Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 30 - Panic fire

The sky darkened, and the sun could no longer reach Li Jia’s curled corner. The wind was slightly cold, but Li Jia’s heart was hot. Now he sees everything as gentle and beautiful. The grass exudes fragrance, the setting sun sets off the atmosphere, the woods rustle, and even the rocks have done the screen work seriously, blocking others from peeping into his perspective, as if they are also looking forward to today’s date. But how much did he pay attention to them? Every one of his distractions longed for her coming.

The danger like that last time did not leave him with a shadow, but in the face of burning emotions, danger is no longer the focus of the problem.

A figure ran in the distance. Li Jia stretched her neck like a white goose and looked up. As expected, Li Jia couldn’t wait to welcome him. The gray figure was so familiar as if he had known her for many years and should be together every day.

“Li Jia!” Celinda waved her hand and shouted his name when she was still ten meters away. She would always lift her tail up. It was very exotic, and it sounded like he was tickling in his heart. The cat’s claws are scratching him. What a lovely person, Li Jia’s head was hot and he rushed up to give her a hug, but Celinda made a quick move to the side, and he threw himself away.

Li Jia suddenly felt a heat flow on his cheek. He knew without looking in the mirror that his old face must have turned into a persimmon. I haven’t known her for less than two weeks. What’s wrong? Fortunately, Celinda didn’t seem to be really angry, but she lipped her lips and made a weird look. Li Jia scratched her head embarrassedly, and Ai Aidi took out a bag from behind and delivered it to Celinda who was eating and laughing.

“give you!”

Celinda took the bag curiously and found a small green floral dress inside. Pointing at the clothes and then at myself, I asked in non-standard Mandarin: “Give me?”

Li Jia nodded again and again. She picked up her clothes and looked left and right, and she seemed to like it very much.

“This is the new dress I got, you try it.” Li Jia pointed at Celinda and motioned for her to change it.

She picked up her clothes and drilled into the forest. After a while, she changed into the dress. Li Jia’s eyes were straight when she saw the newly dressed Celinda. The original coarse cloth completely covered her bodybuilding figure, and after putting on the dress, the convex convex, concave concave, and the flame-like crimson hair scattered on the shoulder, compared to the cover girl in the advertising magazine Not much to let.

Celinda was also curious about how she was wearing the new dress. She swayed from side to side, looking at her skirt, but didn’t realize that the thin skirt was vacuum underneath. Li Jia stared dumbfoundedly at the waves in front of her, and suddenly felt more blood rushing to her head.

Maybe I should dig out another set of underwear, otherwise he might have a cerebral hemorrhage, he thought to himself.


This is the sixth time they have walked on campus, Li Jia really enjoys this feeling. No woman has ever worshipped, appreciated and relied on him. Celinda is so beautiful, if you meet such a beauty in the original world, he may not even have the qualification to say a word, and now her little bird is holding herself in person, just like he is all she depends on.

“Li Jia, today, go to the library, okay?” In addition to her beautiful appearance, Celinda’s other amazing place for Li Jia is her cleverness. In just ten days of contact, she could even speak with him in simple Mandarin. Compared with it, Li Jia’s Spanish talent should be classified as an idiot.

The library is one of the few places in the school that is lit up at night. Every time passing by, Celinda would want to go in and look at it curiously. Li Jia didn’t agree a few times before, and her dress was too obvious. But today, Li Jia felt that her wish should be fulfilled, and that dress was the best disguise.

The school ’s defenses were tight and loose, and there was no guard at the door of the library. The original credit card gate had no electricity and had a long break. Li Jia took Celinda from the side and walked into the lobby.

The library is very dim. Although some people lit up the oil lamp to look up the information, it was the area of ​​a desk that was illuminated. Li Jia had to be close enough to see Celinda’s curious face, not to mention that others recognized her. Li Jia led her along, avoiding people on the road with flashlights or carrying oil lamps, and an excitement that only felt in spy warfare came up in her heart.

They walked all the way to the second floor of the library. Li Jia let Celinda stand in front of the railing of the platform and took out a flashlight to shine forward. A stack of bookshelves and dense books appeared in front of them for a time. Li Jia said to Selida somewhat proudly: “Welcome to the world of books.”

In the dark, Li Jia didn’t even see Celinda’s expression when she looked at these books. It was a mixture of shock and fear. As an aristocrat and a magic knight, she has a lot of knowledge. But all the books she has seen in the palace, the aristocratic mansion and the magician’s study are added together, and there may not be more than one percent of the books collected here.

Knowledge is power, which is a proverb passed down in ancient times.

The magician’s power comes from books, not wands. —This is what her magic teacher said in person.

So no matter the royal family, nobles, or magicians regard their books as treasures. And so many books are placed everywhere, there are no guards, no seals, and even a housekeeper can take it and see it. This is really incredible. How strong should the inheritance of this magician ’s castle be? She couldn’t help thinking of Pinto’s words, it was a group of very dangerous people.

She has always believed that her own strength can not be afraid of any opponent, but at this time, she was shaken and panicked. As the saying goes, even the most powerful ants are not opponents of elephants. At this moment, she felt as small as an ant, while her opponent was as powerful as a dragon.

What if … if they want to conquer the surrounding territories? What if they want to be an enemy of Earl’s Court? Even if they just want Earl ’s Court to make concessions in many places … How can we fight against a magician with such a heritage? Unless, put these books …

“The collection of books in this library is too much on our side, let alone yours. You see, heaven and earth, ancient and modern Chinese and foreign, all kinds of books, what are you asking for?” Li Jia said in his tone. pride.

“Hey! Someone took a flashlight to take photos.” At this time, a voice came from below, and then a flashlight light hit Li Jia here. Li Jia was shocked, and quickly pulled Celinda away, only to find that she was empty.

“Yo, it’s Li Jia!” The coming person recognized Li Jia from a long distance. Li Jia didn’t see Celinda on both sides, so she had to take the flashlight and found it was Mao Kai, the technology team The high-tech students, the technology group and the business group also held several joint meetings to study the possibility of the production of basic chemical products.

“Oh, Mao Kai.”

“We who work on the test tube of the flask have to work overtime to check the information. Why are you from the business team?”

“Well … there is no mobile phone available now, so I can only read books.”

“Who said no, now it’s really hard to look up information.”

“What do you check?”

“It’s not about making three acids and two bases.” Mao Kai came over and lowered his voice and said to him, “The professors in our science and technology group are going to be crazy. For more than a week, even hydrochloric acid can’t do it. It ’s not right. I told them that it ’s more important to let go of thinking at this time. I speculate that there are some unknown elements that are temporarily undetectable in all things here. . “


“You don’t have to worry, you can take it slowly.” Li Jia said casually.

“You can’t wait! Do you think about building our own industrial system quickly! How can we conquer this world?” Mao Kai waved his fists. “This is a good opportunity, Li Jia! Just like the Spaniards use a small team of people. Conquered the Inca Empire. Why can’t we use our technology to conquer these people around us? “

“Why … must conquer? Now we are doing well with the people in the town.” Li Jia suddenly hated Mao Kai’s argument, he whispered.

“Do you think those noble lords will let us grow bigger here? Impossible, we moved their money bags, occupied their land, and disregarded their practices, and finally must fight.”

“Do you think too much?” Li Jia’s heart was all about Celinda. He was tired of hearing it and hurriedly said: “Yes, our team leader asked me to find a Spanish dictionary. I have to read it for him. I will chat with you again. “

“Hey, you guys, just don’t want to think further! I said earlier, it’s a matter of life and death for you!” Seeing no speculation, Mao Kai left his lips.

Li Jia and Mao Kai didn’t know that, while they were talking about conquest, Celinda listened to these words in her ears. Are you dead or alive? Sure enough, they wanted to conquer. These sudden people have strength and ambition, and obviously have no good feelings for the nobility. In this way, maybe Pinto is right …

Li Jia treated him a little further, so he anxiously found someone. He yelled twice, but he didn’t see Celinda answer. She found a few rows of bookshelves, and no one was seen. While he was in a hurry, a fragrant wind hit, and suddenly a hand held his flashlight.

“Ah, Celinda! Where did you go?” Li Jia was relieved.

“Someone, I’m afraid, I hide.” She replied timidly.

“Mao Kai is a typical fanatic, don’t listen to him talking nonsense.” He patted her hand, “Okay, it’s good if you haven’t been found. You have seen it here too. Let’s hurry and let me take you home.” . “

“Hmm.” Celinda let Li Jia drag her out of the library in a hurry, but no one noticed that there was a scroll with a faint red light in the corner inside the library …


When Xiao Chen woke up from exiting the illusion, he discovered that the “Knowledge of the Sea” had disappeared, leaving an empty page. Shu Ling has told him that everyone in this book can only see it once. If a space for meditation is formed, then to enter the illusion to practice, just sit down and meditate. If there is no …, this person has no chance in this life.

“You’re finally awake!” Luo Ling sat on the desk not far away and shouted with joy.

“How long did I lose consciousness?”

“Four hours and twenty minutes.”

“I feel that I have been in it for several days.” Xiao Chen looked at Luo Ling with a wry smile, and his eyes suddenly stayed at the corner of her mouth, where there seemed to be a little red, “What’s wrong with your mouth, is that blood? “

“Ah … It’s dry in autumn, I’m waiting for you to wait in a hurry, and even the corners of her mouth are dry.” Luo Ling licked the corners of her mouth playfully, “How about the book?”

“Fortunately, you didn’t read it. This book is very dangerous. I almost hung it. You may not be able to withstand it.” Xiao Chen closed the book. “I have to temporarily seal this book so that it won’t be misread. By the way, you can’t watch it either. “

Luo Ling raised her eyebrows, but kept talking.

Xiao Chen thought she did not believe it, “I am by no means alarmist.”

“Dangerous? Are you well here?” Luo Ling asked.

“Nine lives.” Xiao Chen told Luo Ling roughly what he had experienced in the illusion, and Luo Ling listened very carefully.

“The book spirit also said that not everyone’s meditation space is not so safe. Maybe your luck is worse.” Luo Ling finally said.

“According to my guess, the more you experience, the more you know, the greater the space for meditation, but the danger will increase. Are there fewer neuropathic professors and doctors in the school? Can I dare to let them try this, or wait I know more about meditation space and I will talk about it later. “Xiao Chen analyzed.

Luo Ling finally agreed with him and asked again: “Can you use magic?”

“I’ll try it!” Xiao Chen hoped that the kind of devil training would bring a direct effect. He quickly closed his eyes and tried to realize the changes in his surrounding perception, but nothing. He stretched out another hand and concentrated his thoughts on it. Still nothing changed. He laughed at himself: “Is it still necessary to release the magic? What if it becomes a magician, others will be jealous and cry.”

“Try this.” Luo Ling handed him two scrolls, which appeared on the bookshelf together with “The Shadow of the Sea”.

After holding a scroll in his hand for a while, Xiao Chen suddenly shouted, “I feel it!”

He picked up another one and said quickly: “This one is too! There is a force echoing me. Although I don’t know the effect, I seem to be able to seduce them. I can’t help but want to inspire them!”

Luo Ling hurriedly took both scrolls back, “Don’t come here, let me keep it until you figure out their role.”

It was very late, and the two decided to try again after a while, if they could open more book seals. Only when they returned to the school from the underground passage and walked out of the underground palace, they saw the campus in front of them glowed with fire.

That’s the library burning …

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