A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 362: Special Secret Technique?

Once the blade formed and then shot towards the aged, Sky Lord-stage cultivator at a great speed, the cultivator couldn't even block the attack when it suddenly pierced through his body, cleaning cutting him in half that then fell into the lake far below.

And since the attack was one that moved so fast and possessed a great degree of sharpness despite not having sharpforce energy, it started to cleanly cut through the cultivators one after the other till the others in it path had to shoot far away from it to escape their quick death.

At this moment, about twelve cultivators including the aged cultivator making the numbers thirteen, had fallen into the lake far below them. This then caused the cultivators to look at Alex with great shock and disbelief in their eyes. They couldn't believe that an ordinary attack from this boy had killed a small fraction of them.

Then dread immediately set into their heart.

In the next instant, lights of different colors flashed as treasure-weapons appeared in the hands of the cultivators who then looked at Alex with grim and gloomy expressions in their faces.

"I see that you have quickly summoned treasure-weapons to your hands. Now, don't tell me that you hateful and fucking greedy morons are terrified of me now, an ordinary teenager that should keep mute before a veteran? Haha! Weren't you guys feeling high and mighty some seconds ago?" Alex asked and grinned raucously, causing unsightly expressions to appear in the faces of the cultivator that were looking at him with puzzlement and dread in their eyes.

"Shut up... You must be using a special secret technique that's increasing the power of your attacks, which I believe is burning your life essences at the moment. I am certain of that." A cultivator suddenly said.

"Oh. I know those kind of techniques. However, I don't use such." Alex said with a smile.

He then said before anyone could say anything else "Enough of the chitchat folks, time to die!"

Then all of a sudden, he shot towards the cultivators who then began to unleash all forms of energy-attacks at him.

Alex who had permeated his eyes with speedforce energy was able to see the attacks as they shot towards him. Then like a fish in the water or like an ape on a tree as he was someone that possessed great agility, and had a great sense of aerial maneuverability, he was able to effortlessly move through the tiny gaps between the myriad attacks shooting towards him with unfathomable killing power.

Then when he came out of the flurries of attacks sent at him, he shot higher into the sky to an altitude of forty feet above them. He then abruptly discharged a tremendous amount of swordforce energy, a variant of sharpforce energy from his entire body which quickly partitioned and then rapidly condensed into hundreds of small transparent swords that shot towards the cultivators levitating below him.




Numerous swooshing sounds began to ring out as the numerous sword-shaped attacks shot towards the cultivators below him at a great speed.

Then seeing the amount of energy-swords coming at them, the cultivators quickly fired attacks from their various treasure-weapons at the attacks blazing furiously towards them.




Loud boom sounds began to ring out as the solid energy-attacks sent from their treasure-weapons collided into the swords that Alex sent out at them.

Some of the swords shattered into thousands of bits, while some pierced through the attacks and continued shooting at great speeds towards the cultivators.




Piercing sounds were produced as the swords struck the bodies of some of the cultivators and cut them apart in many places, with their diced body parts falling into the lake far below them.

Seeing how Alex's attacks still penetrated through their attacks and struck them, cutting them apart into numerous places, the rest decisively shot away from where they were, as they had soon realized that they would only be butchered by Alex's rain of swords if they continued to remain where they were.

Now, they had chosen to scatter far apart from each other to give Alex a tough time in killing them.

Then with rage burning in their eyes, they began to launch massive attacks at Alex who only discharged large amounts of tribulation-enhanced pyroforce energy from his body that then suddenly transformed into a massive tornado that began to swirl furiously with him at it center. He had just employed a move from the Great Conflagration Art called the 'Whirling Funnel of Fire'.

So, due to the fiery cyclone that whirled with him at it heart, the attacks that were sent at him by his enemy cultivators couldn't penetrate through the cyclone that emanated a type of heat that caused them to seemingly 'melt' and vaporize away in the next instant.

Seeing how their solid attacks lost their forms due to the horrifying levels of heat emanating from the ragingly revolving cyclone of fire, the cultivators had expressions of unbridled shock appear in their faces.

At this point in time, they had become strongly confused as they just couldn't understand how Alex was capable of releasing attacks that matched with that of an initial-phase, Sky Lord-stage cultivator. At first, they thought that he was using a special secret battle technique that burned away his life essences to put out attacks of astonishing damaging power. They however realized later that they were absolutely wrong with their thoughts when Alex's body showed no sign of being tremendously overstressed or rapidly wrinkling, cracking then drying up.

The enveloping, cyclone of fire spinning around his body then stopped a moment later since Alex had cut off his connection to it. He then looked at the cultivators who were still looking at him with great shock in their eyes and said "I know that look on your dumb, ugly faces. That why I am still alive or looking healthy since I could be probably burning away my life essences to produce those mighty attacks that I unleashed at you. Haha. Keep thinking till your death or doom in this place."

Immediately after Alex said this, several overwhelming auras of power that pulsed with the energy fluctuations of a peak-phase, Heaven Adept-stage cultivator, suddenly appeared from far in the distance and then shot at high speeds towards where Alex hovered in the air with the wings that were attached to his back.

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