Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 12 - Window of the Other World

Dark room, locked curtains, gray wooden bed, decaying bedding. This is exactly the same as the previous five rooms. Xiao Chen felt that the winding tunnels were far stronger than this **** house, at least there were gentle and shiny runes and fresh wind blowing from nowhere. It’s not like a cage here, it’s suffocating. When I got home, I had to remove all the curtains and burn them. Xiao Chen thought angrily that this kind of thing would make him a nightmare! !

There is such darkness in memory, when was the last time? Kindergarten or nursery school? Is it locked in a closed food store or a shop? The memories of the past are a little vague, the only thing that is clear is the claustrophobic pain, the torture of darkness, and the smiling face of mother with tears.

Can I see my mother again?

For some reason, Xiao Chen looked back at Luo Ling involuntarily.

Luo Ling smiled at him, but there was a lot of fatigue in the smile. Xiao Chen saw that the blood on her forehead bandage had dyed half of the towel red. The original white shirt also became almost the same as the rag in the previous tumbling. However, her eyes were still bright, just as Xiao Chen found her underground.

“I’m fine. Find the way first.” Luo Ling replied calmly.

“You … are strong.”

“Don’t praise me, I can easily be proud.” Luo Ling lifted her chin slightly.

“A proud girl like you, shouldn’t pride be its own attribute? You see, you may not be as big as you are, already a university teacher.”

Luo Ling blinked, “A woman is proud, but a man is bitter.”

“No way?”

“Yes, this is the woman.”

Xiao Chen smiled, gave up the argument, lowered his voice and said, “Do you think that Liu Yisheng is strange?”

“You don’t like him?” Luo Ling asked back.

“It has nothing to do with likes or dislikes. First of all, the timing of his appearance is very strange, and secondly, his performance here is also strange, such as remembering such a complicated road, never taking a detour, such as not knowing gold, but wielding an axe very skilled For example, the surrounding environment is so weird, but he does n’t know that he is afraid of fear … And he can still feel in which box the best treasure is. “

“Don’t you think it’s better to be in the same boat now than to get to the bottom?”

Xiao Chen said nothing.

“You still don’t like him, because he is stronger than you and more powerful than you.” Luo Ling chuckled, “No need to argue, I understand that this is a man.”

Xiao Chen suddenly felt a little dizzy, maybe it was too long to concentrate on igniting the fire sword.

At this time, Liu Yisheng’s rude voice came in front.

“Wow! There is a big table in this room!”

It seemed that it was a good idea to start him.

This is a distinctive room, a bit like a studio, a bit like a study, except for the window and the door that are closed by curtains, the other walls are almost filled with shelves. There are not only books on the shelves, but also bottles and jars, perhaps because of the age, the liquid in many bottles has evaporated, and the contents in other bottles have become dust that is difficult to recognize. There is a large table and a back chair in the middle of the room. The table was covered with paper and a bottle of dried ink. The owner seemed to leave in a hurry. The paper in front of the seat was a half-written letter.

“Sure enough that mutated Spanish.” Xiao Chen and Luo Ling hurried forward to try to read the letter. However, due to time constraints, some of the handwriting on this paper has been blurred, and Luo Ling can only vaguely read out part of the content.


“Dear Allen:

My spiritual mentor, my most trusted friend and the most loyal comrade in arms. I wrote this letter to tell you that I have decided to cross the raging sea and help Merlot find the Seven Towers.

auzw.com As a strong man who enters the sanctuary, this is a goal he ca n’t give up. The power he pursues is the ultimate, maybe only found in the seven towers. It has been half a year since he left, but we have no message from him. I think he needs … (big blurry writing)

You also know that the secret of the Seven Towers is related to the nature of the world. If we can come back alive, what has been haunting the three of us, about gods … I believe that the legend must be justified. So even if it is full of danger, it is worth a visit.

At the beginning, I promised to help you stabilize the situation in the country. Now, with our efforts, the voice of opposition has disappeared. I believe that with your talents, you will be able to …, so now is the time for me to set off.

In order to protect Merlot’s family and his heritage, I built this house. After leaving, I will seal this house. To open it, you can use the one attached to the letter … “


“The letter is over here.” Luo Ling read all the words that could be distinguished.

“Three people appeared in this letter, Merlot, Allen and the person who wrote the letter. The three of them should be very close friends and comrades. Allen is a very high-ranking person. Merlot is a master of the Holy Land, Holy The domain is estimated to be a very high state. The person who wrote the letter is a powerful magician. “Xiao Chen tapped the desktop gently with his finger.” Mello is going to the Seven Towers, and this thing is related to the nature of the world. ? “

“Seven towers … I don’t know if it’s the seven towers, or the seventh tower? Or what’s the code name?” Luo Ling asked.

“In addition to the Seven Pagodas, the gods are also mentioned here. From the meaning of the letter, the Seven Pagodas are probably related to the power of God.” Xiao Chen said.

“It seems that we have reached an extraordinary place.” Luo Ling sighed lightly.

Xiao Chen continued his analysis with a sullen face: “But Melo may have encountered any difficulties or dangers while exploring these secrets. The owner here wants to help him after a while. And entrust the house and the inheritance to this Allen. “

“The place of inheritance is obviously the place where the statue is located. That is to say, Zhou He inherited the power of Merlot?” Luo Ling guessed.

“It should be. But obviously, the owner encountered an accident while writing here, and left the house and never returned. The letter and the thing that opened the seal were not given to the man named Allen. Therefore, the land of inheritance did not fall into the hands of Merlot’s descendants. The house has always been in this state. “

“That is to say, the thing that opened the seal was either in this room or on him at the time.” Luo Ling put the scroll down and looked at every place in the room, trying to see some clues.

Xiao Chen shook his head, “I didn’t even write the letter, indicating that the matter was very sudden, and there was no trace of fighting here. I guess he should have been alarmed by something around the house, not far from the house. I encountered a problem here. I do n’t think he should bring anything to unseal. It ’s like, if you suddenly hear someone knock on the door, will you put the jade bracelet you are playing in your pocket, or put it in the drawer of the dressing table? “

“Then let’s hurry and look. It’s a pity that the place written in the letter can’t be seen clearly.”

“Since it’s a magical thing like a seal, I guess there will be runes on it. Let’s search for similar things in the room.”

“What is this? Can it be eaten?” At this moment, Liu Yisheng picked up a dark badge from there. There are runes that emit blue light.

Xiao Chenshen was afraid that Liu Yisheng would use his sharp teeth again and quickly grabbed the badge. This badge has a crescent moon, and there are five stars in the concave arc of the crescent moon. The badge is not big, and there are runes, he thinks that this is the case. He took the badge in his hand and concentrated on it. A strange feeling rushed into his mind, and then he felt like his soul was about to be sucked into the badge. Then, the badge issued a soft ripple slowly flowing through the room.

When ripples pass over something, the bright colors replace the original staleness. The old tables and chairs have been renewed, the decayed bookshelves have become neat, and the faded carpets have become bright red, as if they had just been bought. All the dust was gone, as if it had just been cleaned. Then the curtains opened automatically and a beam of sunlight entered the room. It shined on the vase on the desk, and the vase was filled with water. A green bud crawled up from the mouth of the bottle to form a bud, and finally a lazy lily flower was unfolded. Hanging down slightly, just like to say hello to Luo Ling in front of you.

Luo Ling blocked the dazzling sunlight with her hands, and then let go of her fingers to let the sunlight penetrate through the fingers. Although she was trapped in the ground for only half a day, the sunshine gave her a joy to reunite for a long time. She bent down gently and sniffed in front of Lily. The fragrance smelled like the early morning on the campus. She took a slow and greedy breath and then sat quietly in the owner’s chair. The previous thrilling experience seemed to drain her strength at this moment, making her unable to stand up from the chair and see where it was outside the window.

“This … this is magic?” Xiao Chen walked back and forth in the room, stroking and patting every place with his hand, the table, the back of the chair, the bookshelf, all solid oak, as if they had been carefully maintained. He picked up the curtain again and looked closely. It was fine velvet, and there was nothing strange. No matter how he pulled, nothing happened. He had an illusion that this was an ordinary morning. Everything around him seemed to be laughing. He had just had a nightmare, and he still refuses to believe that he has woke up.

Only Liu Yisheng looked around inexplicably, then grinned: “I don’t hate this place so much now.” He strode to the window, pushed open the window, and stretched his head to look at it. Then waved out the window and shouted: “Hi! Hello everyone!”

Both Xiao Chen and Luo Ling ran to the window and saw a small garden outside the window surrounded by a fountain. The small garden was neatly organized and various flowers were racing to open. But Liu Yisheng said hello to a slipping bird resting on the garden fence. Those birds are chattering together.

However, at this time they were not in the mood to laugh at Liu Yisheng who was talking to the bird. Because they saw layers of roofs outside the fence, they were in the center of a small town, with small houses filled with exotic styles occupying the entire view. The movement on the side of the house apparently also alarmed the residents of the town. Xiao Chen saw that two or three residents wearing exotic costumes had gathered at the iron gate of the garden. They are looking inside with a probe.

Xiao Chen’s heart was beaten hard by a heavy hammer, and we … really abandoned by the original world.

Conjecture and confirmation are so different, as far away as water and wine. All kinds of guesses can’t make up for a tragic fact. Xiao Chen felt that he wanted to be like a hangover drunk, dimly, with a headache. His eyes suddenly turned black, and he felt that the entire spiritual world had been vacated.

He stumbled backwards, but was held up by a pair of small hands. Luo Ling patted his back and whispered: “Welcome to the new world alive.”

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