Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 7 - Violent heart

Xiao Chen pulled Zhou He.

He felt like he was holding the sun.

His right hand clasped Zhou He’s ankle tightly and was immersed in the scorching light. The white light was like a needle. It pointed and fiercely penetrated every pore on his arm. The white light was like a torch, burning on his face, like hot boiling water flowing from his eyes and his nose into his head.

Xiao Chen failed to pull Zhou He down by one point, only to feel as if he was rising higher and higher, and rising higher, like a kite without thought, facing the sun and dancing with the wind.

He felt that this vast white light connected himself, Zhou He, with some great and lofty power. His soul seemed to be looking up at this time, and he could only humble his attention in the distance. All the disrespect, reluctance, disdain were almost swept away, and it seemed that all that remained was to prostrate respectfully.

That power is high, without saying a word, but clearly expressing a will: acceptance, obedience, inheritance, growth, new life! This will not come from any individual or soul, but from the pure power itself.

Zhou He succumbed, and Xiao Chen couldn’t see, but he knew that he could feel that Zhou He was wrapped in that power, and her will seemed to give up resistance and to be one with that power.

She has obeyed. Are you obedient?

Oh, obey? What a familiar word. In the haze, Xiao Chen felt that the father in memory stood in front of him, scolding with a severe tone:

“I’m your dad, what do I ask you to do, just obey!”

“You don’t understand it now, you will understand it in the future, it’s natural for adults to do things!”

“Subject to my arrangement and do this job well, how many people can’t come if they want to come, don’t know what to do!”

“That’s how society is. If you don’t adapt to it, it will make you uncomfortable! Power is like this. If you don’t obey him, it will give you color!”

“All of this is for your own good!”

“But … why? Why let Xiao Chen convince you? Why should I listen to you? Before … I succumbed and regretted …, so, this time …” He gave a trace from his soul Weak roar: “I’m not convinced, leave me alone!”

He did not know how long he had suffered in silence in pain, and how long he struggled, until Bai Guang burst at once, a huge impact relieved him, the kite was disconnected, he flew out, and then he knew nothing .

It seemed that after a long time, Xiao Chen felt that he had recovered himself. He was dragged and moved, and there was no burning around, only the coldness of the ground. He struggled to open his eyes and saw Luo Ling’s face and black hair hanging on either side of her pretty face. She grasped the shoulder collar of his clothes with both hands, frowning tightly, her big eyes from time to time glancing far away, pulling him back hard.

When Xiao Chen wanted to speak, he heard a violent roar not far away, followed by a loud noise of rock impact. Startled in his heart, he saw a gravel passing over his hair tip, hitting **** the wall on one side, scattered. Two of them hit Xiao Chen’s lap, causing him to fangs. Another piece made a blood stain on Luo Ling’s white arm. Luo Ling whispered in a low voice, but quickly suppressed the voice.

roar! Bump! roar! Bump! The crazy sound was like a hammer hitting the eardrums and atrium of the two, not far away, as if there were several elephants, no, several dinosaurs were going crazy. However, Xiao Chen couldn’t see it. All he could see was the dim hall ceiling and Luo Ling’s cheeks. He couldn’t use any effort. He could only let Luo Ling drag him step by step. And she tried her best to finally pull Xiao Chen behind the soldier statue with the fastest speed. Then he sat on the ground and gasped.

Xiao Chen didn’t look over her head, the first thing she saw was her tight lips. She looked a little embarrassed, the sweat on her forehead was contaminated with dust, stuck to the bangs, and the blood of the bandage was dispelled. Her eyes seemed to pass through the statue, beating nervously in the direction of the sound. She could not see the scene outside the statue, but he could see the fear in her eyes.

She really will be afraid. Somehow, this was Xiao Chen’s only thought at this time.

Xiao Chen felt like he was falling apart, and he had to stretch out a hand. Luo Ling recovered, holding his back in one hand and holding his arm in the other, helping him lean against the base of the statue. Xiao Chen couldn’t take care of his body aches, and very carefully protruded half of his head from behind the stone statue and looked out secretly.

Between the flying sand and the rocks, there was a figure with white light on his body. She jumped and moved at a leopard-like speed. With one punch, she could leave a deep pit in the stone wall, and any scratch could leave a deep claw mark on the post.

Xiao Chen looked cold and sweating, what a monster this is!

However, when the monster turned around, Xiao Chen saw her face clearly. It turned out to be Zhou He! Her appearance is almost the same as before, the only difference is that the small and beautiful face is full of madness and pain, her teeth are grinning, the green muscles are bursting, like a beast with a wounded roar in the trap! It seems that only the most violent destruction can alleviate this pain a little.


Xiao Chen was stunned for a long time before he suffocated: “Is this a monster possess?” He felt his body up and down and found that there was no change in him, and he was relieved.

“After the white light exploded, she … she suddenly did this. No matter how she called, she didn’t respond, she didn’t care about anything, just went crazy. But she didn’t seem to attack us, so I can drag you back. Luo Ling said in a very soft voice.

“Thanks to you, thank you!” Xiao Chen nodded gratefully to Luo Ling, and felt that the girl was really bold. Braving the flying stones and robbing people from under the hand of a Superman version of the Wu Maniac, this is by no means what the average person can do. If he changed the coward of his roommate Li Jia, he might just hide in the corner and pee his pants.

“What do you think Zhou He is doing?” Luo Ling suddenly stood up.

After Zhou He vented on the spot, she suddenly noticed the armor warrior caught in the crack of the wall. She snarled at the tin can several times, just like a lioness demonstrating against the enemy.

Maybe the armor warrior irritated her without any response. She picked up a gravel on the ground and threw it at the warrior. The stone with a big fist was wrapped in a layer of white light. With a sharp howling, she hit the armor warrior’s chest with a loud noise. The soldier was smashed and flew out as if hit by a shell.

“Humanoid cannon …” Xiao Chen murmured.

Soon, another armor warrior rushed over and squeezed to the crack of the stone, and was immediately destroyed as usual. Zhou He seemed to feel that this was not fun. After flying three or four fighters one after another, she jumped out of the stone and suddenly remembered the fight of “ping pong”.

“Damn! Danger!” Xiao Chen raised his body and wanted to go to the stone joint, but Luo Ling held her. She shook her head and said: “I know you are worried about Zhou He, me too, but now we can’t go out Zhou He is not the little girl you can protect anymore. Those tin cans are too dull to be her opponent, but us. If they are bumped, they may die. “


“At least wait until the movement is small. You really can’t help her now!”

Xiao Chen saw Luo Ling’s eyes firm, knowing that she was talking about a safe strategy, so she was reluctant to sit down again. There was no other noise in the hall for a while, only the sound of metal and rock impact.

After a series of continuous blows and a loud bang, the outside suddenly fell silent.

“Thirty-two.” Luo Ling said.


“I mean that kind of huge knocking sound, it should be the sound of the iron cans being thrown by her and flying against the wall. From her rushing out to the final final, there are thirty-two times in total, which is close to the number of iron cans chasing us. It seems that she cleared the way. “

“You’re so calm.” Xiao Chen surprised.

“You should understand the meaning of calmness better than me. You have done a good job before.” Luo Ling smiled gently, letting Xiao Chen feel some warmth in his heart. He scratched his head and smiled bitterly: “The broken thing in this ghost place makes me a little messy now. Alas … still think about how to save Zhou He. How do you see her now?”

Luo Ling shook her head: “When everything happened, you were closer to her, what did you find?”

“The white light looks like a evil door. So I just pulled Zhou He’s leg and wanted to drag her out.” Xiao Chen circled along the statue, observing and pointing to a position in front of the statue, ” At that time, the light cocoon was in this position, and I felt in danger, so I pulled her instinctively. At that time, Bai Guang also shone at me, as if there was a force to force me to surrender. Pushed past. But Zhou He seems to be suppressed by ‘that’. No, it should not be suppressed, it’s more like being united. “

“Willing white light? Is it a kind of energy? Is it a set” program “? Or his” ghost “?” Luo Ling murmured and looked at the tall mad sculpture. She glanced at the stone crack leading to the outside and asked Xiao Chen: “Do you think she is still Zhou He?”

“I don’t know, I really don’t know. I can’t even determine if I have changed. Today’s things seem to be happening in a dream. I still feel like I’m sleepwalking.” Xiao Chen walked back and forth two steps: “We have to figure this out, we can’t ignore her!”

“I have a question.” Luo Ling stared at Xiao Chen. “In that case, what made you rush out so firmly.”

“Resolute? I didn’t feel it.” Xiao Chen smiled, “I just like to make myself have no chance to regret it.”

“Don’t you regret it, but don’t have a chance?” Luo Ling nodded slowly, and Xiao Chen saw that her right hand was covering her left arm, which reminded her of a blood stain on her arm. He rummaged through the bag and wanted to find something to bandage her, but Luo Ling stopped it. “Small injury, leave it alone and do the right thing! We must find a way before she runs away.”

“There is only one way.” Xiao Chen held out a finger, “Try to communicate with her!”

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