Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 8 - Past memory

Xiao Chen stood in the stone path outside the hall, surrounded by broken and twisted armor warriors, almost unable to see their original shape. And less than ten meters in front of him, there was a thin figure bowed slightly, squeezing his fists, and staring at him without blinking his eyes.

That was Zhou He, who killed all the armored soldiers alone. There hasn’t been any change in her figure, but the impression has changed from a naughty kitten to a bitter tiger.

Xiao Chen trembles lightly involuntarily, the dangerous feeling makes him dare not move easily. He stared at her for five minutes. He tried to call her a few names, but there was no response. Instead, he was frightened by her momentum and didn’t know how to continue.

At this time, he heard footsteps behind him. Zhou He let out a low growl and narrowed his eyes towards him, as if he had only seen him in the beasts of the animal world.

Xiao Chen looked back horrifiedly and saw Luo Ling also squeezed out of the stone crack and walked towards them.

“What are you doing out?” Xiao Chen annoyed.

Luo Ling didn’t look at him, but looked at Zhou He with a gentle face, raised her hands, gestured harmless, and walked slowly.

“I don’t think you are moving, come and help.” She whispered.

“Danger!” Xiao Chen stretched out an arm, stopped her aside, looked back at Zhou He, and seeing that she didn’t seem to have any intention of hurting others, she slowly exhaled.

“Perhaps she is more willing to accept me than you.” Luo Ling smiled and softly called: “Zhou He. Do you know me?”

Zhou He seemed to have some reactions this time. She tilted her head, raised her eyebrows, and showed a confused look on her face.

“I’m Luo Ling, you are Zhou He.” Luo Ling pointed to herself, a little bit of her, “Remember?”

“Chou …, Zhou …” Zhou He scratched his face, looked down at his body, raised his hands again, and looked at him repeatedly.

“Are you hungry? You just spent so much energy, do you want to eat something?” Luo Ling took out two packs of biscuits from the bag and was about to unpack it, but at the sight of a flower, a shadow flashed, hand There was no trace of anything in it, only a wind coming from somewhere, blowing her hair.

She looked up and the biscuit really arrived in Zhou He’s hand.

“God! What speed is this, Flash?” Xiao Chen didn’t react at all. Until Zhou He snatched the cookie and retreated, he hurriedly blocked Luo Ling.

Zhou He didn’t pay attention to them, and stuffed the packed biscuits directly into his mouth. After chewing for a while, he pulled the plastic paper out of his mouth and threw it on the ground disgustingly and stepped on it, as if this transparent thing had broken After her beautiful meal. She finished two packs of biscuits, staring at Luo Ling’s satchel, and swallowed.

Luo Ling opened the bag decisively, preparing to take out the rest of the food.

Zhou He’s eyes were polished and she grinned. “Eat …, eat …” she said in vague words. Suddenly he kicked his foot and swooped in quickly, snatching the bag. She sat on the ground holding the satchel in amusement and pulled her hands. Luo Ling’s satchel was divided into two pieces. She swept the wallet, keys and cosmetics aside like a rubbish, grabbed the remaining biscuit bread . This time she learned well, tearing open the plastic paper of the package, and began to enjoy.

When the shoulder bag was divided into two, Luo Ling’s face was obviously black. “My two-month salary is gone …”

“I can comfort the Superwoman temporarily, and your bag will be fully used.” Xiao Chen stroked his forehead and said: “But this won’t work anymore. She even forgot how to eat cookies. After eating all those things, Can she still be so peaceful? “

“At least she recognized those as food, and the second time she had grown, indicating that she was rational. And she did not take the initiative to attack us. It was completely different from us to those tinned cans, indicating that she did not think we were a threat. .. I have a feeling that she is just confused for a while, maybe something familiar can evoke her memory. “Luo Ling said.

“Familiar things? Aren’t all these foods? And the clothes and dresses on our body are all things she should be familiar with.” Xiao Chen asked back.

“No, it’s not like that.” Luo Ling shook her head. “It is these things that are necessary for life, and do not occupy too much place in her heart. Will you have a strong emotion for a package of cookies? Is the shirt memorable? We’d better find something she strongly likes or hates and touch her subconscious emotions. “

“Emotions …, am I counted? She blushed for me in front.” Xiao Chen pointed to his nose.

“Your position in the bottom of her heart is obviously not as important as cookies. How many times have you screamed? People just ignore you.” Luo Ling replied mercilessly.

Xiao Chen smiled, he scratched his head for a moment, and said: “Did she not talk about the work of the Wenyin shop? Listening to her, I am very dissatisfied with this kind of day-to-day repetition, I guess she is annoyed by the work. Hate. You said, will she remember anything when she sees the printed manuscript paper? There are some printed papers in my schoolbag. “

“It makes sense, you can try it!” Luo Ling agreed.

The two took Zhou He’s package and Xiao Chen’s backpack. Xiao Chen took out several documents from the bag and shook it in front of Zhou He, “Zhou He, see what this is, do you know?”

However, Zhou He was still eating on his own, ignoring Xiao Chen.

auzw.com “It doesn’t work.”

“Wait a minute, give me your documents.” Luo Ling took the documents, disassembled the staples, and then stuffed her brain into the package of Zhou He’s food.

She waited until Zhou He finished the food before pointing to the parcel on the ground and said, “Zhou He, are you still hungry? There is more to eat here.”

The desire for food was really engraved in the instinct of the animal. Zhou He patted her stomach, feeling that she was still not full, so she came to the parcel with a flick, and she held the parcel high, grabbed the parcels on both sides, and tried hard pull. At the sound of “Baha”, the parcels were scattered, and the food was scattered, and dozens of printing papers were scattered in the air with the power of tearing, and fell one after another.

This is … a somewhat familiar feeling … Zhou He was attracted by these blank papers, instead of picking up those foods, she watched them fall on the ground dreamily until she was surrounded by black and white letters on the ground.

Upon seeing this, Luo Ling immediately asked: “Zhou He, do you still remember the days you work in the stack of printing paper? Do you still remember the manuscripts that will never be printed?”

Zhou He’s eyes became more and more confused. She shook her head vigorously, her hands fluttered like flies in front of her eyes, as if she wanted to get rid of something nasty from her mind.

Luo Ling’s voice was cold, and she continued to ask: “Do you still remember the feeling of boredom and depression? Do you still remember the uncontrollable sense of inferiority? Do you remember the envy and jealousy you look at those students?”

Xiao Chen frowned and whispered: “How can you say that? It’s too shameless. Be careful to anger her.”

“Severe medicine is used for severe cases! We are attacking the heart, pointing at the most primitive emotion in her heart. The undisguised words are the most powerful! Look! She seems to have touched.”

Zhou He’s face changed, sometimes helpless, sometimes sad, and sometimes angry. In order to move her emotions, she began to grab the white paper on the ground and shred them one by one, but the torn pieces of paper still scattered around her. She tore and shred the paper, but the pieces of paper on the ground There is no reduction.

Finally, she became angry and began to growl …

“You are Zhou He, the Zhou He who squeezed from the countryside into a big city but can only nest in a print shop. Your life has no goals and no hope! You don’t know where you are going!”

“Ah ~~” Zhou He shouted holding her head. She shook her body and shouted loudly with a sharp voice: “I … who … who? Zhou He … who? I … What to do … what? I, I want to … go … where? “

“You are Zhou He. You are in pain, but we will help you, quiet down, find yourself, we will help you, stand by you!” Luo Ling said softly again.

Zhou He’s eyes looked at Luo Ling’s direction empty-eyed, as if she was looking at her, as if looking at the endless distance behind her, “I … I don’t know …, I am Zhou He.”

“It seems to have an effect. She can speak.” Xiao Chenxi said, although Luo Ling’s words were harsh and unpleasant, but seemed to really touch her heart?

Luo Ling slowly reached out, “You are Zhou He, let us help you.”

Zhou He looked at the long palm, her face tangled, but she finally stretched out her hand slowly, “I am Zhou He.”

“Yes, you are Zhou He.” Luo Ling smiled, she was about to hold her hand.

But at this moment, the sudden change, Zhou He yelled, a white layer in her eyes, and then, she lit a white light all over her body, the white light flowed like clouds and mist. Zhou He stepped back step by step, and every time he stepped back, the floor would crack with a footprint. As she walked, she murmured a few strange syllables.

After she exited four or five steps, she suddenly turned around and ran towards the depths of the stone road.

“What’s going on!” Luo Ling withdrew her hand and was at a loss.

“I don’t know, just follow and see!” Xiao Chen gritted his teeth.


The two chased after the footprints on the ground, ran nearly 100 meters in the winding stone path, and came to a small hall. The iron door of the small hall had been knocked down to the ground, and Zhou He, like a white torch, was facing his back. Stand in front of them in the room.

The ground of the whole room was filled with complex runes, which formed a circle, and Zhou He stood in the center of the circle. The white airflow on Zhou He’s body spread out all around and poured into these runes. Just like the dry riverbed was moistened by rain, these runes shone in a flash.

In a blink of an eye, those runes turned into dazzling white, and countless runes rose from the ground and gathered around Zhou He, starting from her legs, slowly wrapping her, eroding, and disappearing into the air. Thighs, buttocks, waist, when all of her chest disappeared, she suddenly looked back and said the syllable again …

Then, disappeared in the room with white light. There are only rune-engraved slots on the ground.

“This is …, teleport? Where did she go?” Xiao Chen whispered.

Luo Ling stared at the little white light floating in the space and said: “I seem to understand what she said, that is the variant of Spanish. She repeatedly said: send …, the place of trial …, fight … … “

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