After a Flash Marriage With the Disabled Tyrant

Chapter 94 - END

Although ‘holding a wedding’ was temporarily proposed by the two when their love was strong, Shi Yunnan and Luo Lingsheng were already prepared in their hearts.

After all the dust settled, the two finally began to get married.

For Shi Yunnan, getting married is a very important and important matter. Even if they can find someone to do things with money, they are still involved in the layout design of the venue.

As a designer, Shi Yunnan pays special attention to aesthetics, almost exhausting his energy.

However, under the personal planning of him and Luo Lingsheng, this wedding, which was delayed for a year, finally appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

As soon as Fu Ziyu entered the main banquet hall, he couldn’t help but sigh, “I have seen roses and other flowers as a wedding set, but I have never seen sunflowers as the main flower.”

My friend is really a designer, this idea is different from others.

With the exception of the fresh sunflowers being airlifted, every other part of the banquet hall is designed to be understated and luxurious, in the words of the banquet hall waiter—

If any corner is singled out, the cost of this investment must be in the six or seven figures.

After Yuan Rui heard this, he immediately exaggerated, “That’s for sure, don’t look at it, Yun Nan is the core designer of our studio.”

“I said, can you put gold on your face less?”

Fu Ziyu hooked Ueyuan Rui’s shoulder angrily and funny, “It’s not your marriage that he got married, why are you pulling everything on yourself?”

“I’m happy, can you handle it?”

While the two were wrangling, another voice sounded from behind, “Sunflowers are not conventional, and the flower language of this flower is good, it is very suitable for Yunnan and Mr. Luo.”

Fu Ziyu and Yuan Rui, who were ‘shoulders and backs’, turned around together and met Lu Zhaoan’s gaze.

There was a rare sharpness under Lu Zhaoan’s seemingly calm eyes, and just two or three steps closer, he made Fu Ziyu feel a murderous aura inexplicably.

In the next second, Lu Zhaoan’s gaze subtly settled on Fu Ziyu’s hand that “hooked” Yuan Rui.


Fu Ziyu suddenly understood something, and hurriedly withdrew his hand as if he had been stabbed out of a hole, and couldn’t help shouting out in his heart—

Heaven and earth conscience, he has always raised Yuan Rui as his son!

Last time, Yuan Rui made a fuss about him, a single person, in order to hide from his senior brother Lu Zhaoan. Now that he and Lu Zhaoan met, the other party was like an enemy.

Yuan Rui was completely unaware of the turbulent undercurrent between his brother and his friends, and he was still able to lean over without hesitation, “What flower language?”

The moment the voice fell, Shi Yunnan and Luo Lingsheng, who were the protagonists of the wedding, came over.

“There is no one else in sight, you are everywhere.” Shi Yunan answered proactively, with a little smugness between his brows, “Is this flower language romantic enough?”

Yuan Rui and Fu Ziyu looked at each other and said in unison, “Nasty.”

However, although Fu Ziyu said he was disgusted, he was sincerely happy to see his best friend who had been fighting alone for many years finally settle down completely.

Just as he was about to hug Shi Yunnan as a ‘friend’, he was caught off guard by an ‘assassination’ sight.

Obviously, this line of sight came from Luo Lingsheng.


Fu Ziyu’s hug was stuck in mid-air, and he awkwardly patted his friend’s shoulder, “Son, it’s really gratifying for Dad to see your happiness.”

Shi Yunnan made a move to hit someone, smiled and said, “Go away.”

Fu Ziyu, who was caught in the middle, glanced left and right, and couldn’t hold back the speechlessness in his heart, “I said, what are you doing?”

“I, Fu Ziyu, take you two as sons, and the two husbands next to you take me as rivals in love?”

“What husband? Don’t talk nonsense!” Yuan Rui blushed and denied it.

Shi Yunnan raised his eyebrows with great interest, “Yuan Rui, why do you deserve to be faster than me?”

Yuan Rui blushed and turned into a cooked crab, unable to say why. Seeing his reaction, Lu Zhaoan, who was beside him, finally got a little smile in his eyes.

Shi Yunnan was afraid of ‘teasing’ the arrogant Yuan Rui, so he turned back to the topic, “You’ve been single for so many years, who can you blame? Otherwise, hurry up and find someone at my wedding banquet?”

Of course, the second half of this sentence is purely a joke.

Fu Ziyu didn’t know the words and jokes of his friend, so he cooperated and responded, “Okay, the next person to enter the banquet hall, I will…”

The rest of the words were still stuck, and there were two more figures at the door—

Wen Yibei pushed Mr. Wen in the wheelchair and looked at him hesitantly after entering the door.

Seeing this, Shi Yunnan immediately greeted him, “Grandpa, brother!”

Luo Lingsheng summoned the waiter holding the bottle holder, and took the initiative to signal to Fu Ziyu and the others for his lover.

“These wines are all collected from auctions in various countries. If you like wine tasting, Mr. Fu, you can find a place to sit and drink. The wedding ceremony will not start in half an hour.”

“Of course, you can just greet others. We are old acquaintances, so don’t worry about it.”

Compared with the formal wedding banquet process, Shi Yunnan and Luo Lingsheng’s arrangements are obviously more free.

After Luo Lingsheng left with Shi Yunnan, Yuan Rui just asked, “You haven’t finished what you just said, what about the next person who comes in?”

Fu Ziyu coughed and picked up a glass of spirits, “It’s nothing.”

If he dared to finish those words, it is estimated that his friend Shi Yunnan would break his teeth in minutes.

Shi Yunnan prepared a separate lounge for Mr. Wen who was inconvenient.

After his family entered the lounge, Shi Yunnan closed the door and asked, “Grandpa, why didn’t uncle come with you? Is he still on the way?”

Wen Yibei and Mr. Wen looked at each other, and gently pulled their younger brother to the side to explain.

“Yunnan, my uncle will not be here for the time being. The matter with Wanyou still needs to be dealt with. He, he feels sorry for you.”

After receiving the recording of Wen Wanyou’s confession that day, Shi Yunnan finally kept the Wen family’s face and did not hand it over to the police immediately.

However, Wen Wanyou finally came to a realization. She did not choose to escape, but turned herself in to the police.

Because Wen Wanyou was forced to assist Luo Yanchuan in ‘committing the crime’, and he invited a lawyer to defend Wen Yanfeng, the police finally made a moderate judgment in light of the actual special circumstances.

Wen Wanyou, who had been detained for a month, was released when the final trial of Luo Yanchuan’s case came out.

Hearing this, Shi Yunnan shook his head slightly, “I’m sorry.”

Everyone’s path is chosen by themselves. After such an encounter, Wen Wanyou can be regarded as paying the price for what she has done in the past.

Wen Wanyou is still young, if she can live a good life from now on, she may still be able to live up to her own life.

Today’s Shi Yunnan just wants to live his life well, “Brother, please let your uncle relax, and we will make it up for the next family dinner.”

Wen Yibei smiled, “Okay.”

The two brothers communicated briefly for two sentences before returning to Mr. Wen’s side.

Wen Lao Xian lived for this sake, and some things were understood but not broken.

He looked at Shi Yunnan, who was dressed in formal clothes, with unstoppable joy in his eyes, “It seems that Ling Sheng has taken good care of you, and the sides of your cheeks finally have some flesh.”

Shi Yunnan smiled and crouched on the edge of the wheelchair, “I knew it must be Grandpa who made him feed me fat.”

After he finished speaking, he still didn’t forget to throw a glance at Luo Lingsheng beside him, “I don’t know how much weight he and the little goldfish have raised during this period of time.”

Shi Yunnan was busy designing in the past. Once he worked, three meals and sleep time would not be normal. It would definitely be bad for his health in the long run.

Luo Lingsheng tried every means to help him adjust. In addition to the three daily meals, he was even willing to cook and study medicinal foods.

The dignified patriarch cooked the cooking himself, but he shocked Uncle Qin and the servants in the house.

Shi Yunnan couldn’t bear to live up to his lover’s efforts, plus the little goldfish fed it like a spoiled child, he had to eat it all every time.

“I’m not in good health myself, and I wish you kids would eat on time.” Mr. Wen excused Luo Lingsheng, “He didn’t do anything wrong, you just need to eat.”

“Your physique is not easy to gain weight, it is much easier to lose weight than gain.” Luo Lingsheng took his own opinion, “You should eat more.”

Mr. Wen’s eyes moved back and forth between the two, and the more he looked, the more he felt that they were a good match and satisfied, “Ling Sheng, Yun Nan, you two must be well in the future.”

Luo Lingsheng answered seriously, “Grandpa, don’t worry, I remember what you said to me back then.”

—Luo Lingsheng, please be kind to my little grandson.

He always remembered.

Shi Yunnan understood the old man’s good intentions all along, and his eyes were vaguely sour, “Grandpa, I know that you have spent a lot of time for me in secret over the years, thank you.”

“Silly boy, why are you not grateful?”

Mr. Wen patted the back of his hand, “As long as you live happily in the future, both me and your mother will be happy, you know?”

“Ok, I know.”

Shi Yunnan’s heart was moving, and the door of the lounge was knocked on.

Luo Lingsheng, who was close, opened the door, and a small head came in, “Wow, it’s really here!”

The little goldfish was wearing a decent little suit, and greeted the adults sweetly one by one.

Wen Yibei also liked the little goldfish very much, squatted down and recruited him to his side, “Our little goldfish is so handsome today.”

“Uncle Wen.” The little goldfish bumped into his arms, nervous and looking forward to it, “We’re going to perform on stage together later.”

In order to motivate the little goldfish to learn the violin, Shi Yunnan specially arranged for Wen Yibei, a master cellist, to come and cooperate.

No, the little guy has been practicing the violin desperately during this period of time, and his progress can be described as rapid, and he can really see a bit of talent.

Wen Yibei picked him up and answered cooperatively, “Okay, let them open their eyes later, our little goldfish is already a very good violinist.”

The little goldfish snorted twice, and looked at Shi Yunnan and Luo Lingsheng who were facing him proudly, “Yeah! I must have done a great job!”

Shi Yunnan approached with a smile and rubbed his little nephew’s face, “Okay, I’m most looking forward to our little goldfish’s performance.”

Luo Lingsheng paid attention to the time, “Grandpa, you all sit here for a while, Yunnan and I have to go out to entertain other people.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

As soon as the two left the lounge, they were immediately surrounded by guests who were ‘waiting for the rabbit’.

Shi Yunnan called out a lot of business partners, and because of Luo Lingsheng’s special identity, almost all the wealthy families in the imperial capital were dispatched to participate in this unique wedding.

In the past, Shi Yunnan and Luo Lingsheng would have been unwilling to maintain such a superficial polite relationship, but today’s occasion was special, and both of them smiled and accepted everyone’s sincere blessings.

“Mr. Shi, Mr. Luo, happy wedding.”

Fang Ya came up holding her husband’s hand, and their precious daughter Mo Xuanqi followed behind.

The sharp-eyed Shi Yunnan glanced at the necklace Mo Xuanqi was wearing and smiled, “Miss Mo, do you like this necklace?”

At first, after Shi Yunan received Mo Bai’an’s design order, he had no good design inspiration for a long time.

It wasn’t until the “farce” at the engagement banquet came out that he saw Mo Xuanqi’s particularly daring love and hatred side, and he had a brand new design idea—

The center of the diamond support representing the ‘infinity’ symbol is set with a frangipani made of a combination of rare yellow and white diamonds.

The main color of the bright series is the same as Shi Yunnan imagined, which is enough to set off the bright and bright face of Mo Xuanqi.

Mo Xuanqi looked down and answered truthfully, “I like it.”

Frangipani stands for new love, and infinity stands for indelible.

Shi Yunnan, Mo Bai’an, Fang Ya and his wife all want to tell Mo Xuanqi through design: There is no need to give up yearning and desire for love for a scumbag.

After Mo Xuanqi received this necklace, she understood what it represented. She touched the surface of the necklace and said sincerely, “Mr. Shi, I wish you happiness.”

“Thank you, and I wish you happiness.”

Mo Xuanqi smiled casually, “Of course, I will have it sooner or later.”

The wedding ceremony started on time.

“All guests are welcome to attend the wedding ceremony of Mr. Luo Lingsheng and Mr. Shi Yunan. Let us sincerely welcome the newlyweds to the main stage of our wedding banquet.”

The housekeeper Qin Bo, who had witnessed Luo Lingsheng’s growth, became their officiant.

The moment the two appeared hand in hand, the applause and cheers rose and fell one after another.

Both of them are troublesome people, and they deliberately arranged the wedding banquet process to be very simple. However, nothing could hold back the sincerity they gave to each other.

-Thank you for the encounter in the vast sea of ​​people, making you and me belong to my heart.

-Thank you for recognizing my existence at a glance and guarding my once-gloomy life.

—Whether poor or rich, whether sick or healthy, whether old or young, I am willing to spend the rest of my life hand in hand with you.

“I would.”

After the two promised each other their marriage vows, the little goldfish brought up the ring that the two were used to wearing, and did not forget to add a word quietly.

“Uncle, little uncle, I love you too, and I’d like to live with you too!”

These days, their family of three talks about love every day.

Luo Lingsheng looked at his little nephew with a smile, no longer introverted, and took the initiative to promise in Shi Yunnan’s ear.

“Shi Yunan, I love you.”

Shi Yunnan held the ring in his palm, holding back the cry that was about to come out, “Luo Lingsheng, I have always known.”

With your first and last name, I will give you all my heart.

After the ceremony, a more free feast time began.

After Shi Yunnan watched Little Goldfish’s performance, he hid in the backstage in the name of going to the bathroom and sighed, “It’s finally done. No wonder every couple says they’re tired of having a wedding.”

From the preparatory stage to the end of the later stage, no amount of sincerity is easily consumed on the scene.

Luo Lingsheng asked, “Are you hungry? Go to the main table to accompany Grandpa and the others to eat?”

Shi Yunnan shook his head and asked suddenly, “Did you drink today?”

“Not yet.”

Shi Yunnan got the answer he wanted, and suddenly leaned in to instigate, “Husband, let’s run away now, okay?”

Luo Lingsheng let him make trouble, “Okay, where do you escape to?”

Shi Yunnan thought for a while pretending to be distressed, and then suggested with a smile, “Go to the restaurant where we had our first date?”

Luo Lingsheng heard the words and recalled—

Back then, when he returned to Dijing International Airport from overseas, he didn’t expect Shi Yunnan to appear and invite him to dinner temporarily. The first candlelight dinner for the two of them was in that restaurant.

There, Shi Yunnan told him about the past for the first time and played the incomplete but touching violin piece for him for the first time.

“Okay, I’ll listen to you.” Luo Lingsheng readily agreed, kissing Shi Yunan’s lips in the air, “I’ll drive you there.”

After confirming that his legs are not in the way, he went to make up the test to get his driver’s license back.

Now Yuan Meng and Qin Jian, the two subordinates who take the ‘driver’ as a sideline, are halfway to ‘retirement’.

Shi Yunnan’s eyes flashed a ray of light, “Well, I remember the road, and I will direct you to drive.”


The two sneaked away from the wedding reception and took a moment to return to the original French restaurant.

Although I didn’t make a reservation in advance, I was lucky enough to sit back in the quiet off-angle position and ordered the exact same meal.

Shi Yunan looked around and couldn’t help but fall into memory, “I came back last time, and I was still racking my brains thinking about how to catch you. I’m afraid I’ll touch your back and make you unhappy when I talk and do things.”

Luo Lingsheng picked up the cutlery and cut the charcoal-grilled meat slowly, “Really? So vigorously verbally and so cautiously secretly?”

Shi Yunnan took a sip of the delicious fish soup. Facing the teasing of his lover, he hummed contentedly, “If I had known that you had kept me in your heart so sullenly for eight years, I should have swaggered and walked sideways.”

Luo Lingsheng was amused by this, so that the corners of his eyes and brows were happy, “It’s not too late for you to swagger and walk sideways now.”

With that said, he handed the cut meat plate to his lover’s table, “Eat more.”


Shi Yunnan didn’t refute, and glanced at Luo Lingsheng with a different meaning, “If you don’t have enough to eat, how can you have the strength to toss with you tonight?”

Luo Lingsheng was half a beat before he reacted, and a smile overflowed from his throat, “Eat quickly.”


The two chatted while eating, and slowly settled down on dinner.

The small stage not far from the location has not been removed, but it was unfortunate that I could not hear the similar sound of the violin playing last time.

It wasn’t until the end of dinner that Shi Yunnan got up calmly, “I’m going to wash my hands, will you wait for me?”


Luo Lingsheng took the opportunity of Shi Yunnan’s departure and took the initiative to settle the meal payment.


An electronic sound that was connected to the device suddenly exploded, and exclamations suddenly sounded one after another in the hall behind him.

Luo Lingsheng turned around subconsciously to check the situation, and then his eyes were caught off guard on the small restaurant stage—

Shi Yunnan didn’t know when he had prepared everything, and still held a familiar violin in his hand. He stood under the still simple and dim light, but his eyes were filled with thousands of stars as he looked at Luo Lingsheng.

Eyes meet.

Shi Yunnan said to Jian Yi Limai in front of him, “Mr. Luo, listen up—”

Fingertips pull the strings, and the bow releases the melody.

Without the intermittent performance of the performance a year ago, Shi Yunnan used the most skilled techniques he had practiced to present a complete performance for Luo Lingsheng.

No matter how many glances the diners around him cast, the love in Shi Yunnan’s eyes only belongs to Luo Lingsheng.

– I’m thinking, it’s a pity that I gave up halfway on the violin, and I’m embarrassed to be ugly if I don’t learn well, otherwise I can go up and play a song for you alone tonight, so that you can be my audience.

– If you still like it, you can pick it up and learn it at any time. No matter how good or bad the performance is, I can be your audience in the future.

The former Shi Yunnan thought it was the courtesy and respect that Luo Lingsheng gave him, but later he realized that Luo Lingsheng was secretly telling him forever through a few words.

The song comes to an end.

This time, Shi Yunnan’s performance not only received Luo Lingsheng’s applause.

Shi Yunnan pointed at Limai in the applause of everyone, “This song is only dedicated to my husband, Luo Lingsheng, happy wedding.”


Luo Lingsheng under the stage was silent, but he rushed up without hesitation in the next second. He hugged Shi Yunnan in his arms, and there was an obvious trembling in the voice attached to his ear, “You already arranged it?”

Luo Lingsheng thought that the wedding just now was enough to move him, but he didn’t expect to be ‘planted’ in this place in just two hours.

Shi Yunnan didn’t care about the booing and cheering of the diners below, but just tilted his head and asked, “Did you understand my response to you?”


Luo Lingsheng responded solemnly, word by word.

After the two completely talked about their relationship, Shi Yunnan secretly confessed in countless late nights—

In this world, someone has loved him for eight years without interruption, and will continue to love him.

After the two reunited, Luo Lingsheng’s seemingly casual conversation was actually an invitation that he had endured for eight years, with hidden love, inviting him to spend the rest of his life together.

Shi Yunnan knew that he couldn’t cross the gap of these years and fall back to love Luo Lingsheng, and he couldn’t accompany his lover when he suffered an accident and fell into a trough, so he could only hurry up and love every minute and every second.

This is a solo that Shi Yunnan has carefully practiced for two months, specially prepared for Luo Lingsheng.

Although it was a simple stage in the restaurant and a noisy environment with other diners gathered, it was really not the best place to express love, but Shi Yunnan couldn’t help but prepare such a response.

Like the names of the two of them destined to be written together—

The voices are all answered, and the answers are all the rest of your life.

-End of text-

The author has something to say: # Wish the owner and the little fox a happy wedding w

[Highlights] The text is over, and the extras will continue to be updated daily from the 26th! (Yes, please allow me to take a day off tomorrow on the 25th, thank you little cuties w)

The contents confirmed to be written at present are: the master’s secret love, the husband raising cubs, the husband’s IF line (if line: assuming that the little fox did not go abroad after the age of 18, the owner and the family did not encounter any accidents, pure sweets), favorite small Cute people can continue to chase w

In addition, Lu Zhao’an x Yuan Rui’s extra article is not involved. This pair has another pit in the column. If the pit is a free welfare article, if you like it, you can collect it first!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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