other, and the conflict is on the verge of breaking out.

At this moment, I don’t know who said lightly—”You cuckold bastards, our women are all slept by us. What kind of face and Suijia call?”

The person with the surname immediately reddened his eyes, raised his fist and swiped it, cursing: “You are the bastard! The grandson of the turtle!”

We can’t blame them for overreacting, this incident touched a secret in the village.

Yancun is poor and remote, with many vulgar customs, especially patriarchy. Most of the newborn girls who did not eat their first breast milk would be secretly disposed of. After a few decades, there were fewer and fewer women in the village and more and more bachelors.

At this time, the Sui family had a bad idea, and they didn’t know what method they used to get women from outside, and then sold them to the old bachelors in the village.

These women were young when they arrived in the village, and they were sold early to become child brides-in-laws. They were originally Fang Zhilian who didn’t know anything, and separated from their hometown by thousands of mountains and rivers. They would never return to the new year after being trapped in this place. Later, they would die in depression, or after giving birth to a child, they gradually forgot the old things and merged into it. .

As a seller of “goods”, Suijia will take possession of a good-looking girl first. The people in the village knew it well, but they had no choice but to silently put a green hat on themselves and recognized the matter.

But it is impossible to say that you don’t bear the hate.

During the fight, several people huddled on the ground and wailed, their heads battered, and the dust rose up, shouting loudly, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

No one noticed the girl standing in the dark corner.

But if someone comes closer and takes a closer look, they will find that her shoulders are trembling, but it is not because of fear, and her slightly drooping face is smiling with crooked eyebrows.

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