Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 20 - Homesickness

Xiao Chen forcibly picked up a concrete block the size of a grinding disc, stepped on the pile of rubble from the ruins, and threw the stone on the pile of open space. Then, without much breath, he stepped onto the stone pile in two or three steps.

Chen Hansheng followed him by holding a similar stone, and beside him was Liu Yisheng who said nothing. Although this guy had a bad brain, his strength was not covered. He held a stone almost twice as big as Xiao Chen. They also dropped a piece of cement and climbed back to the rubble. Chen Hansheng gasped for two breaths and said, “Xiao Chen, I will say you are good. The people who have come with us all around have already changed a group of people. Are you still blushing, breathless, not tired at all?”

Xiao Chen was stunned by him for a while and said a little strangely: “This cement block is not too heavy? It doesn’t take much effort.”

“It’s not heavy, it’s very light!” Liu Yisheng grinned.

“Haha.” Chen Hansheng was so angry and funny. He ignored Xiao Chen at all, and said to Xiao Chen, “What a joke, seeing whether my body is up or not, I have gone down to rest twice. You haven’t done this before Rough work, countless. Just the big cement you just moved down, at least a hundred pounds. “

“How is this possible? How long have we been working?”

“Full two hours.”

Xiao Chen gaped, and then he himself felt something was wrong. Before the change, he used his body and bones, not to mention transporting things. Even if he ran up and down with bare hands for two hours, he was already breathless. But now, he just feels full of energy and his limbs are comfortable, just like sports athletes who are doing warm-up exercises and are preparing to participate in the competition.

Is it the same as my eyesight? He raised his hands and watched, still as usual, white and thin, very slender. At a glance, it is only suitable for holding books, not carrying stones.

He picked up a two-finger thick steel bar from the ground and broke it with all his strength, but the steel bar did not respond. Liu Yisheng didn’t understand what he was doing. Following his example, a steel bar was immediately folded into a U shape. Xiao Chen glanced helplessly at the muscular man, his strength was strong, his endurance became better, but he still did not become a violent man like someone.


At the other end of the school, Wang Jiyuan is inspecting the post.

“Head of the report, everything is normal here, that is …”

“What is it, don’t talk about it.”

“It’s just … it’s uncomfortable.” The soldier holding the gun said a little embarrassedly.


“Yes, it’s just a panic in my heart.”

“Why are you kid? Learning Aunt Qiong Yao is sentimental?”

The soldier’s face was a little blushing, and the cheek twitched for a long time before he spit out a word: “Homesick.”

Wang Jiyuan was silent for a while, and finally patted him on the shoulder.

The soldier ’s shoulder was touched by him, and he shivered even more, and the tears fell without stopping, “Woo … before, before, you can still visit relatives back home, now, woo … there is no leave, nowhere to go Now. “

After the soldiers finished speaking, they wiped their faces with their sleeves. One stood upright and said aloud: “Reporter, I didn’t … didn’t cry, this … it was rain.”

Wang Jiyuan nodded, saluted the soldiers, and took Sergeant Shi Hao to the next sentry post. At this time, the light rain that had been falling was bigger, hitting people, and cold in people’s hearts.

Silence is unbearable. Shi Hao may want to break this kind of silence, saying: “Head of the group, listening to that Silo said, there is no people around them except their towns. We are so densely guarded, is it a waste of manpower? There are several Comrades all told me in private that they felt it was more urgent to save people. “

“There is nothing else tonight that is more important than keeping most people safe.”

“But most of the rescue teams are now students. Their physical strength and endurance are very limited. If we can draw half of them to help them …”

“Don’t say it. For this safety guarantee, we have to make sacrifices.” Wang Jiyuan stopped and looked at the tall buildings that became silhouettes at night, and the ruins lit by the fire on the side of the tall buildings, “Stone, you remember Our soldiers will always be the ones who know how to sacrifice. Not only sacrifice ourselves, but also sacrifice others. “

“They are just ordinary students.”

“In a strange and wild world, we can sacrifice anyone for the sake of everyone’s survival. I, you, Xiao Chen or Principal Guo. It depends on whether the situation has chosen us.”

“Do I have to choose?”

“Yes.” Wang Jiyuan walked forward again and said slightly back, “Don’t escape the moment of making a choice.”

When it was time to change classes again, a group of students who had previously taken a break had dragged their tired pace and slowly climbed up to the rubble with tools. Rao is Xiao Chen’s physical strength is not what he used to be, he also feels very tired. The light rain fell on the rugged ruins and made an irritating rustle.


Xiao Chen saw a student not far away, because the ground was slippery and he fell on the gravel. He hurried over to help him, and as soon as he ran to the front, the student stumbled to his feet, bleeding on his forehead, and his face was very rueful.

The student gasped, ricketing, slowly raised his head, stared at the sky, and then shouted.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh …!” “Damn God, I’m going home! I’m going home! I’m going home … Ah …” The shovel flew three or four meters and fell helplessly. Xiao Chen pulled this out of control. Classmates, while the other party pinched his forearm with his hands and squeezed a few words with the strength of breastfeeding: “Why should I be thrown here? I’m not wrong! Why should I be punished like this?”

With Xiao Chen’s current strength, he could push him away with one hand, but he did not move, but looked at him with some sadness, letting the other party pull him to scream and let the rain fall from his face.

“My mother is seriously ill, I have to go to the hospital …” He let Xiao Chen go and cried whine.

The people around looked at him silently, and gradually someone was infected by him, sobbing and crying were added to the rain.

“My parents haven’t seen each other in their hometown for two years. They can’t find me and will be sad.”

“Woo, I really want my grandma to make braised pork.”

“Woo, I only made a girlfriend yesterday, I haven’t pulled her hand yet.”

More people did not speak, but secretly shed tears. The men present were all big men, but they cried indulgently and indulged. Xiao Chen wanted to say something, but he realized that he couldn’t talk about it, even if he didn’t believe it, how could he persuade others?

“Let them cry, they need a chance to vent.” Chen Hansheng said on the side. He thought that in the dark, Xiao Chen couldn’t see his face clearly, but Xiao Chen, who had the ability of night vision, clearly saw his red eyes.


From the school and the town to the east, a dozen kilometers away is a scenic plain. A small river divides the plain in half from west to east. There is a small castle on the north bank of the river. The castle is built on a small hill, surrounded by water. Below the mountain is a nursery, and behind the mountain is a large sparse forest.

The small castle is not large in scale and the surrounding walls are not high. Obviously there is not much military use, but it is a very good resort. This is the residence where Earl Arias hunts every fall. If at this time in previous years, there were only a few gardeners and servants in this manor, but today the lights are endless, and many people come in and out of the castle.

“Is Lord Earl still awake?” Battis and several knights were eating smoked beef and roasted potatoes in the hall of the castle. They saw the frowning housekeeper come downstairs and asked quickly.

He saw a doctor clutching his face and crawling downstairs from the upper floor, and fled the door, knowing that the man must not be able to rescue the old man.

“There is no real doctor in this ghost place.” Pinto said angrily. “The idiot just said that he would give blood to the old man again, and said that he would use the lizard’s tail to grind it into powder for the old man.”

“Ah, haven’t the doctors done this all?” A bearded knight bit down a chicken leg and asked strangely.

“Only stupid village women and you idiots who do n’t learn and do nothing will believe the cheaters. As soon as the lady heard him say it, he blasted him out.” “It seems that only when the priests and the priests of the temple come over can we treat Lord Earl.”

“But are we just waiting here?” Battis asked. “I haven’t figured it out yet. What did we encounter this morning?”

“I saw a mountain fall down with my own eyes,” Pinto said with a lingering fear.

“I see that there seems to be a house on that mountain,” a knight added.

“Summon a mountain and descend from the sky.” Pinto thought carefully and finally came to a conclusion, “Magic, I think only magic can produce such an effect.”

“I’ve seen Master Moline use magic, but there’s no such thing …” A knight interjected. “Master Moline is already one of the kingdom’s most powerful magicians.”

“Have you ever seen Master Morin’s full shot?” Battis said disdainfully. “Those magicians are mysterious. Who knows how great they are.”

“Maybe it’s a very powerful demon, maybe it’s a very powerful mage. They are dangerous anyway.” Pinto dragged his pointed chin with his hand and pondered his head, thinking, “If it wasn’t because the untouchables resisted taxes Things, let Lord Earl and us ran out of the house, the mountain fell down, what did you say is the result? “

Several knights looked very ugly, because they knew that it was impossible to avoid such a sudden large magic. If it is not a matter of tax resistance, they may become meat patties.

“Are we going to fight against such a powerful opponent?” Said a little knight timidly.

“There are many kinds of enemies. Some enemies can be killed, such as the Empire. Some enemies can learn a lesson, such as the untouchables. Other enemies may be friends as long as the conditions are right. We must figure out what is behind that mountain. Who is it. Otherwise, when the Earl wakes up, he will not be able to explain it. “Pinto made a decision.” Batis, send two scouts to look back, don’t provoke them, don’t get attention, quietly figure out Who are they? “

Battis nodded. But at this time, a servant hurried in, tensed and said a few words in Pinto’s ear.

“What!” Pinto was furious and slapped the servant’s slap fiercely, and then stumbled to the window to look out, and then shouted: “Asshole, waste, hurry and chase me! If something goes wrong, Count Waking up will never spare you! “

In the night outside the window, several running horses had rushed out of the castle for several miles and ran straight towards the school.

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