A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 31: part 2 - Old Gert part 2

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“Vinyard, around these parts? Are you part of House Ecarlate?”

“Yes, I’m the daughter of Brown Ecarlate.”

“I see.”

“I heard a lot about it when I was young, it’s said that in this world there is no wine like it, Old Gert reigns supreme. But to think the wine we drank at Tanya Village was actually Old Gert. I didn’t even notice.”

Sierra appeared to be very interested in Old Gert. Toa despite being a heavy drinker wasn’t looking around but was instead giggling at Nem who was pinching her nose saying” Alcohol stinks”.

More importantly though, what do I do about the wine? Even if he was to take it and run away I’d still have 30million Rion. I don’t know what that amount equates to but the fact that next to me Sierra is stunned is enough for me to understand.

“This talk isn’t bad, however I don’t really trust someone I’ve just met.”

At that the shopkeeper seemed so show a certain amount of understanding.

“Of course. Although what do you mean by the talk not being bad? Are you saying 1 billion is crap?”

He seemed confused but for whatever reason looked as if he didn’t intend to deceive me.

“30 million Rion. If you can pay that now I’ll give you the wine. I don’t expect it but, half of the selling price as well.”

“Seriously!? R-.. You’ll really sell this to me?”


“No way, I didn’t think you would really sell it.”

For some reason the shopkeeper was rubbing his forehead with his right hand.

“I got it! Please wait here, I’ll go get the money from the bank.”

“Leaving those words behind the shopkeeper dashed out of the shop.”

After a few moments the shopkeeper returned with a bad on one hand short of breath.

“Sorry, here’s the first 5 million.”

Calming his breathing he emptied the contents on the counter before disappearing into the back of the store.

“Sorry for the wait, here is the other 2 and a half million Rion.”

When he returned the shopkeeper had a triumphant smile.

“Together that’s 30million Rion.”

There was now a pile of money on the counter. There was a total of 3000 10,000 Rion Banknotes. Apparently most of it had been hidden in the store.

But why was only 5million in the bank? More importantly I didn’t even know there was a bank in this world, I want to make an account as well.

“It seems to check out.”

I confirmed the bills then handed him a new bottle of wine, although probably not necessary. Although how important this bottle was to me couldn’t compare to how important it was to the shopkeeper. I have plenty of wine there’s no need to be cheap.

” I will absolutely repay this kindness, half the sell price is yours. And like I said before you can take whatever you like from the shop. Just like I promised you can take everything here if you like.”

The shopkeeper was persistent so I chose a few bottles of alcohol that looked good.

” You’re sure that’s all you want? You can take more if you like? ”

However it took a while to actually choose what I wanted.

” No this will do just fine. ”

” You should be a bit greedier.”

Who could have thought that Old Gert could be worth that much. Although it was easy to understand just by how the shopkeeper looked.

I decided to only bring half of the money back with me to Sierra’s house. It seems the Ecarlate house was quite famous.

For the shopkeeper who can make a deposit quickly it seems convenient however I don’t have an account myself.

“I go to Razhausen often so if you wouldn’t mind helping me open a bank account. I don’t want to walk around with all this money on me.”

“I understand.”

It was quite an unexpected windfall, I never thought the wine would lead to something like this. I don’t know how I’m going to use such a large sum of money.

“Sierra, your rapier got broken during Borris’ request right?”

Sierra was talking to the shopkeeper while tasting Old Gert.

“It’s embarrassing but it did yes.”

As she said this Sierra pulled the broken sword from the sheath at her waist.

The shopkeeper upon seeing it remarked “A splendid break.” I should probably stop the tasting.

” A swordsman’s shame.”

Sierra smiled bitterly as she said this.

“Is it that expensive?”

“You could say that. The white knights are supplied with weapons custom made for each knight. You could say it’s one of the most expensive items in Razhausen.”

“I see, so shall we go sword shopping?”

“Oh how generous.” The shopkeeper remarked.

“It’s something only someone with this kind of money can do.”

“But I don’t have anything to give you in return.”

“Don’t worry about it I’m going to buy Nem and Toa some clothes as well.”

“My clothes?”

“Nem’s clothes?”

As ever Nem was still pinching her nose.

“Yeah you can’t wear those clothes everyday. Let’s buy some clothes while we have a chance. It’s a reward for Nem doing her best. We can buy a rapier while we’re at it.”

For some reason Toa’s clothing wasn’t dirty at all. She’s probably doing something magical to it.

” In that case why don’t I show you to the number one shop in town. ”

The shopkeeper who had been listening until now seemed motivated by something.

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