A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 32: part 3 - From the heart part 3

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As I was handed the snake sword, I realized something must have happened with the appraisal.

“The swords worth cannot be determined here.”

“Can’t be determined?”

“What do you mean, is it because it’s legendary class?” Sierra asked.

“No they can measure the value up to legendary class here. In other words, the sword is at least a mythic class weapon.”

Well, I hadn’t exactly doubted the worth of something Shawn had been using.

“I see.”

“Mythic class? It’s the first time I’ve seen anything like that.”

“It’s the first time I’ve seen this as well.”

“Are mythic class items that rare?”

“Not exactly rare. Mythic items don’t appear in the market, it’s not an exaggeration to say they don’t exist.”

“Doesn’t exist? But there is a set standard for the price of Mythic items?”

“I’ve heard that if you go to the main store they have some Mythic items. Although I’ve never seen such items.”

“What does this mean?”

“Supposedly there is a standard but I don’t know whether or not it actually exists. That’s why things have fantasy levels and monsters have infinite levels. Even that clerk said as much. It’s said that you can measure the class, but strictly speaking, I have only seen things up to the legendary class. However, even that’s unreliable. ”

It seems that when it comes to monsters any above SSS haven’t been confirmed.

I thought that Roberts had something that he wanted to say about the snake sword but the conversation was over.

Although speaking of the snake sword, Shawn did tell me that if it didn’t suit me to give it to Toa. I’ve been using it for a while now without really thinking about it but, I did learn to actually use a sword.

—This sword doesn’t suit me.

“Hey Toa, if you want why don’t you use this sword? You could exchange it for your broadsword.”

“Huh? Why? It’s a mythic class item, Masamune you should use it.”

“It doesn’t seem like it suits me.”

“Even if you tell me it doesn’t suit you I can’t master it.”

“Well I was thinking of using it but it’s not a good sword for men.”

To say more, it’s not a sword for humans to use. I can’t say why I felt that way though.

“So I felt that it would suit you, Toa.”

With an unwilling expression Toa took the sword and inspected it.

However after a moment she replied with “OK” and replaced the broadsword at her hip with it.

“Huh? You’re OK with it?”

“Yeah, somehow, it’s fine.”

Did she notice something? But Toa’s expression seemed to have a sense of satisfaction.

“Sir, you’re really not greedy at all. I couldn’t give away something that valuable, I just don’t get it. I wonder how much it would sell for?”

It seemed the only thing Roberts thought about is money, but he was a merchant so it can’t be helped.

“It’s fine, there’s still over 20 million left.”

“As I thought, Sir you are a strange person. Either you’re just not greedy or you have a huge heart.”

I didn’t have a big heart, this guy had a silver tongue.

We parted with Roberts after that and were now in a carriage headed for the Capital. I felt a bit guilty, Sierra was repeatedly thanking me for the rapier.

” Don’t worry about it. If you hadn’t have let us stay at your home Toa and I would probably have ended up sleeping outside for several days with nothing to eat.”

You could say that being able to take requests only when I feel like it and being able to lead this kind of life was thanks to Sierra letting us stay at her house. It’s not an exaggeration to say that the way things are now was thanks to Sierra.

Nem had fallen asleep next to me. It seemed that coming to this unfamiliar area was tiring. Dressed in the feather robe with the wind blowing her pink hair, Toa was more beautiful now than when we had met. It was a good choice to buy the robe.

Although there wasn’t exactly anything else Toa had wanted.

In that moment having those three in front of me was like a dream. I couldn’t help thinking that way as I had been alone before this.

I couldn’t imagine going everyday wanting to die. I’m thankful for these three, from the bottom of my heart.

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