Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 15 - The way of trading

Centennial war veterans who come down from the battlefield often have a keen sense of danger. I don’t know if the battlefield cultivated this feeling, or people with this feeling are more likely to survive. Anyway, Chen Hansheng was such a person. When he felt from Yu Guangzhong that the other party had an archer who seemed to move his arm, the battle feeling accumulated over the years made him respond involuntarily. His body immediately turned to the side and turned 90 degrees again, his hands pressed down quickly to block the washbasin in front of his chest. In an instant, I felt an impulse coming from my hand, an arrow slanting across the basin and flying past him. Chen Hansheng used this force to roll on the spot, rolled over and rolled into the ditch beside the road.

At this time, the gun behind him also sounded, Wang Jiyuan decisively ordered to fire, but they did not shoot at people. After a bang, the fence was splashed with soil and stone, and the wooden fence was broken several times, and the natives were beaten up, but no one was really hurt.

But the movement alone terrified the natives. They saw the strange sticks held by the other person’s people suddenly spit out their tongues. With the strange noise, something unclear was hit around them. The wooden stick with thick arms was folded into two pieces at once, and the stone bricks with **** became gravel at once. Several people were bleeding from stones and wood chips exploded.

At this time, even the most courageous person was blinded by this kind of “magic”. Some people fell down on the ground and prayed religiously, and some people were so scared that they couldn’t move and stood still. The pants, but most people, like the frightened deer, screamed and fled away.

“Stop!” Wang Jiyuan had seen clearly before. He understood that the opponent was not deliberately attacking. He also saw that Chen Hansheng did not hit the arrow, but he was afraid that someone would shoot the arrow at Chen Hansheng. Now there are almost no standing aborigines across, and the goal is achieved. After all, persuading them to do business is the right way. He asked a warrior to meet Chen Hansheng, and the others remained vigilant.

After Chen Hansheng heard the gunshots stop, he carefully climbed up from the ditch. The arrow just scared him out of cold sweat. However, after all, he was a veteran on the battlefield. At present, this movement is a piece of cake compared to the bullets of modern warfare. He ran to the other side’s fortifications, and Wang Jiyuan could seize the opportunity to break the fire and gave him more confidence.

“Old Chen! Come back soon.” The soldiers who came to respond snarled while rushing behind.

Rookie, after such a good effect with fire cover, it should naturally charge, this is instinctive to Chen Hansheng. As for the option of retreating, he has never entered his mind. Instead of stopping, he made a gesture to keep up.

“Li Zi and the stone left a cover, and Xiao Cai followed me.” Wang Jiyuan also awakened at the sight, and he must expand the victories and restrain the natives. He quickly rushed to the fortification with another soldier.

Chen Hansheng ran a few more steps, and found that the leader on the opposite side finally showed his head from behind the low wall, looking around with fear. The two met each other again. Unlike the irritability and vigilance just now, the man’s eyes now show panic and confusion.

“Trade, trade! Don’t fight, don’t fight!” Chen Hansheng shouted with the other party in his current Spanish. He waved his hands back, so that the soldiers who received the response should not be approached casually, and slowed down to the low wall. Go.

When he got close, he could see clearly that the collar was a brawny man with chestnut hair. He couldn’t see how old he was, but there was a lot of wind and frost on his face. The chaos of the gun just now scared him to the ground, and now his face is sandy. The man saw Chen Hansheng walked up again with his washbasin, and also stood up straight, holding the bow tightly in front of his chest, but did not aim at Chen Hansheng. Several people around him did not dare to raise their arms.

Chen Hansheng walked to the fort with a big swing, raised the washbasin, slammed it a few times, grinned loudly and said, “Good! Gift! Good!” Then he put the washbasin into his arms.

Gift-giving is a matter of learning, and it is necessary to adapt to the right circumstances and people. When, where, giving to everyone is a very important thing. If you send it right, you will be happy, but if you send it badly, you will still be able to send out the incident. I do n’t know if it ’s because Lao Chen ’s style is extraordinarily bold, and Wang Jiyuan ’s help from Lin Linyu is in line with the wild personality of the natives. Although the gift of Lao Chen gave a strong taste of buying and selling, the effect looks good.

No, the leading native turned over and looked at that washbasin, revealing an emotion that he couldn’t put it down. The natives who were so scared of their surroundings ran back curiously. Looking at the washbasin again, and watching Chen Hansheng and others.

Li Jia responded very quickly, seeing a play, quickly let the others push the car together. This is good, the battlefield just now became a trading market. The local people gathered around to see the strange.

Li Jia picked a mirror generously, a pair of slippers and an umbrella to give them free insight. These unheard things excite these earth buns.

He saw a guy who had just been stabbed and bleeding, and after seeing himself in the mirror, he uttered a scream, as if he had seen a ghost, and then passed out straight. The fellow next to him didn’t even think of him to help him, a volley flutter grabbed the mirror in his hand, rolling on the ground happily.

He saw a big idiot robbing a small women’s slippers, he couldn’t fit his feet in any way, and finally got his gloves in. He proudly slapped a guy on the side with this new weapon, and finally caused a **** crime.

auzw.com He also saw a half-old man snatching an umbrella and struggled for a long time without knowing how to use it. In the end, this creative guy hung his umbrella upside down to use it as a big basket, and put a lot of fruit in it. Unexpectedly, the umbrella face could not bear it, turned into a big horn, and let the fruit roll to the ground, causing Snatch.

Li Jia couldn’t help laughing, so it seems that these people are not so fierce.

“Bras! Grain! Grain!” Chen Hansheng gestured for feeding, and helped Zhang Hong explain to the leader aloud. He already knew the name of the leader, and knew that this person had always been more prestigious in the town, so he temporarily became the leader to defend the town.

“Chen! Good man! Yes!” Blas nodded, took out a slap-shaped black bread from his arms, turned his head to look at the number of people, broke his fingers a few times, and then torn the brown bread into Six small pieces. Give Chen Hansheng, Wang Jiyuan and the four soldiers a piece of each, “Eat!” The rest of the people are probably not in his eyes, and he is automatically ignored.

Chen Hansheng glanced at the bread, and the difference from the briquettes was limited, and the smell of sweat was sour when he smelled it. He tucked the bread in Zhang Hong’s hand and pointed the fingerboard car with his finger, then made a big ball, “More, more, change.”

Blas looked at the crowd on the other side of the rickshaw, glanced at the washbasin in his hand, and grumbled to Zhang Hong.

“He said, our things are beautiful, but it seems useless.” Zhang Hong said bitterly.

“It’s useless? Tubaozi!” These words made Chen Han angry and exchanged the industrial-era baby with you for something that could not be swallowed. Are you still not happy?

After all, Lao Chen had sold steamed buns. He drew a washbasin from the car, ran into the ditch in the field, and scooped up a pot of water all at once. He raised the basin to the sun and showed it to the leader. Looks good, Blas looks stupid.

Chen Hansheng poured the water from the basin into the thermos again, and covered it tightly, shaking it violently, and handed it to Blas to signal that he was shaking too. Blas shook it vigorously for a long time, and no water dripped from the bottle.

“Tell him, this is a trivial thing, this bottle can still keep warm!” Chen Hansheng said to Zhang Hong, he held up the umbrella to Blas again, let him lift it up, and then poured the water in the thermos on the umbrella surface There was a drop of water from the surrounding area, but none of it flowed on the body. Blass understood how to use the umbrella.

Finally, Chen Hansheng wore plastic slippers on the newly wet mud floor, walked back and forth, and lifted his feet to look at the other party, neither wet nor dirty.

“Change?” Chen Hansheng asked again.

“Change!” Not only did Blas answer very fast this time, but also the natives around the tablet who watched the lively reply answered in unison.

“Lao Chen, you will still be in business.” Li Jia said happily, looking at the farmers who came home to carry food.

After doing the demonstration, the natives understood the value of these good things and were very active in returning home to bring in food for these precious things that they had never seen before. Li Jia and others were surprised to find that the food here is not much different from the earth. The main output of the farmer here is a large grain of wheat, which is almost half larger than the wheat on the earth. The staple food is the dark bread like Blass in front. After discussion, they decided to exchange wheat mainly, supplemented by some lettuce, water spinach and beans.

After some bargaining, Chen Hansheng and they set the price. A pair of slippers can change about a bag of 30 kg of wheat. You can change two bags for a washbasin and three bags for an umbrella. As for mirrors and thermos bottles, he found that farmers have little demand for this, and ca n’t exchange any good prices. He simply opened a small mirror and ten bags of food The sky-high price of twenty bags of food in a thermos.

“This kind of thing is unattractive for farmers. Then they will be sold as luxury goods, with prices tens of times, and later sold to the rich.” Chen Hansheng was very proud.

Soon, some people brought the food back and exchanged slippers and other “strange objects.” In ten minutes, the food on the ground began to pile up.

However, when the townspeople returned home to exchange food for good things, suddenly a large group of people ran out of the town with various weapons. At a glance, Chen Hansheng and Li Jia recognized the tall man headed by the scarred face they were going to grab at the school entrance!

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