A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 112 - 85 Cute Cat Three Musketeers

Chapter 112: Chapter 85 Cute Cat Three Musketeers

“As for the distribution of the Pegasus, we will need to consider it carefully in

the future.”

Uncle didn’t actually care much, but Jiera was quite disappointed, so Bailuo comforted her and Lu Anya.

“We all know the power of Miracle Power, and if I’m not wrong, the Pegasus „

Knight is very likely also a Miracle Troop Type, and certainly not a weak one.” If it was just flying, that wouldn’t be considered a miracle.

The Pegasus enhances its master’s constitution, making them stronger, and then exhibits a strength where 1+1 is greater than 2.

This is what makes a Pegasus Knight.

“For the war against Morgan, the Pegasus might not be able to make it in


There was less than four months left until Morgan’s birthday celebration, and the young Pegasus would take at least half a year before they could head to the battlefield.

How the Miracle Power of the Pegasus specifically functions, my senior sister will get to experience thoroughly.

As the most outstanding among the People of Yatun, her talent is beyond doubt. She never had the opportunity before, but now with the Miracle Power, she will undoubtedly become a very formidable presence.

On this point, Bailuo had unwavering faith.

“Buzz- — ”

Bailuo looked up; he hadn’t expected happiness to come so suddenly, “Lilith,

it’s Lilith!”

Following Sherri, Lilith’s awakening had also been completed.

Unlike Sherri’s grand-scale event, Lilith’s Miracle Power was more gentle, but the changes it brought were more astonishing than those of Sherri.

Flowers bloomed like an ocean of blossoms on Yatun Island.

Numerous trees and vines began to proliferate and change, entwining around the houses, adorning the entire heart of Yatun like an Immortal Realm.


The surprises of the past few days had exceeded the sum of surprises in the lifetimes of all Yatun people.

At this moment, they stood dumbfounded at the edge of the open lake, looking towards the castle that had been built but whose interior wasn’t fully arranged yet.

Countless branches were beautifying it; the stone fortress, now one with the plants, didn’t seem out of place, but rather exuded a natural and harmonious beauty.



Bailuo sensed Lilith’s presence and turned around to see a tall woman dressed in a black gown appearing before him.


Bailuo was uncertain, yet he knew this was Lilith.

“I’ve evolved, Master.”

Lilith, foregoing her previously mini and cute style, had completely become the queen of the Fairies.

She appeared to be seventeen or eighteen years old, with exceptionally long golden hair, and as she walked, her black gown transformed into a white princess dress, and then a golden radiance fluttered about her, covering her with a queen’s robe.

However, within a few short seconds, Lilith’s robe disappeared again, ultimately settling into a casual homely chiffon robe.

“Mm, this one is definitely more comfortable.”

Lilith gave a curtsy to Bailuo and said, “Fairy Mother Lilith, at your service,


[Fairy Mother]

Contract: Bailuo Yatun

Status: Middle Tier

Type: Miracle Creature

Faction: Ideal Coast

Condition: Second Awakening

The Black Leather Book’s reference to Lilith had changed from Fairy to Fairy


“Congratulations, Lilith.”

Before, Bailuo liked to have Lilith sit on his shoulder or hold her in his hand, but now she had become the size of a human, and he felt somewhat unaccustomed.

“Don’t rush, Master.”

Feeling Bailuo’s thoughts, Lilith transformed, and the cute Fairy landed once again on Bailuo’s shoulder.

“Fairy Magic really is incredibly convenient.”

Upon hearing this from Bailuo, Lilith quickly chimed in, “Master, Master, I

have a gift for you.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Lilith flew into the air; her black skirt began to change and eventually turned into a white long dress that reflected rainbow light.

Meanwhile, as Lilith danced in the sky, countless colorful, star-like lights fell from above, covering every corner of Yatun Island.

Bailuo didn’t know what the gift from Lilith was, but soon enough, a lot of commotion attracted the attention of all the Yatun people.

It was the Fairy Clan who had received Lilith’s grace; they were rushing over here in haste.

Apart from that, there were also Little Witches practicing Magic.

“What is this…”

Lilith returned to him, landing on Bailuo’s shoulder once more.

Then Bailuo noticed the changes in the Fairy Clan and Little Witches.

If the Fairy Power within them was a 1 before, then now, even the least had increased threefold.

For some, like Elsa, it was almost a tenfold increase.

“Elsa is now formally a Witch and with a bit more study of the basic Fairy Magic, she could become an Ice Spirit Witch.

“This soon?!”

Bailuo thought he would need to wait another two or three months, but who would have thought that Lilith’s evolution could bring such great benefits to the fairies and Little Witches.

“So what just happened was your Miracle Blossom?

“Yes, Master,” replied Lilith.

Miracle Blossom means releasing a massive amount of Miracle Power.

It will serve as a Grace, accepted by Offspring of Miracle, allowing for a rapid transformation into Children of Miracle.

This sort of event usually requires the Miracle Entity to accumulate years and only occasionally occurs, also specifically directed at those Children of Miracle who have been blessed by it.

But it cannot be denied, this truly provides a swift path to strength that the Children of Miracle wait many years for!

“Thank you, Lady Lilith.”

Afterwards, a large group of small creatures began to bow before Bailuo; their actions were graceful, as though they were trained.

Bailuo inquired of Lilith, and she told him that the fairies had truly become Children of Miracle, no longer just Offspring.

Therefore, they would obtain wondrous powers, many of which might even seem inconceivable.


Bailuo was puzzled, and so Lilith had him watch Baiying Yin: “Yin, demonstrate your exceptional abilities for His Majesty.

“Navy Captain White Eagle Yin, reporting for duty!”

Under the gaze of Bailuo, White Eagle Yin began to transform.

Its body grew larger, stopping at Bailuo’s waistline.

“This is my Fairy form, please inspect, Your Majesty, it said.

Though still an eagle, Bailuo felt it should be called an Eagle man, not an animal.


Borrowing a sword from Nors, White Eagle Yin drew it, deftly dancing a few steps with it before reversing the blade and gripping the tip with a few of its wing feathers, presenting the hilt to Bailuo.


Throughout the process, Bailuo noticed several inconsistencies. Firstly, White Eagle Yin’s hands were just wings, which theoretically lacked the ability to grasp anything.

Yet on White Eagle Yin’s body, the wings had become human-like hands, and extremely dexterous at that.

“Us too! Don’t forget us!”

Bailuo turned towards the sound, only to see three cats also beginning to


In their fairy state, they were a bit shorter, only reaching Bailuo’s knees, and like White Eagle Yin, they stood and walked upright like humans.

“Shua, shuashuashua!”

The three cats, wielding delicate thrusting swords conjured by Lilith and wearing beautiful feathered top hats bestowed by the Fairy Mother, leapt and moved with incredible agility, unbearably adorable.

“Cat Lingling.”


“Cat Erer.”

The three cats struck a pose and saluted Bailuo in unison: “The Cute Cat Three Musketeers, at your service!”

“Papa papa papa papa papa.”

The People of Yatun were all here now, sitting around on the grass, watching the fairies perform one by one.

“So cute!”

“Strangely enough, I find them quite handsome.

“Ah, that’s my Ying Ying Ying!”

“And there’s my Gugu Pigeon.”

The gift Lilith gave to Bailuo was these adorable fairies. They had received a complete grace, their Miracle Power activated, giving them the ability to change between animal and fairy forms.

As for what a fairy is…

Simply put, they were somewhat like the animals in the animated films Bailuo had seen in a previous life.

Clearly animals, yet they could handle objects like humans, with vivid expressions and saucy strides.

However, only the smaller fairies existed. Larger fairies, such as tigers, cattle, and horses, were unable to take on a fairy form.

It was unclear whether this was due to Lilith’s limitations or if these larger creatures truly couldn’t become fairies.

“There are 400 fairies, but on the island, there are many others blessed by me who have not become fairies,” Bailuo intoned.

Here, Bailuo formally differentiated the fairies by name. Firstly, those who had awakened intelligence but could not transform into a fairy form were collectively known as ‘Little Fairies .

“The number of Little Fairies may exceed a thousand, but they don’t have much combat ability and are mostly just pets.”

Little Fairies, compared to animals, simply possessed added intelligence. As for their abilities, they remained the same as before.

Just like sharks still dominated the seas and tigers and wolves remained ferociously wild.

The only regret was that not all animals could adapt to the Fairy Power, only the particularly clever ones had a chance.

“They won’t hurt the people of Yatun anymore,” Lilith assured. “Not only that, but they will also become your subjects, Your Majesty, dedicating their entire strength to you.”

The burrowing Rat Clan Fairies turned into their fairy forms, then put on backpacks, yellow safety helmets, and took up hoes to mine in the mountains.

In other words, whether carnivores or herbivores, they had all shed the constraints of their animal nature to become members of the Fairy Clan, one of us in Yatun.

“I was still worried about our population, but the fairies have solved half of that issue for me.”

The Fairy Clan, coming from Lilith, was definitely trustworthy.

It was just unfortunate that fairies couldn’t become humans, still retaining their animal appearances.

“As long as they possess a spirit, they are all subjects of our Yatun,” Bailuo declared.

Watching the fairies playing with the people of Yatun, Bailuo had an idea and looked towards his uncle, who understood Bailuo’s intentions and nodded. “Lilith, gather all the fairies on the western coast in three days,” Bailuo commanded.


Lilith immediately realized Bailuo’s decision; he intended to establish a nation in three days…

“I will discipline the fairies well, please rest assured and prepare, she responded.


In a little while, new populations were set to arrive in Yatun. Although fairies were good, Yatun Nation couldn’t just have fairies.

Moreover, many of the Miracle Powers were something fairies couldn’t adapt to, only humans had that diversity.

Nonetheless, the loyalty of the fairies was beyond question, and Bailuo would assign them tasks to help monitor and defend the entire Yatun Island and the surrounding seas.

Some might wonder, weren’t there many Tree Elves too?

Indeed, the 340 Tree Elves were not a small number.

But even the Tree of Life’s gestation period was long, and Bailuo couldn’t rely on it alone to increase the population of Yatun.

They were to be the heart and soul of Yatun, akin to the emperor’s most trusted and powerful troops, specifically to suppress those outlaws.

Besides, Bailuo also needed to conduct an experiment. That was whether outsiders entering Yatun Island could adapt here and whether they could accept ‘ideological transformation’ and become complete citizens of Yatun.

If possible, this would be experience.

In the future, Bailuo could follow this route to continuously assimilate outsiders into the people of Yatun.

Therefore, this plan was essential.

If successful, it could be continued.

If it failed, then the people of Yatun would have to think of other means…

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