A Complete Explanation of the Negative Textbooks of the Imperial Examination

Chapter 21

Chapter 20: Murderer

Mother Wei was out of breath, but she was still threatening Xiao Jingduo viciously: “There are only two of us here, if you kill me, you can’t escape the relationship. Save me, otherwise , if I die, you will not end well.”

“Save you?” Xiao Jingduo couldn’t help laughing, instead he asked, “So, Wu Junru has an antidote?”

Although it is a question, Xiao Jingduo’s tone is very determined. He shook his head and sighed, “Wu Junru really shouldn’t be underestimated. I didn’t even know that there are such ferocious bees in this world, and she can actually extract an antidote.”

“Mrs. is smart and witty, and she is naturally extraordinary.” Wei Wei already felt dizzy, but even so, she still held a breath to speak for Wu Junru. However, Wu Junru had a clever plan, but this time, she lost her hand in the hands of a little ghost. Wei Wei couldn’t hold her breath. She asked unwillingly: “How did you see it? Madam clearly said that even if I came in, I would not There will be any danger.”

“Sure enough, the problem was the suit she sent…”

Xiao Jingduo found out that Wu Junru used herbs to induce him to open the incense burner. He took off the clothes that Wu Junru sent, disguised himself as a human figure and put it behind the curtain, then moved the problematic golden censer to the clothes, tied it to the lid of the furnace with a thin wire, and went around the wooden frame to hide it, while he dragged the censer. The other end of the thin line is hidden far away. In the end, Xiao Jingduo pushed another incense burner and made a loud noise deliberately to lure Wu Junru’s people in to check what happened.

As expected, after a while, Wei Wei came in. After Wei Wei lifted the curtain, she was really surprised by the dummy, but ignored the golden incense burner standing beside her. Xiao Jingduo took the opportunity to tighten the rope, hoisted the cover of the incense burner, and released Wu Junru what was hidden inside.

After seeing something flying out of the incense burner, Xiao Jingduo suddenly realized that Wu Junru had hidden poisonous bees in the incense burner, and the poison was so strong that Mammy Wei even stood up when she spoke. unstable.

Xiao Jingduo also took advantage of the situation and figured out other links. Wu Junru first gave Xiao Jingduo a new set of filial piety in the name of celebration, and then drove Xiao Jingduo to a remote and uninhabited Buddhist hall. Xiao Jingduo’s clothes were soaked in special honey water. Once he opened the golden censer, the poisonous bees hidden inside would fly out. With the honey water as a guide, the poisonous bees would only chase Xiao Jingduo, while the others stayed far away. Some are safe. This kind of bee is surprisingly poisonous. Once stung, it will quickly become dizzy and weak. With Wei Wei watching, Xiao Jingduo can’t even go out and call people. In order to be safe, Wu Junru also deliberately used medicinal herbs with hallucinogenic effects as a guise. If Xiao Jingduo found out, he would take the initiative to open the incense burner, and no one could escape at such a close distance. If Xiao Jingduo didn’t find out, the situation would be even better. After Xiao Jingduo was dazed by the medicinal materials, Wei Wei only needed to come in and unscrew the mechanism on the incense burner, and Xiao Jingduo would be poisoned by this special bee, unconsciously, and on his body. Without any trauma and bloodstains, who would know how Xiao Jingduo died, let alone suspect Wu Junru.

Wu Junru’s plan was intertwined, but unfortunately she did not expect that her most delicate part would become the biggest flaw. In order to protect the poisonous bees, she deliberately cleaned the incense burner, The fire was also extremely low, for fear of killing the precious poisonous bees. Unexpectedly, in this way, the smell of burning is wrong, but Xiao Jingduo sees it through.

Mother Wei was dizzy and had difficulty breathing. At this time, she no longer dared to hold the air, but abandoned her dignity and showed a pleading look: “Dalangjun, please save me…”

“Save you?” Xiao Jingduo laughed, and then his eyes suddenly became dark and dark, “When you persecuted my mother, why didn’t you think about showing mercy? To stimulate her with such vicious words, don’t you intend to kill her? You dared to do evil back then, but now you expect the kindness of others.”

“Are you trying to say that Wu Junru has prepared an antidote, and now call Wu Junru over, can you still be saved?” Xiao Jingduo’s dark eyes were fixed on Wei Wei, but his mouth was soft A smile evoked, “But I don’t want to save you.”

At that moment, Wei Wei almost thought that she was looking at the evil ghost, she was heartbroken and stared at Xiao Jingduo fiercely, almost trying to poke a hole in him with her eyes.

Slowly, Wei Wei’s breathing became more and more difficult, and the tyranny in her eyes disappeared, revealing the fear and pleading of the dying. However, no matter how she behaved, Xiao Jingduo was indifferent, just looked at her so coldly.

Until now, Wei Wei did not know that the person in front of her was a devil. He had a handsome face like a fairy, but his heart was comparable to a **** Shura. He was determined to let her die what!

People are about to die, and the evil in their hearts is infinitely magnified. At the juncture of life and death, Wei Wei, with her last bite, viciously cursed Xiao Jingduo: “Don’t think you can escape, there are only the two of us here. Personally, you can’t get rid of the suspicion even if I die, so you can just wait to be sent to prison! Madam and the Wu family will not let you go, you, you…”

But before Mammy Wei finished speaking, her fingers suddenly loosened and fell to the ground like a dead thing. Looking at her breath again, it has stopped at this moment.

However, Wei Wei was still comforting herself in her heart before she died. Even if she died, Xiao Jingduo could not escape the suspicion of murder, and Wu Junru would not let him have good fruit to eat.

Xiao Jingduo waited for a while, making sure that Wei Wei was out of breath, then smiled: “You are right, you are dead, I can’t escape suspicion. But it can damage Wu Junru’s most capable nanny is not a loss.”

“However, I still want to save my life to avenge my mother, I want to be an extremely noble minister, and return to him everything Xiao Ying put on me, how can I Broken down here so early, he was in jail for the rest of his life on the charge of murder.”

, When he crossed the threshold, he stopped and looked back at the Buddha, the solemn and kind-hearted Buddha.

The Buddha is high above, looking down at the world with a sympathetic look.

Who would have thought that a quiet but dangerous poisoning case just happened here.

Wu Junru waited in the room for a long time, but she still didn’t see Wei Wei coming back. She had already won the ticket, and she began to feel uneasy. Could it be that the Buddhist hall went wrong?

This idea was vetoed by Wu Junru as soon as it came out. Her plans are intertwined, and she will not miss it no matter what. Mammy Wei must have been delayed by something.

The janitor who was sent by Wei Wei to Wu Junru’s place asked the hostess inexplicably: “Madam, what’s the matter with you?”

Wu Junru rubbed her eyebrows wearily: “It’s nothing, you don’t have to worry about it.”

The guard girl asked weakly, “Madam, Wei Wei said that you have something to call me. I don’t know what you ordered? If you don’t order, I have to go back to the Buddhist hall to guard the door, and the Dalang-Jun is still inside.”

Wu Junru couldn’t take it anymore, she stood up suddenly, and said loudly: “Don’t say it! Come with me.”

Wu Junru walked to the Buddhist hall with her mighty entourage. Mrs. Hou was dispatched, but the servants did not dare to neglect, and some clever servants had already run in to take care of her. A few maids opened the door with a smile, and suddenly saw the scene in front of them, screaming into the sky.

“Ma’am, something is not right, Madam Wei she…”

Wu Junru heard the scream of the maid, her heart stunned, she didn’t care to maintain her virtuous and generous image, she pushed the maid away, and walked forward by herself.

When Wu Junru saw the people on the ground, she couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Nursing!”

“Madam!” The maids hurried to help Wu Junru and took Wu Junru outside. Wu Junru was still in shock, and after she had settled down, she became surprisingly angry: “There is only Xiao Jingduo in the Buddhist hall, where are the others? The nurse’s death is unclear, but he has disappeared, and he must have done it. Hands and feet!”

The maids looked at each other and felt boundless coldness: “Madam, how could Dalang-jun do such a thing?”

“Shut up!” Wu Junru shouted angrily. Wei Wei is the first person she has met since she traveled. She has supported her a lot this year. Wu Junru has long regarded Wei Wei as a relative, but now, Wei Wei has died tragically in the Buddhist hall. Wu Junru’s eyes were red with hatred, she gritted her teeth and said, “Xiao Jingduo, how dare you do this. Come, go and call the Hou Ye and the old lady over, I want everyone to see, the great man of Dingyong Hou’s mansion. What kind of person are you?”

I heard that someone died in the house, and the old lady was so panicked that she threw the tea cups. After a while, the old lady arrived at the Buddhist hall with her daughter-in-law, granddaughter and many maids. As soon as she entered the door, the old lady asked repeatedly, “What the **** is going on here? It’s so good, why did someone die?”

Wu Junru’s eyes were all red, obviously she had just cried. She bowed to the old lady with red eyes, and said, “Mother-in-law, today Dalangjun is copying scriptures in the Buddhist hall. I feel sorry for him to be filial and fortunate. …”

Wu Junru choked for a moment before continuing to speak: “Mammy Wei was brutally murdered by Xiao Jingduo!”

“What!” The female family members screamed, and the old lady patted her chest and asked in horror, “How could Duoer do such a thing, is there something else hidden?”

, Lord Hou also knows about this. Wei Wei entered the Buddhist hall, and then lost his life. There was only Xiao Jingduo in the Buddhist hall. Who else could this matter? And he is nowhere to be seen now, he must have killed someone. Feeling guilty, just run away!”

The old lady knew that Wu Junru was right, but she still did not want to believe that her grandson could do such a thing. The old lady murmured in a lack of confidence: “Duo’er is only ten years old. How can he bring down a person as big as Wei Wei?”

“Mother-in-law, you forgot, Xiao Jingduo is proficient in pharmacology! Poisoning a person unconsciously is not easy for him.” Wu Junru raised her voice, facing the man. The people in the yard said, “The murderer is Xiao Jingduo, mother-in-law, you can’t ignore a living life in order to favor your grandson!”

People from the second and third bedrooms were all there, and Xiao Su, who had just arrived at the Hou residence, also stood in the courtyard with her daughter. Hearing Wu Junru’s words, these female relatives were arguing and it was extremely noisy. The female relatives are afraid of the dead, but they have a natural enthusiasm for gossip. They talk about it with the people around them, and have virtually believed Wu Junru’s words.

After all, there are only two people in the Buddhist hall, Xiao Jingduo and Wei Mammy. If Wei Mama is dead, who else can be except Xiao Jingduo?

The old lady’s eyes darkened, and the maid next to her quickly supported her. The old lady supported the maid’s hand and cursed loudly: “This evil obstacle!”

“Grandmother, who do you say is the evil?”

When everyone turned around, they saw Xiao Jingduo holding a porcelain vase in his hand, standing at the door of the Buddhist hall with a smile on his face.

Wu Junru was stunned for a moment, and then she was furious: “You murderer, you have the face to come back!”

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