Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 21 - At the start

Xiao Chen was holding a notebook, a shirt on top, and a pair of quick-drying pants on the bottom. Sunlight penetrated through the windows, and a gentle breeze blew through the porch, giving a pleasant early fall. On the quiet and calm campus, everything seems to be no different from a few days ago. However, this is just an illusion. There are no bells for classes, no playful classmates, and no old professors who talk continually. The entire aisle is quietly cranky.

Xiao Chen thought of the rescue and excavation a few days ago. At first, frustration and hope coexisted. However, frustration slowly overwhelmed hope. Over time, the survival hope of the survivors gradually decreased to zero. Xiao Chen’s mind flashed the tragic images of various victims, the screams of various injured people, and the pictures of countless rescuers crying silently.

Xiao Chen still remembered the red dress. On the way to the print shop that morning, he also saw the beautiful and energetic figure. He walked behind the unknown girl and admired the beauty of summer. And when he saw her again, it was under the deep rubble, whether it was a beautiful figure or that red dress, they were all fragmented. A strong resentment and anger deeply impacted his heart, and it was hard to forget.

He remembered what President Guo had talked to him. At that time, in order to rescue the magician, he did not expect to become a cocoon. For the safety of the school and the need to deter the locals, he had to overcome the fears and fears in his heart and continue to play this role.

Xiao Chen thought of those magical items and his suddenly appearing abilities, which was a feeling of anticipation, panic, worry, excitement. Instilled in the scientific concept for half his life, he has a fear of things that science can’t explain. This fear is like a time bomb. I don’t know if it will explode, but I am buried in my heart. However, he also has such an expectation. One day, will I become truly harnessing this power and realizing the superman dream that every boy has in his heart?

There have been too many things encountered in these days, and various pictures have appeared in his mind one after another, strange encounters in the underground palace, mysterious notes of the magician, savvy bald-headed man Silo, and a great deal when changing back to food …

Xiao Chen became more and more confused, and his pace became more and more urgent.

But then he slowed down again, I don’t know when a figure reassuring him appeared in his mind: Luo Ling.

When Xiao Chen walked into the classroom at the end of the corridor, he found that the door was open. He looked in and was surprised to find that Luo Ling had arrived first. She changed her previous office style, wearing a purple printed suspender skirt, wearing a silk cardigan outside, and wearing a loose ponytail in her hair, holding her cheek in one hand, sitting in the first row by the window. On the seat, he was looking at the treetop outside the window dreamily.

Xiao Chen looked at her outside the door, gazing at her delicate collarbone and the gully slightly exposed in front of her chest, her eyebrows that seemed tired because of fatigue, her long black hair and the gentle breeze in the breeze Hair, and finally rested on the warm white hands and the red lips on hand, only to realize that she was such a feminine woman.

He gently scratched his nose with his fingers, as if criticizing himself. Why did she always regard her as a strong comrade and reliable comrade?

However, this atmosphere and thought lasted only for a moment. When Luo Ling turned back when she heard the sound, she lowered her arm, folded it on the desk, and looked at him with dignity, everything changed. She smiled slightly, but Xiao Chen didn’t feel like a spring breeze. The little bit of Qi Nian before was even more dissipated. The only thing I felt was … pressure?

“You have already listened to the briefing session, and President Guo also asked you to talk alone. I heard him say that you are still reluctant to come over, which is a big name?” Luo Ling tilted her head slightly and looked a bit naughty in her examination. a feeling of.

“Miss Luo Mingjian, Caomin I was forced to Liangshan at that time.” Xiao Chenzuo clenched a fist and sat down on the long table in front of Luo Ling, “I really didn’t want to do this every day.”

Luo Ling couldn’t help but laugh, and at any rate he felt like a monkey really begging for money. Xiao Chen sighed, “Don’t laugh at me. We all know that those farmers haven’t seen it. Although Xi Luo has seen some markets, he certainly hasn’t dealt with magicians. To deceive these people, I use A lighter is enough to ensure that they give me as a master. But we are going to go out after all, how can we deceive those really nobles or real magicians? “

“If a magician really came, it wouldn’t look good to me, and I would like to move.” Xiao Chen jumped off the table, made a big circle with his hands, and then pushed forward, “Just threw a big bang like this If the fireball comes, won’t I be glorious? “

“You hang a name and stay out of it, why would someone trouble you?” Luo Ling smiled at him and analyzed, “You see, so many people here haven’t seen the magician, even the leader The scar face was scared away by the fire sword. I knew that the magician was a rare animal. Your fire sword, your flying castle, and those rifles have already made the impression of a powerful magician for so many people. After adding oil and vinegar to them, it will only become more and more exaggerated. Whether it is a noble or a real magician, why should you not be able to live with such a powerful person? “

“It’s not easy to say, maybe as in the story, one day, you Miss Luo was taken into captivity by the evil magician, justice Xiao Chen had to come forward to save you, then it would be exposed.”

“If that were the case, would you save me?” Luo Ling suddenly stared at him without blinking with those big eyes.

“Of course …” Xiao Chen thought he was an idiot and settled himself.

“I’m serious!” Luo Ling leaned over a little.

auzw.com “Of course …”

“It’s not just talking casually.” She moved closer.

“When … that … you stare at me too close, you will become cross-eyed …” Xiao Chen moved back uncomfortably, and stumbled off the table.

“Hah, okay, okay, don’t be nervous. You have passed the first test two days ago.” Luo Ling regained her aggressive gaze and resumed her cheek rest.

“Uh … okay.” Xiao Chen felt that she couldn’t keep up with the woman’s thinking.

“This is a very wonderful world. There are many things that we cannot understand.” Luo Ling said, looking at the sky outside the window. “Even the sun looks bigger than the original world, which reminds us that we cannot look at the problem with old thinking. How do you know you ca n’t be a real magician? You can excite that sword, it means that a miracle has happened to you. This may be caused by the white light, maybe not. But I think a new door It ’s already open. What we should do is walk in more bravely. ”

“You also feel this way?” Xiao Chen asked excitedly. He hesitated for a moment before deciding to tell the truth to Luo Ling. “I seem to get a power from the white light … When I want to see clearly, my eyes are You can see more clearly. When I want to carry you to the hospital, my strength becomes stronger. You were also present. What happened to your body? “

Luo Ling heard this jumped up.

“You … increase your eyesight and strength? Then how do I …” Luo Ling suddenly blushed, hugged her hands around her chest, fearing that Xiao Chen would suddenly find her figure better.

“You have changed too? I suspect that the white light has changed physique according to our ideas. Where have you changed?”

Luo Ling glared at Xiao Chen and said, “Don’t rip this … these! Do you want me to say more? Have you been a big man thinking clearly?”

“Ah. Since I have already gone to Liangshan, I can’t do it without joining.”

“Then from today, you are the person in my foreign affairs group! When our people are here, you pick two people as yours.” Luo Ling waved his hand a little, and he was quite a leader.

Just when Xiao Chen secretly figured out where Luo Ling was transformed by Bai Guang. Several footsteps were heard at the door, and two men and two women came in one after another.

Luo Ling greeted them to sit down and walked to the podium.

“Well, since everyone is here. Then our foreign affairs team has officially opened. I am your team leader Luo Ling, next to this is the deputy team leader Xiao Chen, and also the male number one of our team, full-time play.” Master Magician, “he will always be asked to appear everywhere.”

Others also introduced their own. One of them was Zhang Hong, a translator of the food trading team. Xiao Chen did n’t treat him very much, because Li Jia was very impressed with his performance in several times of greed and fear of death, timid as a rat, when the story was told to Xiao Chen Heard.

However, Zhang Hong did n’t feel that he had lost too much. After returning to school, he raised his eyebrows and exhaled. Everyone regarded the people who participated in the food trading team as heroes, so Zhang Hong walked with his head up these days He didn’t brag about how he was calm before the guns and bullets, and finally he successfully transported the food back, earning applause from many boys and screaming from girls. This time, he was assigned to the Foreign Affairs Department. He thought he could at least be a deputy team leader. He didn’t expect to be robbed by a junior teacher and a graduate student.

Another sophomore boy named Ding Lunquan is tall and strong. Both his length and width are larger than that of Xiao Chen. This guy said he came from the school football team because he participated in a football training camp in Spain during high school. So Spanish speaks well. One of the two women, Liu Wan, in his thirties, is a Spanish teacher, and the other is Du Mei, a junior student in Spanish. The two have long been a teacher-student relationship.

“Mr. Luo, let’s say that our foreign affairs team is equivalent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Dealing with those natives? Are you Minister of Foreign Affairs at the same time as the” Central Standing Committee “? That’s awesome! And I am now a diplomat. Haha, this was my dream since I was a child. “The girl named Du Mei asked a little after listening to the introduction.

“This disaster caused us 721 people to come to this world. All work needs someone to take the lead. The Disaster Relief Committee is just a transition agency. In addition to President Guo, the other 12 people are the leaders of various affairs groups. Now this model Also to facilitate collaboration and communication, we are not a big boss. “Luo Ling smiled and began to answer a series of questions of this acute child girl.” Our foreign affairs team is currently only six people, which is the smallest group, but it is also the most important responsibility. One, you are more important than ordinary diplomats, because sometimes war or peace may depend on what we say. “

The girl’s face was flushed, but she heard a chuckle, and Zhang Hong tilted Erlang’s legs and said disdainfully: “What are you Yelang arrogant, the committee clearly doesn’t pay much attention to our class. Otherwise, you two young and young ? “

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