Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 34 - The battle for exploration

The single-handed goblin handled it well. He wanted to use a short spear to fight it. Ye Zi knocked it gently, and Shi Hao and Li Tianrui pounced on it. They were divided by three, five, and **** with a safety rope. Zongzi.

“What kind of demon is this? It’s really smelly.” Ye Zi pinched her nose a few steps back, and just confronted so many times. The rancid smell on the goblin smoked her enough, and she covered her mouth. Asked dumbly, “Something stinks, what should I do?”

Zhang Sicheng and Shi Hao glanced at each other, and were unsure of their ideas for a moment.

“There is such a new species.” Professor Lin Youping came over and scrutinized it. He was surprised. He took out the camera he carried with him. After a while, he screamed and frightened the goblin. He sighed: “If this is the case On Earth, with this little thing, I can slaughter the edition of Nature. Hey, I might as well take it back to study?

“Teacher, our major is botany. Besides, this thing is so dirty, will it not spread any diseases?” Zhao Rui reminded.

Lin Youping said: “Young people should not be so cautious. You will know some things when you are my age. You can’t expect to be careful. You depend on your life. Besides, we can study better with them by studying the body structure of goblins. Fight. “

At this time, Ye Zi raised his hand and whispered: “Mr. Lin, I don’t think it’s necessary to study. Just use this gun to poke its head … Poo, the security will be resolved.”

“Cough cough.” Xiao Chen smiled, holding Awade and asked, “Tell us what’s going on with goblins?”

Awad was very angry. He kept staring at the goblins and cursed softly: “The goblin goblins are coming again. They are thieves, robbers, and demons! They are even worse than locusts, and they are also sickened by maggots. Damn, they are all **** things. . God will punish them, and God will destroy them! “

Xiao Chen patted him, and he woke up: “Master, lord, I … I hate these **** too much. When I was younger in the early years, four people in my family died in their hands. The old people nearby are more hateful than the imperial people. “

Xiao Chen asked him carefully, only to know that more than thirty years ago, there were several goblin tribes living around the mountains and forests here, often looting the surrounding villages and towns. These goblins looked very weak, but there were a lot of them. Villages and towns simply cannot resist. They have caused great losses to local people. At that time, the kings and nobles were busy fighting the neighboring purple eagle empire in the north for a war that lasted for hundreds of years, and no one was in charge of these messy things. Until the war with the empire came to an end, the kingdom of Iberia had the energy to encircle the goblins. At that time, the army of wars entered the forest and killed the goblins. It was almost extinct. For more than two decades, no one had ever seen a goblin. Unexpectedly, now there is another one here, which shows that there is a possibility that there is a migratory goblin tribe nearby.

“In my opinion, we have to return to the camp quickly and report this matter to the committee as soon as possible.” Zhang Sicheng heard Xiao Chen’s interpreter and immediately said.

“But we don’t know anything about the specific situation. We don’t even know where the goblin tribe is and how many goblins there are, even if the school is warned of such a situation, what use is it?” Ye Zi asked.

“So what do you say?” Shi Hao asked back.

“We should at least touch the situation first, so that we know the basic situation of this tribe, otherwise the school still has to send people. It may be too late by the time. Besides, our expedition team was originally a strong soldier, and the enemy’s situation was also detected. You do n’t need a few people. Me and you are enough. ”Ye Zi said confidently.

“This is a bit risky, we are not prepared after all.” Zhang Sicheng still does not agree with this idea.

But at this time, Xiao Chen agreed: “I think what Xiaoye said is still necessary. If we can know ourselves and know each other beforehand, even if there is a real conflict, we will have a better chance. Today is also a coincidence with a goblin, and they do n’t know us. The existence of. If we wait until they are prepared, we will be more difficult to detect. But if you want to go, it must be me. “Others do not know, Xiao Chen’s confidence comes from the scroll in his pocket.

Thinking about Xiao Chen’s words, Zhang Sicheng thought it made sense, and finally decided: “I really want to go, or I will lead the team, Ye Zi and Xiao Chen **** this goblin to go with me. Shi Hao and Li Tianrui protect Professor Lin and Xiao Zhao, led by the guide, returned the same way. We met on the hillside where we could see the school. If we did n’t come back at four in the afternoon, you go directly back to school. “

Shi Hao obviously disagrees with this arrangement, but Zhang Sicheng persuaded him: “We have good physical fitness, even if there is danger, it is always possible to run away. Professor Lin has a heavier burden, and they will give you protection. “

“Xiao Zhang, you remember, don’t try to fight hard no matter what the situation is. You should retreat, retreat, and leave. After all, there is still a school behind you.” Professor Lin told him at each time.


“You take us to your tribe, otherwise, you die.” Xiao Chen showed a fierce face, took Zhang Sicheng’s dogleg knife, and said while gesturing at the goblin’s neck. Awad told him that although the goblins were stupid, they could still talk simply.

The goblin seemed to be scared and stupid. He didn’t dare to move. He looked at the knife with his eyes tilted and shivered. Xiao Chen pressed the knife to its neck again and said sharply: “Understand, just nod, otherwise, die!”

This time the goblin was hurt by the knife and nodded tremblingly.


“It seems to be done.” Zhang Sicheng picked up the goblin from the ground, held it in a hand with a rope, and picked up its original short wooden spear, poked a few times behind it, using a less standard local Words, shouted: “Go!”

Xiao Chen walked a few times this time, much more careful than before. Everyone walked and looked around carefully, guarding against the sudden rush of other goblins. But after walking for nearly half an hour, I didn’t see the shadow of other goblins. The goblin who led the way was also honest. Without Xiao Chen’s reminder, he walked forward hard, and the three go to the depths of the forest like a goblin.

After walking for a while, Ye Zi also slackened a little. She followed Xiao Chen and asked quietly, “Senior, you can’t see that you are very fierce. It just looks like the villain in the movie. It’s … hee hee. “

“What is it?” Xiao Chen felt that his face was still stretched. He was not used to this posture just now, and he always felt wrong, but because of the language barrier, no one else could do this job.

“It’s your thin arms and thin legs, at most like a dog-headed military division, how can you not look like a black boss.” Ye Zi said with a smile.

“Ha.” Xiao Chen was also amused. He looked at the girl with some appreciation, and found that her nerves were not really strong. She was able to laugh when the atmosphere was clearly in crisis and the atmosphere was tense.

“Hush! Seriously, when this is the road?” Zhang Sicheng, who was walking in front, glanced at them annoyedly, making a gesture to shut them up.

Ye Zi threw out his tongue and asked Xiao Chen again in a slightly lower voice, “If it just didn’t respond, would you really kill it?”

Xiao Chen hesitated and shook his head and said, “No, it looks like they are also intelligent creatures. It doesn’t feel much different from killing them. I’m not an executioner. It’s so easy to get a knife.”

“That’s the same thing, but Awad said they are all demons and can’t be seen by others.”

“Our knowledge of goblins comes from Awad. It is not what we saw, and we can’t believe it all.”

“You can’t believe Awad?” Ye Ziqi said, “You said he was honest and reliable when you recommended him.”

“His story may be true, but people are always prejudiced, especially he has a deep hatred with goblins. If other goblins can cooperate like this one obediently, why do they have to kill and kill?”

Several people in Xiao Chen walked deeper and deeper, and the higher and higher, gradually the sun began to go westward, and the sky slowly darkened. Zhang Sicheng looked at the watch several times, and finally stopped. “We can’t go any deeper. We have walked about four kilometers all the way north. If we go further, we can’t meet Shi Hao.”

Xiao Chen walked to the goblin and asked it coldly: “How far is the tribe?”

It showed a terrified and docile look. After a series of talks, Xiao Chen thought for a while and said, “It says the camp of the tribe is on the other side of the mountain, and it’s almost there.”

After the three of them negotiated, they were not willing to give up halfway, but they were still ready to walk up again, and they should be able to see the other side of the mountain when they turned over the mountain. Even if you can’t figure out the situation from a close distance, you can at least observe the goblin’s camp from a distance.

They accelerated and walked for almost half an hour before finally climbing the ridge of this mountain range. Xiao Chen walked ahead. He braved the mountain breeze and pulled away the thick grass to look down at the valley below the mountain. I saw that the valley at this time was no longer shining by the sun, showing a blue-grey coldness. Except for the lush forests and the mountains further away, the whole valley saw nothing.

There is no camp or campfire.

“Damn, we’ve been fooled. There are no tribes in the valley at all.” Xiao Chen said angrily, he was about to grab the actuarial account of the goblin, but he saw that the goblin ran to the edge of the top of the mountain while several people looked at the valley. . The goblin saw Xiao Chen rushing angrily, grinning at him with an ugly mouth, and said in a strange tone: “Fool.” Then he rolled forward and planted the hillside. Zhang Sicheng didn’t react for a while, and took the goblin’s rope out of his hand. The goblin was small, and after a few rounds, it was covered by trees and invisible. Seeing this, Ye Zi wanted to chase down the hillside, but Xiao Chen caught him, “It’s too steep, don’t go down, forget it.”

Zhang Sicheng took off his bow, but missed the target, and said sternly: “Awad also said that the goblin was stupid, and all three of us played it for an afternoon.”

“I’ll say that goblins are also intelligent creatures. Look at this guy, wit and brave, dare to mock me as a fool, and dare to take us to the wrong way.” Xiao Chen sighed on the forehead. “It’s just Wang Erxiao among the goblins. ! “

A few people had to hurry up and return the same way, trying to meet Shi Hao and others at the scheduled time. However, just a kilometer away from the meeting place, there were several gunshots in the forest.

“Oops, it must be Shi Hao that they are in trouble.” Xiao Chen flew up, and the other two followed. But the gunshots didn’t last long. After a dozen or so sounds, there was no sound …

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