After Being Crushed By Our Nemesis, We Are Together

Chapter 13

Qu Shenyu stared at the ceiling above her head, thinking about life.

When people are intoxicated, no matter how logical their behaviors seem, they are actually behaviors made without thinking.

Qu Shenyu has been quieter and better-behaved than others since she was a child. Naturally, there are very few cases of social death. Especially compared to Chen Chuyuan, she has been a good baby since she was a child, and the few black histories started because of her.

She stared at the ceiling intently, and took a long time to get up.

If it is an ordinary person, most of the behaviors of drunks will not be bothered with drunks. At most, they will make fun of them later, but Chen Chuyuan is not. She is the kind of person who can wait and watch the fun.

Qu Shenyu can only pray that the grown-up Chen Chuyuan has left this kind of vulgar taste, or is too lazy to pay attention to her. After all, her amazing move made Chen Chuyuan a little embarrassed yesterday, maybe she will be embarrassed?

However, Qu Shenyu was soon disappointed. When she opened the door, she saw Chen Chuyuan waiting at the door with a lady’s cigarette in her hand. Seeing her coming out, she looked at her with great interest. The smoke on her lips blurred her brows and eyes. , so that her posture while watching the play is not so obvious.

Qu Shenyu pinched the door with her fingertips, turning a little pale. Closing the door seemed too reactive. She didn’t know how to face it if she didn’t close it. Qu Shenyu thought, after so many years, the evil in Chen Chuyuan’s bones has really not changed at all.

Chen Chuyuan was light-hearted. She knew that Qu Shenyu was thin-skinned, so she had to wait at the door to put her in a dilemma. She walked over and said slowly, “Yo? Sober up?”

Qu Shenyu curled her fingertips, her voice faintly trembled, “Sorry, I was drunk last night.”

She apologized very simply.

Not admitting it, Chen Chuyuan will definitely think of a way to remind her, just like the car video sent to her by Chen Chuyuan in high school, she let Qu Shenyu sit and watch the whole process with her, and asked her slowly to think of herself. What did you do when you were drunk?

Qu Shenyu didn’t want to encounter such a scene a second time.

However, when Miss Chen felt that she was at a disadvantage, she didn’t care whether the other party had surrendered or not. She walked up to Qu Shenyu and said, “What’s the matter with you, your attitude is so indifferent, you were not like this yesterday, and you don’t want to see me now. already?”

She mentioned yesterday again, and sure enough, she saw Qu Shenyu’s jaw tensed involuntarily, and her slightly flushed cheeks.

She snuffed out half of the cigarette at her fingertips and asked lightly, “You don’t want to seduce me now?”

Qu Shenyu froze on the spot and said with restraint, “I’m sorry, I was drunk yesterday.”

When her brain was not numbed by alcohol, her sense of shame took over even more. She lowered her eyebrows, knowing that Chen Chuyuan was probably thinking more and more about her reaction after returning home, so she made up her mind not to let her go today.

Chen Chuyuan has a low moral bottom line and will not feel guilty for what she has done. She has always thrown the blame unambiguously, so at this time, she just snorted and said casually: “Don’t, I treat you when you are drunk. It’s quite interesting, can you show it to me again?”

To Chen Chuyuan, it’s a joke to restrain her by doing what she doesn’t want to do. The eldest lady’s morality has always been up and down. It won’t hurt anyone, just let your anger out first.

Qu Shenyu bit her lips lightly, and after a while, she heard herself say softly, “Okay.”

She placed her fingertips lightly on her neckline, and Chen Chuyuan looked at her recklessly, without the embarrassment of yesterday. Her personality has always been cloudy and sunny, sometimes she can be so pure that she doesn’t know the world, and when her temper comes up, she can ignore everything, don’t think about anyone. Take it.

Even that was actually embarrassing herself.

The button of the shirt that had been buttoned at the top honestly was unbuttoned, the air was a little cold after the rain, and Qu Shenyu, whose shoulders and neck were exposed, shivered unintentionally.

Qu Shenyu is thin, tall and slender, and she can still be misunderstood as a young high school student.

Chen Chuyuan’s fingertips moved slightly, and suddenly became a little irritable.

Qu Shenyu is thin-skinned and has a strong sense of shame, probably because her parents did not give proper guidance. When she first got her period, she forgot to prepare sanitary napkins in advance and was embarrassed to borrow them from others. When Chen Chuyuan asked her His face was as red as a crystal persimmon, as if he would be bullied and cry in the next second.

She didn’t know that every time she couldn’t maintain the indifferent expression on her face, people couldn’t help but want to go up and bully her.

There was the sound of someone stepping on high heels upstairs in the corridor. Before he had time to think, his body was already faster than his brain, he held Qu Shenyu in his arms, and closed the door by the way.

Assistant Tang heard the movement and said strangely, “Yuanyuan?”

After a long while, Chen Chuyuan said, “What are you doing?”

The sound didn’t seem to come from Chen Chuyuan’s bedroom. Assistant Tang was thoughtful, thinking that the young people were having a good time, she said thoughtfully: “I’ll put down the breakfast, remember to go downstairs.”

As the footsteps drifted away, Chen Chuyuan looked down at Qu Shenyu, who was motionless. She didn’t open the curtains in her bedroom when she woke up in the morning, only a faint light leaked in through the gap. In the dim environment, her skin was as white as it was glowing. .

Chen Chuyuan was a little annoyed, and her expression became a little unnatural. She reached out and buttoned back Qu Shenyu’s few shirts. Qu Shenyu held her wrist, and her voice trembled as she listened carefully: “Chen Chuyuan, don’t be like this. for me.”

In fact, she didn’t really want her to give up suddenly every time she was halfway through, which always made her delusional at the wrong time.

Chen Chuyuan paused, recalling inexplicably when she was a student. She liked to lean on Qu Shenyu the most. She always sat upright in her seat. She was treated as an adult by her enemies. Just pretend that Chen Chuyuan doesn’t exist.

Her body temperature was low, but her heartbeat was always fast. Chen Chuyuan always thought that it was because she was so angry with herself that she would rather sacrifice herself and rely on Qu Shenyu to see that she couldn’t get angry.

It’s been so long, it’s hard for Chen Chuyuan to remember such details that have nothing to do with revenge.

But Chen Chuyuan’s mouth has always been able to make people half-dead, especially when he is upset, and immediately asked back: “What do you want me to do to you?”

Qu Shenyu fell silent, she wanted to say, you can be more cruel to me, so that she would not have any thoughts, but she couldn’t say it.

Seeing that she didn’t speak, Chen Chuyuan felt even more upset, she buttoned the last button, “Okay, let’s go down to eat.”

So she obediently followed behind.

It was still raining outside, but it was much smaller than last night. Chen Chuyuan put the cup and the hangover medicine in front of her with a somewhat unnatural expression.

– Just when Qu Shenyu opened the door, she noticed that after a hangover, Qu Shenyu seemed a little uncomfortable.

Qu Shenyu took a sip while holding the water glass, while Chen Chuyuan ate the breakfast brought by his assistant and looked at Qu Shenyu nonchalantly.

When he went to college and suddenly changed, Qu Shenyu looked a little more tenacious. In all honesty, he was even more attractive than when he was in high school.

Chen Chuyuan suddenly discovered that maybe it was the gossip outside, or maybe it was Qu Shenyu’s behavior, she was actually a little greedy for Qu Shenyu’s body.

She took a sip of water to relieve the dryness in her throat, stood up suddenly and sat next to Qu Shenyu, and took the initiative to wrap her arms around her waist.

The knuckles of Qu Shenyu’s fingers while holding the water cup turned white, and suddenly a slightly hot hand came in along the hem of her clothes, so hot that she couldn’t help suffocating, and almost instinctively held her breath.

However, Chen Chuyuan seemed to be not doing it herself, and said calmly, “There is a banquet in two days, you can come with me.”

Qu Shenyu nodded lightly and agreed, Chen Chuyuan withdrew her hand and walked upstairs as if nothing had happened. It was raining so hard, she was not interested in taking classes in the rain.

She rubbed her fingers, a little confused, why didn’t her heart beat faster now?

Looking at her slender and unrestrained back, Qu Shenyu lowered her eyes slightly.

She told herself softly in her heart: Qu Shenyu, you have to be self-aware.

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