A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 29: part 2 - Week Farm

Cliffhanger relief! Enjoy the rest of the chapter guys.Patreon in case you suddenly feel like a pledge lol

After the the warning Sierra took the key from Boris and opened the barn door. She pulled the door open slowly to avoid any unnecessary noise, the light pouring inbetween the barns wooden structure lit up the inside making it easy enough to catch sight of the basilisk. And there in I noticed the issue, I pulled my face back around the door and closed it.

“So…. There’s three of them…”

“What!? The request is only for one basilisk!”

Sierra turned a confused look on Boris.

“Boris what is going on here? Did you lie when you gave the request? We didnt hear anything about the number of basilisks increasing. Its going to cause problems if you knowingly lied to the guild.”

“No of course not! Yesterday when we checked there was only one basilisk in there!”

“In a single day there is no way the number of basilisks even increased by one, let alone two! Not to mention that the request’s rank is not incorrect and the required reward is going to increase. Anyone who knows anything about basilisks also knows about their poison and that even a drop is a leathal dose! There aren’t many adventurers who would even attempt a request like this. Even for a high reward, the danger in a request like this isn’t worth it for many of them.”

I see that’s probably why Sierra was so reluctant to accept this request. Speaking of which, I rushed ahead and said i would chase them away before i knew anything about the deadly poison. Doesnt this mean the risk for this is actually quite high?

Sierra seems to be relying on me quite a bit but im still not necessarily used to dealing with monsters so three seems like it will be quite tough to just chase them off. Although if it was just one I’m confident that i could still take care of it somehow.

“ Sierra it doesnt matter. We’ll stick to the plan and just kill them all. Besides Sharon wanted materials from them anyway didnt she?”


Boris hung his head, he probably knew about this from the beginning. I dont really want anyone to get hurt from this so I guess I’ll just have to take care of this.

“I was forced to show the request to August, I had no choice but to lie.”

Boris’ voice had an apologetic tone behind.

“I didnt know there were three of them. The villagers wouldn’t wait. If i had known, August would have forced me to sell the farm. It’s just like Sierra said there are no adventurers that would be willing to hunt basilisks. But waiting just wasn’t an option.”

I pulled the snake sword killgills out of my storage, although it felt ironic to kill a basilisk with a snake sword.

“Sierra if i cut the head off of this basilisk will it die?”

“Yes of course but…”

I opened the barn door once again.


I can’t use erosion since we need the materials so the only option left is to use the sword.

“Sierra I’ll take care of this alone, please stand back.”

“It’s dangerous for master to go alone! Master is only a healer, a basilisk is a ferocious monster.”

“It’s fine. This will be over quickly.”

When the door opened a large snake stood glaring in my direction, apparently Nem had managed to wake them up. Seeing this Nem fell silent. With Shawn’s sword arts running through my mind i stepped forward.

“[Beast King art: Bladeless]”

I kicked the ground, closing the distance to the beast king instantly. I slid the blade across the basilisk’s throat, due to the unique skill [God Speed] it had yet to notice that it had been cut.

“Basilisk Lvl8 defeated. [Goddess’ blessing has been activated please choose loot.”

There were two remaining, first I’ll take the one on the left. I kicked the air covering the distance instantly and traced my blade across its neck as i had done to the first one. Finally the one on the right, as I cut the last ones throat i returned to the entrance and deactivated [God Speed].

In the instant that i stopped blood flew from the three necks at the same time. The barn was died red as announcements went off inside my head.

“Amazing! Even though master is only a healer, master is amazing!”

“You didn’t need to add the ‘Even though you’re a healer’ part. Sierra lets collect the materials. The tear glands, poison sack and the fangs right? I dont quite know where those are.”

“……..As expected of you.”

Sierra had a bitter smile on her face.

Speaking of the basilisks they only had one skill, but poison was seeping out of the fangs. In other words it seems the poison was their primary means of attack.

For monsters without magic or skills [Goddess’ Blessing] probably won’t be able to give me anything. I dont know for certain but the only skill they possessed was [Heat Detection], all three of them had maxed it out.


Moving to dissect the snakes with Sierra i wondered why i heard Toa’s weak voice come from behind us.

“Whats up?”

“If you hadn’t attacked these basilisks probably wouldn’t have done anything.”

“What do you mean?”

“You get it right?”

“What am I supposed to get exactly?”

“They weren’t wild monsters, they were trained.”


That means it wasn’t necessary for me to kill them. I have nothing to say back to that, I had already killed them. Toa didn’t say anything more.

“Masamune-dono, please leave the gathering of the parts to me. It was my request after all, I can take care of this much myself.

“In that case, I’ll leave it to you.”

“More importantly, i noticed this earlier but, Masamune-dono do you know how to use the sword already? At my home your footwork was terrible but, this cut is the work of a master swordsman.”

Sierra was talking about the cut in the basilisk’s neck.

“Masmune-dono this cut is…you…”

“I wasn’t trying to trick you.”


“ I gained knowledge of this sword technique after that day. When you were teaching me I was still incapable of using the sword.”

“Is that so…I don’t really understand but, alright i believe you.”


After the collection of the materials the request was finished. Although I still didn’t know what to say to Toa. While Nem’s eyes sparkled at she looked at me, Toa didn’t seem to be feeling well.

“It should be fine now right? Boris-dono said we could take this bag with us to the capital.”

Sierra had put the materials in a special bag that Boris had brought from his home, and tied the string.

“I apologize about the reward, i am not able to pay you any more. If there is anything you want instead…”

After saying that he had given us the material bag. Inside along with the materials was high quality Yowastein meat. It seems that they were bred right here on this farm.

“Thank you.”

Sierra had gladly taken it and thanked him.

“What have you people done!!!!!”

A loud voice came from the shadow of the barn. Turning back, there stood the fat man with a mustache.


As Boris said that the man looked up glaring right at me. This guy was August after all.

“Fuck! Those were Gordon’s!”

August was holding his head in front of the corpses littered inside the barn.

“Oi, August, which one of these guys is Boris.”

At that a large man wearing much more armor and clothing that strictly necessary appeared from within the shadow of the barn.

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